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Showing posts with label Google Adsense. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

Now google will not show your approval or dissapproval.

Now google will not show your approval or dissapproval.

Google adsense will not go to show you what your account is approve or not.

Yes this is not fake because Google AdSense will not show the approval process.If your account approve then it shows there where in your Gmail account but in other case if your account will not approve then google will not go to show you anything or sent you any email.

Why should google do this no body yet  know.This has been seen by one of our writers or other representative who check google adsense.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Do people geneuine make moeny through Google Adsense.

Ideal way to discover how to make funds doing the job on line is to not only browse it but perspective it as well. My studying curve elevated dramatically by looking at on-line films of “how to” examples. Most persons study by watching some others do a thing and then “copy” it or imitate their system. By executing so, you must obtain oneself having the identical success as your teacher or mentor. Following all, if you want to make a lot more cash working on the web, you should be duplicating somebody else”s achievement designs for on your own. Not to be a “copy-cat” or “me-as well” product or service but far more along the lines of catapulting (or slingshot) you forward to results faster!
12082756 higher savings account piggy bank with a rocket strapped on to its back as a fast rising interest ra Do People Genuinely Make Money With Google Adsense
Glimpse for websites like Connected Written content or Consistent Information. The very first lets you to produce articles for them and get paid out for it. The 2nd website allows you to write posts for unique clientele who want content. These are much extra profitable and will make you a lot more revenue. Web sites similar to matters you are interested in that acknowledge articles are great locations to appear for writing assignments.
If you have been ripped off ahead of, you might not fall for this guarantee appropriate absent. But if you can do the correct shift and do a good exploration, you can expect to locate out that this one is a genuine, certain way to dollars in on the world wide web. In simple fact, even the prime message boards on creating dollars on line are indicating that this program is legit, giving you not a good deal of good reasons to skip out on the prospect.
The environment of Web marketing and advertising is very vast and remarkable. There are so lots of means that 1 can enter and use their know-how of this field to assist promote their enterprise and stand out. It is dependent fully on the particular person. That explained, no subject what your advertising and marketing competencies are, below are some tips to aid you out.
Make Income With Affiliate Marketing – One particular of the best methods to generate a residual income from residence is with affiliate marketing and advertising. As a substitute of earning dollars for your time like with a classic nine to 5 occupation, affiliate advertising implies you can make money from solution sales no matter if you put in much function hours or not.
You attain these backlinks by earning an agreement with a small business husband or wife and in return you will reciprocate sometime in the upcoming. It may possibly not be in the exact specialized niche even. Suppose I want a hyperlink for: “How to make money online” and my buddy has a make money online web site. He or she will compose a put up and anchor “How to Make Dollars Online” back again to me.
When you very first create your dwelling based company online you’re seeking for any edge you can uncover to get you started on the right route to earning funds with your organization. The secret to success on the net is leverage and the extra you use the less complicated it is to make dollars on the World wide web. Initially of all what is leverage?
Filling a Have to have, Want or Drive: Which is to simply fulfill someone’s thirst for a option. 2. Leverage: In get for you to make this take place rapidly, you may want to use the ability of leverage.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Big and Major Changes To AdSense Terms and Conditions.

Google AdSense is a very large advertising solution for publishers, probably one of the best of its kind. With the addition of various features to the AdSense service, Google has had to update its Terms of Service, as much has changed since they were last drafted. Google has made a few changes to the AdSense Terms and Conditions, and the updated terms can be seen by logging into an AdSense account. Users have to accept these new terms if they want to continue using AdSense. We'll review the major changes made in these terms for you.

From the looks of it, the changes in the terms and conditions aren't radical - nothing that will change user-experience. But there are, however, changes worth noting, especially for people living in the Asia Pacific region. And users, after-all, have to re-accept the terms and conditions before they can use the service again.

As per Google AdSense current terms and conditions, Google is obliged to notify users at least 30 days before any change in its TOS (Terms of Service), so these new updates won't take effect until next month.

