Making a Blogger blog do follow is a necessary thing if you want to get lots of comments .People only comments on those blogs who are do follow like our's blog.Because they need back links for their blog which improve their rankings.If your blog is No follow than these are only comments on your blog.Making a blog Do Follow will increase SPAM in your comments so you need to check all comments before publishing.Well, to make a blogger blog Do Follow is not a difficult just follow these steps:
To Make Blogger Blog DOFOLLOW
just follow these following steps might be helpful for you and your blog also.
Go to blogger Dashboard> Edit HTML> Expand Widget templates and search for
or just
To Make Blogger Blog DOFOLLOW
just follow these following steps might be helpful for you and your blog also.
Go to blogger Dashboard> Edit HTML> Expand Widget templates and search for
expr:href='data:comment.authorURL' rel='nofollow'><></a>
or just
From Step1
Click on Save Template and that is all you have not to do anything.Now your blog is Do Follow and will get lot of comments with SPAM.