Your eyes are the most important sense organ, and you must take all precautions to protect them.
Here are some tips.
Here are some tips.
- Eat a balanced diet.Foods with vitamin A(for examples,carrots)are neccessary to prevent night blindness(through they do not improve normal eyesight).
- Wear protective goggles in the workshop and in the chemistry lab.
- Ultraviolet rays in sunlight adversely affect your eyes.Make sure that the sunglasses you wear have UV protection.
- Read in good light.Though reading in dim light does not damage the eyes,it does tire them more quickly.
- Do not watch television in a dark room.Keep a light on.
- If you wear glasses,use them.Straining to see without glasses tires the eyes.
- Use an anti-glare filter on your computer monitor.
- Position the computer monitor just below eye level and a little farther away than you would hold a book while reading.
- Take frequent breaks from watching TV,working on a computer or reading,to give your eyes muscle a rest.Close your eyes or state at a distance.
- At the first sign of a problem with the eyes-irritation,burning or problems in reading or seeing far objects,get a check up done.