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Showing posts with label Html5. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Add a HTML5 Music Player with Playlist in Blogger

How to Add a HTML5 Music Player with Playlist in Blogger

Installing HTML5 Music Player in Blogger:

The first thing you should do is to Login into your Blogger Dashboard through your Google account. After logging into your account, from the list of your blogs, select that blog on which you want to install HTML5 Music Player. Now go to Template >> Edit HTML and search for the ending </head> Tag. After finding the tag, just above it paste the following code.
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

<link href="https://googledrive.com/host/0B0WJjcJEFNziLXFVNjE1Mms2VkU" rel="stylesheet"></link>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://googledrive.com/host/0B0WJjcJEFNziYXRYUFZEVkRNaTA" type="text/javascript"></script>

Once the whole thing is done, it is the period to save your template. Just press the “Save Template” button situated on the top right corner of your monitor screen. Now move to the next step ahead.

Adding HTML 5 Music Player in Blogger:

The next thing is to add the HTML5 music player either in your sidebar or into specific page/posts on your site. This entirely depends on your needs, whether you want it into your sidebar, posts, pages or anywhere else. It would work perfectly well everywhere. Follow the following instructions properly.

Go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Add HTML/JavaScript and just paste the following code into the HTML Text Box. Now you probably want to customize your Music player so before we save the gadget lets learn how you can customize it. For example, Changing, Music, Covers and etc.
<div class="mbl">
 <div class="mbl_player" id="mnplp">
  <div class="mbl_art_bg"></div>
  <img class="mbl_cover" src="" alt=""/>
  <span class="mnpl_title"></span>
  <span class="mnpl_author"></span>
  <div class="mnpl_volume_min"></div>
  <div class="mnpl_volume"></div>
  <div class="mbl_volume_max"></div>
  <div class="mnpl_toolbar">
   <div class="mnpl_tlb_prev"></div>
   <div class="mnpl_tlb_stop"></div>
   <div class="mnpl_tlb_next"></div>
   <div class="mnpl_current"></div>
   <div class="mnpl_long"></div>
   <div class="mnpl_all"></div>
  <div class="mbl_playlist">

<script type="text/javascript">
'volume': 80,
{"title":"Track-Name", "author":"Author-Name", "cover":"thumb-image.jpg", "background":"cover-image.jpg", "mfile":"music.mp3"},

{"title":"Track-Name", "author":"Author-Name", "cover":"thumb-image.jpg", "background":"cover-image.jpg", "mfile":"music.mp3"},

{"title":"Track-Name", "author":"Author-Name", "cover":"thumb-image.jpg", "background":"cover-image.jpg", "mfile":"music.mp3"},

{"title":"Track-Name", "author":"Author-Name", "cover":"thumb-image.jpg", "background":"cover-image.jpg", "mfile":"music.mp3"},

{"title":"Track-Name", "author":"Author-Name", "cover":"thumb-image.jpg", "background":"cover-image.jpg", "mfile":"music.mp3"}

title: Represents the title of your music or song.
mfile: It represents the music file in .mp3 extension
author: The name of the person who composed the music.
cover: Cover thumb image that appears when the song is playing.
background: The image that appears in the background of the music player.
Congratulations: After customizing, press "Save" button located at the bottom of the window. Now, go and check your site. I am pretty sure your site would rock now. Let us know about your thoughts on this amazing gadget.

We expect that you have adored and learned how to add HTML5 Music Player with Playlist in Blogger. This gadget is tremendously robust and takes second to load, so it is understandable that it would not affect your site speed at all. Let us know what you think about it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

html 5 how to use it .

Have you ever thought what lies behind a web page?Which technology is used as a back end to write the web pages.We need a language to create the website .HTMLis the most widely used language to design web contents for the Internet.
IBM sowed the seed for HTML in the early 1980s. Initially,it was known by the name called GML(General Mark-up Language).It was a powerful language that aimed at creating a document in which one could mark the title,headings,text,font selection and much more.In 1986,this concept got standardization by ISO and was renamed to SGML(Standard Generalized Mark-up Language).In 1989,Sir Tim Berners-Lee and his team redesigned this language and named it as HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language).
HTML       : HTML is complete code package that allows a user to create web pages.It includes text and       
                    Graphics.You can add links to your web pages. Hyperlinks are the Highlighted text segments
                    or Images that connect a page to other pages on the web.Let us analyse the word HTML.
Hyper text :Hyper Text is the text used to link various web pages.It is the text on a web page,which on
                  clicking opens a new web page.
Mark-up   :It means highlighting the text either by underlining or displaying it in different colors,or both.
Language  :It refers to the mode of communication between web pages.Html has its own syntax and rules.

Structure of HTML Document:

  • The HTML document starts with<HTML>tag and ends with </HTML>tag.Each document
    nt is considered to be a single page.Everything is written within these tags.If the commands are not enclosed in tags,then a web browser will assume the commands as simple text.The HTML page is divided into two sections:Header<HEAD>,and the body<BODY>
  • The Header is where you put information that is important about web page,but you will not able to see in your browser window.
  • The <TITLE> tag has to be given within the <HEAD> tags.It contains the title of the document.The title short and less than 64 characters.The <TITLE> tag changes the text that appears on the top of your browser,but not in the actual viewing pane.
  • The <HEAD> is the first element contained inside the <HTML> element.It contains no text within itself.
  • The <BODY> tag contains the text which gets displayed on the web page along with the other tags and attributes.In the <BODY> tag,we use formatting elements,images,heading,list etc. to enhance the appearance of the web page.
  • Every opening tag must have an ending tag.The closing tag has a forward slash(/).However,some tags have only an opening tag.
Let's know more
HTML 5 was introduced on January 18,2011.HTML 5 contains features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins-such as Adobe Flash etc.  

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