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Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to enable hosted adsense account in Normal account.

Hey i am a hosted account 

Hey this time Ad Sense is making themselves a hard creator for giving Ad Sense account i.e they are first giving Hosted account in Ad Sense.This means that you got approval from Host site that is Blog spot,Hub pages and YouTube.Day by day Ad Sense is becoming very strict.In this article we know that how to enable Hosted Ad Sense account in Normal account.I have also a bad story of Hosted account and disabled to many times.

How your ad sense Hosted account appear in your Front.

Hosted word shows in your account on the top right of account in red color.Please don't worry because it is in your hand because Google Ad Sense also provides you to upgrade your hosted account or enabled this to normal account through your one classified website it means your website meets policy with Google Ad Sense.

How to Remove the label of Hosted account from Google Ad Sense.

First know that your website meet google terms and condition then apply a form for activation of putting ads on any website or blog.If your website meets the terms and condition then apply.How to apply we show you below please don't worry if your website will not approve then nothing is happen wrong you are then also able to put ads on hosted site from which you get approval.

    • Log In your Google Ad Sense account
    • Account Settings
Now this is the term of submitting of your website:

    • In account setting there is 
        • Access authorization 
          • Then Sites authorized to show ads:Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account
  • Click on edit
 then there is the figure like this:
 Remind that you are able to put ads on sites through which you got approval if your account disapproval.

If this article is like by you please comment.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Buy adsense account Adsense account approval for Just Rs.1000 or 20$ 100% Geneuine No risk in Buy now in India.

Today there are to many publisher who want adsense account in easy steps.We are now providing Adsense account approval it means that everyone in this India want or able to buy adsense account very easily.

You have to many question i know that i.e we are firstly taking information below and contact you as possible.
Never thought that this account is fake or other subject we are just providing you real 100% genuine adsense account for only Rs.1000 or $20.

  You have some question:
If the get disabled then :
Not to worry because we are providing fully approval account so don't to worry.If you have any question related with adsense account please call 919798107632 or 09798107632 

Monday, August 12, 2013

What is the use of Webmaster tools and why we should use Google Webmaster Tools?

Google Webmaster Tools is an online tool used by millions and crores of bloggers for checking most of the statistics about their Website/Blog.It allows us to check almost all the stats to related to the site performance in the Google Search results.

Webmaster Tools is used by many bloggers and webmasters, but most of them do not know what is webmaster tools and what are the capabilities of Google Webmaster Tools.

In this article we will guide you through all the objectives that can be done through this online tool provided for free by our favorite search engine,Google.

This online tool does not show the traffic stats of a blog, instead it shows the amount of clicks on a certain link of your blog in the search engine.The traffic and other related stats are shown in the Google Analytic which is also another free service provided by Google.

It is a must for every blogger to use this service as it helps us to improve our site and its performance in the Search engines.


There is no other way to submit a sitemap to Google.Submitting the sitemap is an important factor in building up the search ranking of your blog.Sitemap is a list of all your posts.It is indeed very essential as it can help the search engines to index our blog and all its link easily.Else, the search engine crawler can miss some of the post of your blog.

To get a Higher ranking and traffic, it is better to add a sitemap through Webmaster Tools rather than doing long SEO processes.Sitemap Submission is an easy way to get a lot of optimization through a short process.

Search Queries

This section of the Webmaster Tools provide us with the search terms which are performing well for our blog.It shows a list of queries which are bringing us the highest organic traffic.

Search queries helps your blog to a better position and also takes your blog to a high rank.You blog has also its search preference from which your blog got highest views.


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