When logging in to your account after the changes have been made, you’ll see a notification that presents you with the updated Terms and prompts you to accept them. Within this notification, you can view the new terms and conditions in detail. Note, that one of your account administrators must accept the updated Terms in order for you to access your account and use the AdSense product.

Changes in the Terms and Conditions

Mobile properties

The influence and popularity of mobile web has grown tremendously, and is the trend for 2013. As a result, Google AdSense is now trying to expand their Terms in order to cover mobile properties. These will also incorporate guidelines for using products like the AdMob SDK, and Google Affiliate Network etc.

For people in the Asia-Pacific region

For user accounts based in the Asia-Pacific region, Google AdSense is in the process of transitioning those accounts from Google, Inc. or Google Ireland Ltd. to Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. This step aims at improving better regional support for payment issues, but will not effect the way payments are handled. You can view the list of countries now under Google Asia Pacific here.

Transparency and clarity

The goal of these new Terms is to ensure transparency, and to make things as clear as possible to the users. As a result, Google AdSense is trying to make it easier for users to navigate and find what they're looking for.

If you have questions regarding Google AdSense or its terms, then please feel free to talk to us in the comments section below. Cheers :)

Why and How To Submit & Share Your AdSense Story To Google?

Google AdSense is still perhaps the largest, and most popular advertising network that helps publishers and webmasters earn from their productions. Most webmasters start off their website monetization with Google AdSense, and many continue using it along with other networks. For some, Google AdSense might have lost its charm, because of the sheer size of publishers now using the network which has brought the CPC (Cost Per Click) down. But for some, Google AdSense still holds its value, and accounts for a major portion of their income. If you are one of these lucky few, then you can share your success story with the world and get recognition for it!

Why Google AdSense is important....still?

Google AdSense has been around for about a decade, and has offered much by way of features. Originally, it was available to very few who passed the Google quality guidelines. And at that time, income from Google AdSense was substantial - so much so that publishers didn't have to look for alternative networks.

Now though, a lot more publishers have started using Google AdSense. And by 'a lot', I mean a humongous amount - hundreds of thousands, possibly millions. As a result, the payout has decreased, since the competition for advertisers has increased. So while previously it was a matter of who has AdSense approved, now it's more a matter of who actually earns a decent income from it. And earning a decent income from Google AdSense these days means you have something useful to show to the world!

Google AdSense Success Story

So, do you earn a decent income from Google AdSense? And by decent, I don't mean a six-figure income (although that'd be cool :D). It could be $500 per month, or even half of that, as long as the story is effective. If your AdSense income has allowed you to quit your regular job, then you're automatically eligible!

An AdSense 'Success Story' is all about how AdSense has impacted your business and/or personal life, and how has it helped you expand your business.

Sharing an AdSense Success Story

If you want to share your AdSense Success Story, then you can submit it here To adsense.

Enter your details such as name, website, etc, and then tell Google about how AdSense has impacted your life or business. This is the part where it all counts, so make sure you make it inspirational!

What's in it for me?

I'm glad you asked. Success Stories, when picked up by Google, can really put you in the pole position against your competitors. First of all, your success stories might be featured on the two dedicated Google pages listed below.
  • Google AdSense Success Stories Page
  • Google AdSense Stories - Google Support
Besides a listing on these high-authority sites, you might also get a Google+ post, or YouTube video from Google itself! And all of these scenarios will generate rich backlinks for your business. Besides, you can only imagine the referral traffic driven from these mentions. It'll also give you the commanding position over your competitors, since you'll be getting official recognition from Google, and your sponsors, advertisers, clients, etc. will all favour you over them.

So, do you have a winner story? Don't let go of this opportunity to scoop up high authority backlinks, and recognition. Submit and share your Success Story now, and be amazed! Cheers :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Google Adsense launches the new super leader board 970X90 AD units.

Google AdSense is now offering 970×90 ad units, a newly adopted IAB standard size also known as ‘Super Leaderboards’. The new larger size is designed for ad placement on wider screens with the goal of appealing to brand advertisers wanting to make a larger impact on their advertising audience.

