Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why Blogger has better SEO options than any other free platforms or services.

While choosing a perfect blogging platform people always questions about on thing,does it is better for SEO?The half of the world prefers Blogger while the rest recommends wordpress but ultimately both has their own pros and cons.People always think Blogger is not a suitable platform to create a professional website,mainly because it does not provide flexible options to optimize you r site for SEO.What most people don't know is that blogger is probably the simplest and most powerful platform and it also had decent SEO score.In this article,we will provide an in-depth detail why blogger is better than wordpress or any other free platforms in terms of SEO?
What options does blogger offers for SEO?
By default, blogger provides constructive permalinks.In spite of all this,blogger also offers a robust option to choose custom URL for your posts. you can choose select few keywords and can use them in your URLs so that it can generate decent organic traffic from search engine.However, keep in mind stuffing your permalinks with many keywords would decrease the weightage of your keywords altogether.The more keywords you will add in the permalinks,the less will be the keyword weight and hence ,its relevancy would be lower in the searchresults.
Write fresh content :
Writing fresh and unique articles is another way to divert the attention of your visitors.Now you might be thinking how a piece of content would help you in ranking?Why people always prefer to write fresh and high quality content?


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