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Showing posts with label Facebook Page. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to create like page or fan page in Facebook very easily.

Today the use of social networking is going to touch the sky.All of the peoples in this world are using Facebook social network more in comparison to other.We also want that peoples know me by using or giving more time on Facebook.So, we need a like button page for which people come on our page and like that page through which you become popular.In this topic we are going to discuss how to create a like page.

This is very famous now a days all the peoples ,companies,and other organisation created their own page as for this we are also creating our own page as you see below:

This type of like box comes to your page and as people hits on this like box you get liked.For getting more likes boost your page and increase your likes.
 creating a page:
you have Facebook account then:
Sign In> Come below
there is available create a page.
Create your page now:

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