Because this is a new ad unit size, Google AdSense notes that advertisers will mainly see text ads in this format for now. Image and rich media ads that are enabled for the 970×90 size will initially show up as 728×90 display ads; as the inventory of image and rich media ads for the 970×90 ad units grow, more full-size display ads will be served.
AdSense Tips: Consider Your Content When Adding New Units
Right now, you will see only text ads in this ad format. Because this is a brand new ad unit in Adsense program. It can show up to 4 text ads combined in a column layout. After enabling image and rich media ads, show up ads as 728x90. But according to Google's official announcement the inventory of image and rich media ads for the 970x90 will rise and you’ll see full-size display ads being served on your website or blogs.
The limit for AdSense for your content ad units still remains at 3 per page.
What you think about this new ad size? Any Suggestions? Are you interested in this ad unit? I am so excited to know more about your future plans about using Google AdSense: 970x90 ad on your blogs or websites. please let me know by dropping your comments below.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to get your Google Adsense account approval very easily.

Hey many of you want to earn money online with no risk i.e why we are providing you the right choice to earn money online with Google AdSense. Google Adsense is the best money making program , and all blogger & websites prefer it. But it’s difficult to get into Adsense program now a days.
Below is the noted Adsense mail that most of us get once we aren't eligible for the Adsense program.


Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

- Copyrighted material
- Insufficient content
- Site does not comply with Google policies

The Google AdSense Team

But i will tell you how to get very easily Adsense into your website and blogspot . This guide is totally based on my own experience. I've worked with this method of getting approval of AdSense application many times for my friends and it worked anytime.

Register New Email Account 1. Register New Email Account:

You should need a new email account could be Anyone. I had registered Adsense Account with Hotmail email it was later changed to gmail because gmail would be better.
1. Go to https://accounts.google.com/SignUp
2. Now fill your correct personal details

2. Custom Domain Name:
Custom Domain Name

Too many of us focus on the domain name, however my view is not important for blogspot.com and different free hosting domain you'll be able to use customized name. yes if you web site is (dot).com domain then your name is good for domain.

3. Site Design:
Site Design

Your website should have a professional design which is able to satisfied Adsense advertiser to publish ads on your site and can help your blog being approved by Adsense.

4. Content and Number of Posts:

You have need 30 to 50 number of post that include the high quality content. You need to have useful articles with more than 500+ words. they need to create unique content before they apply for Adsense program. If you're having content that is copied from different blog’s then don’t even imagine to get approved. Your blog shouldn't contain any copyrighted stuff. You can’t provide links for downloading movies, eBooks or any of such type. Your blog should also contain safe content that doesn’t harm the society or in easy term children friendly. You can’t even apply for an account after you write in your regional language there are only few languages that Google supports for Adsense program. you'll read more in Google’s AdSense program policies.

5. Traffic:

your website must have some good quantity of traffic to get Adsense account approved.

Minimum Traffic 1000 page views per day.
At least more then 300 unique visitors and majority from search engines especially Google.
If you have more traffic from United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Canada. then its a plus point.
If you don’t have any traffic from search engines then drop the idea of applying for Adsense.

6. Connect Your Site To Social Media:
Connect Your Site To Social Media
That is very important point to your blog must be connected with Social media networks, because the role of social media sites are very important for improve your blog visibility, traffic and blog ranking.  The best social media sites for driving traffic to your latest blog post
7. Create Blog Pages:

Static Pages allows you to create specific pages like about me, Contact page, Privacy Policy etc. on complete pages that are linked from your site. The static pages basically are the same as post pages, however there are many things that make them different. According to adsense terms and condition every blog must have a working contact us page and privacy policy page to get adsense approved.
Create some pages for website.
1. About  2. Contact  3.Privacy Policy  4. FAQ  5. Advertise and create other pages according your blog.

Note: Some time Google Adsense reject the application, the key word is resubmit your application.

