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Showing posts with label Gmail. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Google takes out new look for gmail.

This is very interesting that we all except few of our country's people that they have no idea about Gmail.com.The best emailing network in this world.You are able to email in every languages and anywhere.This help you create life shortcut and made our work easiest because few years ago we had some problems related with telegram and post the letter.We all are facing to many difficulties related with the topic post the letter through post office.Now in every house to house you have computers,mobiles and much more technology which helps us to create our life or work easy.That is why we all are using Gmail.com for emailing anyone from anywhere in any languages.
Gmail the most popular create their page new look as you are going to see below:
This look is very interesting and becoming a good personality fro gmail.You have three box in which related post comes first.As example you have social networking sites as example:Facebook,twitter,youtube and etc
that emails which you got from social networking sites that will go to social box.

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