Friday, August 2, 2013

20 reason why i should hate Google Adsense with my painful story.

My Adsense account disable i am caring my account to much and one day i got disabled why i don't know.My story is not just a fake i was facing disabled my account seriously.One day i opened my adsense account and that didn't open i immediate check my gmail inbox and when i open my gmail account then i saw that there was a message of Adsense no reply and i read that message i found that my account disabled for no reason.I was totally shocked by saw that.That is my first adsense account.
Google banned by AdSense account
Read why there is 20 reason to hate Google AdSense .

    • I was creating three or four website and i have a dream of to get adsense.I was doing very well and i was creating post from a internet cafe.I have no laptops,computers and another accessories to work in websites.Some times i was coping and pasting in my website.It means that from another website i was copying their content and paste it to my website.I got traffic above 100 to 150 per day.
    • I was doing my work on this way to 2 to 3 months.No its time for Applying Google Adsense from my websites.I was applying before also but this time i create an idea .I know that Google adsesne needs that your website is more than 4 to 6 months and more than 50 posts.
    • I was first creating gmail account more than two or three and sent my blogs to other gmail account and made them as a administrate and apply from first Gmail account after some days i saw in my account that i got adsense and at that time i was very happy.
    • I was creating to many posts one days at that time i have no laptops and computers but i was regular doing copy and paste work.
    • After some days i was sawing in my gmail account that i got an email from adsense no reply and when i checked that i found that my account got disabled and that was not enough i was applying from my another website and all the time i got adsense and i also disabled.I didn't know what to do.
    • Today i am creating my fresh websites with my own domain as you seeing this.My Lab world is my last website from which i will go to apply adsense.
            • How should you get adsense account
    • First you have your own website from  your own Gmail account.
    • Second you have publishing your own original content no coping and pasting.
    • Third you have your own domain like .com,.in, and other one
    • Fourth you are sharing your post with google plus.
    • Write more than 600 words in one post.
    • Creating your original image also or some changes in images.
        • Apply adsense after 5 or 6 months from creating your wesite.
      • You are also able to apply adsense from youtube.
    • You got easily adsense through youtube but you have more than 500 or 600 views.
      • If you also want to put ads on your website then you have to fill form in AdSense.
        • Go to AdSense account 
        • Settings
        • Site Management
          • And only apply if your website have your own domain and it is more than 6 months . 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How and why to secure your adsense account from invalid click activity.

Do you know your Adsense Account is in danger, yeah this is not an April fool prank or anything like a joke, this is as true as you are breathing from some past days many bloggers experiencing heavy invalid activity in their Adsense account.
You may have also experienced that number of clicks are much more than as comparison of the Estimated Earnings, especially from some countries like United states clicks are coming fluently but no money, CPC from such countries lies somewhere between $0.01 – $0.04 which is too less and this Cost per Click clearly saying that these clicks you are getting on your Ads are not Genuine for sure.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
Many Bloggers and Webmasters have lost their Adsense Ads in some past days because of this invalid activity or some other reasons.
Zac Johnson lost his 10 years old adsense acccount. Read his story
Just few days ago,  Theodore had been slapped by adsense. Read his story
and also because of their unawareness, so this is highly recommended that you won’t make such mistakes and keep your Adsense Account safe and secure.
How to know the Country from where invalid clicks are coming from ?
Many of you may already know about this but some don’t, so let me explain how to know from which country your Adsense Ads are getting unusually clicked, to find this out just follow these steps…
  • 1.    Log in to your Adsense Account.
  • 2.    Click on Overview this month.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
  • 3.    Select the Today date from the upper right corner.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
  • 4.    Now click on Countries from Left sidebar.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
  • 5.    Now carefully checkout the no. of clicks in front of each Country name.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
  • If you detect any country from where clicks have been done but CPC from there are very low then it simply means that your Adsense Ads are in danger.
How to Protect Your Adsense Account?
See if you are getting unusual clicks on your Ads, then first of all you try to detect the IP(s) of clicker and if you successfully detect those IP’s then just block them to showing Ads so that they won’t see your Ads and this way they cannot click on your Ads.
  • If you’re unable to fetch the IP address from where clicks are being performed then you most recommended way to keep your Adsense account safe is that, you must stop showing ads on your site for at least sometime, because if you stop publishing ads on your sites for some time/days it may cause loss of some Dollars to you but if you cannot prevent it then you may loss your Adsense for forever, which sounds so bitter to any blogger.
  • Read: 5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense
It has been also seen sometimes that CPC are good and clicks are coming in bulks (more than expectations), but those were also invalid clicks.
To understand this better, suppose one person click on your Ad, Google gave you $2.0 for that one click which means click : 1 and CPC : $2.0 then 9 clicks are also done by an other person which are invalid clicks and Google haven’t gave you anything for those clicks, now your stats will show click : 10 and CPC : $0.20 which also looks good and generally we think it’s Ok if CPC is good but as you in example it’s not always okay.
So if you ever feel unusual increase in no. of clicks on your Ads you must report to Google regarding this to keep your side strong.
Click Bombing/ Invalid Clicks FAQ’s
  • I lost my Adsense Account due to invalid activity on my account, what to do ?
When Google takes adsense away then they always mentions the reason behind it, so you need to ensure that it will not happen again in future and after that you can fill Appeal form provided by the Google to claim your Adsense account back, but don’t go for appeal form in hurry first of all you must take care of point they mentioned in their mail.
  • I filled Appeal form, will I get Adsense back ?
Well nobody can say Yes for this question, it’s all depend on Google, if they realize that you have done good business with them in previous time then there are some hope you will get your Adsense back, but not sure for anyone.
  • I filled Appeal form but no reply, what to do ?
You cannot do anything for this, all we can do is that we can fill Appeal form then Google will reply you back after taking their time, sometimes they takes 2-3 days for reply back.
When I applied for Adsense back by `Appeal form` they rejected again, now what.
This is sad but ! even after they refused to give your adsense back to you, if you work on your blog continously for some months and you write valuable and original content then there are chances to have Adsense again on your blog, one of my friend have experienced it.
Even after many try Google isn’t giving me Adsense back, now what to do ?
In this annoying situation you have some other ways to get income from your blog for that you can check this `Ways to Make Money without Adsense`.
  • If you don’t wanna go for it then you can think of another idea which is, you make another blog then apply for Adsense for that new blog and when you get Adsense for it you can use that Adsense account Ads on your both blogs the new one and old too.
  • If you think this article is even a bit useful it is requested to must share the info, Take care of your Adsense Account and also help others to do so.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

15 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense

15 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense
1. Privacy Policy :
One of the common mistakes that every Blogger makes and that I made many times before finally getting approved. Even though there are people out there who say that having a Privacy Policy for a Blog doesn’t makes sense but they are wrong.
A Privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your Blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a Privacy Policy. While it can affect somehow on your Adsense Approval, you must give it a try. You can write it yourself or find Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway).
2. About Page
An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.About page simply describes about you and your Blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust upon you.
3. Contact Us Page
It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Than it is better to give them opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your Blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.
It will also show the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and Adsense.
4. Name/ Email Verification
Make sure to put you Name and Email address in some easily visible area like About Me and Contact Us pages. It will confirm to Google Adsense Team that it is the same person who applied for Adsense and not some spam, crappy bots.
5. Age Verification
I’m really laughing out typing this. ;)
Because this is where I encountered a problem. Instead of 18, I accidentally published my age as 17 while on Adsense Application Form, it was accurately 18.
Hence there started a problem . Because Google Adsense is not for under 18 people. I realized this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason. So I advice you to be accurate while typing your age.
6. Minimum Number of Posts
There is no exact answer. Not even one. Because I have seen very established Blogs with 400+ posts and their owner telling me that Google Adsense is rejecting them while somewhere ,people with 40,50 posts are enjoying making money. Exactly what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things. According to my experience , you should only apply after you have more than 70 posts. Posts length should must be 500+ words too.
Read : Difference Between Short Length Post Vs Length Posts – What’s Best?
7. Design
Your Blog is the biggest thing after Content. This represents your expertise ,experience and Professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your Chances.
8. Content Type
Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters. Google Adsense is not for Pornographic, Illegal Items, Drugs or other Blogs / Sites like that. Also Adsense team won’t be willing to allow you to step in if you own a Non English Blog. Having posts shorter than 300 words in length is also Red Signal.
9. Providing Value
Don’t complain about not making money and don’t clearly state that your are Blogging for Money only and have no other interest in it. Because this will show them that you will not be providing values to your readers any day. Hence another Red Light glows up.
10. Top Level Domain
12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense
Those are gone far away when Adsense used to approve “Blogspot” and “WordPress.com” Blogs. As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your Blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with Sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain.
Another important thing about domain is it’s age. Because for most of Asian Countries, Adsense has placed an age restriction. They don’t accept any sites before they are 6 months old.
11. Other Ad Networks
If you have any other Ads placed like Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.
Even Google Adsense allows you to use other Ad Networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before Applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from Adsense Team.
12. Paid Traffic
Google hates the sites that are getting Paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting Adsense Approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from Search Engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google Adsense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.
Download FREE eBook : Google Adsense Secrets Revealed

What you’ll get?

What to do if adsense is not getting approved?
If google adsense still not approving your website/blog. You can use these websites to earn money without adsense.
Text Link Ads
Final Words About Apply for Adsense!
This will take your few time and you have to Do these things Before Applying for Google Adsense. I guess these are not too hard. Don’t be sad if google adsense not approve your blog! :)
There are many other ways to make money online without adsense.

Asking for Payment thresholds,Tax information submission threshold,Verification threshold in Adsense after reaching 10 dollars.

Payment thresholds

There are several earnings thresholds that impact whether you're eligible to be paid for your AdSense earnings. These thresholds vary depending on the reporting currency in your account.
Thresholds Tax information submission Verification Payment method selection Payment Cancellation
U.S. Dollar (USD)                             $10 $10 $10 $100 $10
Euro (EUR)                        N/A $10 equivalent €10 €70 €10
Great British Pound (GBP)     N/A $10 equivalent £10 £60 £10
Swiss Franc (CHF) N/A $10 equivalent CHF10 CHF100 CHF10
Danish Krone (DKK) N/A $10 equivalent kr60 kr600 kr60
Swedish Krona (SEK) N/A $10 equivalent kr70 kr700 kr70
Norwegian Krone (NOK) N/A $10 equivalent kr60 kr600 kr60
South African Rand (ZAR) N/A $10 equivalent R100 R1000 R100
Japanese Yen (JPY) N/A $10 equivalent ¥1000 ¥10000 ¥1000
Australian Dollar (AUD) N/A $10 equivalent A$15 A$150 A$15
Chinese Renminbi (RMB) N/A $10 equivalent ¥80 ¥400 ¥80
Asking for address infrmation
Tax information submission threshold

Depending on your location, you may be required to provide certain information for tax purposes. If you are required to submit tax information, we'll enable you to enter your tax information when you reach this threshold.

To learn whether you need to provide tax information and, if necessary, how to submit it:

    Sign in to your account.
    Visit the Account settings page.
    In the 'Payment settings' section, click 'update tax information'.
    If you're required to enter tax information and you've reached the threshold, you'll see a tax wizard prompting you to enter your information.

Verification threshold

To verify the accuracy of your account information, we will mail a personal identification number (PIN) to your payment address when your earnings reach the verification threshold. You'll then be required to enter this PIN in your account. Learn more about address verification.

Depending on your location, you may also be asked to verify your phone number. As part of this process, our system will call you and provide you with a number that you'll have to enter in your AdSense account. Learn more about phone number verification.

Payment method selection threshold

According to our Terms and Conditions, active accounts need to reach the payment threshold in order to qualify for a payment. Since we don't ever issue payments for less than this threshold, we don't allow publishers to select a form of payment until their earnings have reached this amount.

For more information, please visit the payments guide.

Payment threshold

You will be paid out when your unpaid earnings reach the payments threshold and all holds have been removed from your account. Payment thresholds are based on the reporting currency that your AdSense reports are displayed in, not necessarily the currency in which you receive payment.
Cancellation threshold

If you decide to cancel your account and your account balance is greater than the cancellation threshold, you'll receive your final payment within approximately 90 days of the end of the month.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Your guide to success with AdSense tips and get approval as sign up.

Your guide to success with AdSense
Dear publisher,

"Your guide to success with AdSense" is a 4-part email series created to help you get the most out of AdSense. Each week we’ll give you useful tips about AdSense program policies, payments, optimization and help resources. We recommend that you read and implement the tips in order to set up and run a successful AdSense account.
Program policies
As you know, all publishers need to read and agree to our online Terms and Conditions before joining the AdSense program. However, it's very important not just to read our policies, but also to understand how they apply to your website. If you haven't already done so, please familiarize yourself with ourprogram policies to ensure long-term revenue growth and a healthy account.
Choose your payment method and enter your tax information
After your earnings reach the payment threshold, you'll be able to select a form of payment. Available payment options may vary depending on your payment address. The best way to find out which options are available to you is to visit the "Account settings" page in your AdSense account and in the payment section, click "edit payment method"

Depending on your location, we may be required to collect tax-related information from you. Please check if your are required to provide tax information.
Opt in to show both text and image ads
We recommend ensuring that your ad units can show both text and image ads. Image ads compete in the same auction for your ad space than text ads do, so choosing to display both types of ads will increase the competition for ads to appear on your site. This can help you earn more from your ad space.

To enable both text and image ads, please sign in to your AdSense account and visit the “My ads” tab.

    For new ad units: Click "New ad unit" and in the ad type section, set your preference for this ad unit on “Text and image/rich media ads”
    For existing ad units: Select all ad units within the "My ads" section in your account. From the Actions drop-down menu, edit ad type to "Text and image/rich media ads"

Opt in to receive AdSense optimization tips and updates via email
Make sure you're opted in to receive occasional emails from us with personalized performance suggestions to help you earn more, opportunities to test new features, and invitations to special events.

To change your email preferences, please follow the given instructions.
Thank you for reading the first part of "Your guide to success with AdSense"!

In next week's issue you'll read about:

    Quality websites and unique content
    Verify your address with a PIN
    Set up custom channels and turn them into targetable ad placements
    Find your answers in the AdSense Help Cente

What is Hosted account and how to remove the label of hosted account from your adsense account.

Today in this heavy world or busy world peoples getting involved in blogger to make website to earn money online.Google is providing us such a good path for which we all persons in this world are able to earn money online through Google Adsense.In this to many bloggers getting disable their account by many ways such as invalid click activity,Some times for no reason.Google is not only providing to earn money through blog but also with youtube.com.Youtube helps us to make money online by number of clicks getting your video.
Some peoples included blogger applying adsense through youtube.com.They get easily adsense active account now a days.If they got adsense account approval through youtube.com then thay also got the label of hosted adsense account on their up-right to the adsense account.
This means that you are not able to put ads on your website now.If you want to place ads on your one of your website please follow my rules or learn this.This might be helpful for you in future.
Step1:You have got Adsense account through youtube.com
Your hosted adsense account like this:

Step2:You want to place ads on your website
Go to account settings in your Adsense publisher account:
 This is the method through which you are able to erase the label of hosted account name.
Now you have to submit your website name with your domain example you have .com or .in.If you have not domain name then please register with any of the domain name then apply this form as shown below:
Step3:Submit your website:
You think what if your website don't get approval then you are able to see ads on your hosted sites.
If you like this post please comment and like our pages.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to submit a form for invalid click activity.

Today with Adsense to many bloggers are facing to many problems and they don't get better ideas.Here we are going to discuss or to know about how to submit a form for invalid click activity.For this blogging world there are to many peoples who faces this problem that adsense account disabled and know to submit a form.There are more than 50,000 bloggers who works on blog by creating more websites.
How to submit a form :
Why was my account disabled
this is what google tell us:
If you have any additional questions regarding invalid click activity, please visit our Help Centre topic on invalid clicks and impressions.

Why was my account disabled? Can you tell me more about the invalid click activity you detected?

Because we have a need to protect our proprietary detection system, we're unable to provide our publishers with any information about their account activity, including any web pages, users or third-party services that might have been involved.

Google treats invalid click activity very seriously, analysing all clicks and impressions to determine whether they fit a pattern of use that might artificially drive up an advertiser's costs or a publisher's earnings. If we determine that an AdSense account might pose a risk to our AdWords advertisers, we may disable that account to protect our advertisers' interests.

To learn more about the most common reasons that accounts are disabled, see our top reasons for account closure.

Lastly, as outlined in our Terms and Conditions, Google will use its sole discretion when determining instances of invalid click activity.

Can my account be reinstated after being disabled for invalid click activity?

We're always willing to work with you to resolve any issues you might have. If you feel that this decision was made in error, and if you can maintain in good faith that the invalid activity was not due to the actions or negligence of you or those for whom you are responsible, you may appeal the disabling of your account.

To do so, please contact us only through our appeal form.

If you want to appeal a form the please go to this link:    https://support.google.com/adsense/troubleshooter/2707037

You have some picture like this:
By selection of this answer you have some words and pictures like this:

Invalid Activity Appeal

Please do not use this form if your account has never been an active AdSense account. If your account has never been approved and you would like to review a complete list of requirements for a successful AdSense application, please read our Programme Policies in detail.

Please do not use this form for issues regarding AdSense policy violations. For more information about AdSense policy issues, please visit the Programme Policies section of our Help Centre.

If you suspect that your Google Account has been disabled, rather than your AdSense account, please visit the Google Accounts Help on the issue.

For more information about accounts disabled for invalid ad activity, please visit our Invalid Activity Disabled Account FAQ. If you have any additional questions regarding invalid ad activity, please visit our Help Centre topic on Invalid Clicks and Impressions.

Adsense account disabled for invalid click activity how to start it again.

Adsense account disabled for invalid click activity how to restart it.
Hey guys there are to many bloggers in this world and they also want to increase or earn money so, Google provides all the bloggers to earn money with Google AdSense. Blogging is such a good and easy path to provides peoples current news and also to earn money by putting ads on your websites as peoples click on your ads you will get paid for that.
My story with Google AdSense is also very difficult because my account disabling to many times for invalid click activity and some times for no reason.I was getting to many problem for restart my account .when i
fill the form like this .i didn't get started my account by AdSense so what to do now.I have no idea.I am applying through YouTube adsense on this link:
My account disable and a message come from adsense team like this:

Hello ....................,

While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
our advertisers in the future, we have decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realise the inconvenience that this may cause you and we thank you in
advance for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions about your account or the actions that we
have taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more
information by visiting

Yours sincerely,

The Google Ad Sense Team
Then i heard about YouTube Ad sense and i apply from YouTube .
For YouTube i got access for Ad Sense account but after few days my account was disable for invalid click.
This happened to me to many times then what to do.
I create a new gmail account and make a new blog on blogger.com.After few months i got Ad sense account by applying Ad Sense.
Some times Ad Sense account disable for no reason then what to do you have no idea.Then see below with my experience with Google Ad Sense for account disable with no reason.
Suppose you got Ad sense account by your websites on blogger.You worked three or four months for applying Adsense.You got regular visitor of  to 100 to 500 and you think that you have Ad sense account then get more visitors by which people click on your ads.As your visitor goes to more than 700 to 1000 on that case your Ad sense account disable.

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