









Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013


 Multi-Tabbed widget in our sidebar.





  • 1. Go to Design>Page Elements, click Add a gadget, then choose HTML/JavaScript. 
  • 2. Paste below code inside it.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function mylabworld_oom(NBTID, id)
  var Mylabworld = document.getElementById(NBTID);
  var NBTs = NewBloggerTips.firstChild;
  while (MLW.className != "NBTs" ) MLWs = MLWs.nextSibling;
  var MLW = NLWs.firstChild;
  var i   = 0;
    if (MLW.tagName == "A")
      MLW.href      = "javascript:MyLabWorld_ubah('"+MLWID+"', "+i+");";
      MLW.className = (i == id) ? "Active" : "";
  while (NBT = MLW.nextSibling);
  var Halamans = Mylabworld.firstChild;
  while (Halamans.className != 'Halamans') Halamans = Halamans.nextSibling;
  var Halaman = Halamans.firstChild;
  var i    = 0;
    if (Halaman.className == 'Halaman')
      if (Halamans.offsetHeight) Halaman.style.height = (Halamans.offsetHeight-2)+"px";
      Halaman.style.overflow = "auto";
      Halaman.style.display  = (i == id) ? 'block' : 'none';
  while (Halaman = Halaman.nextSibling);
function MyLabWorld_ubah(NBTID, id) { MyLabWorld_oom(NBTID, id);
function MyLabWorld_inisial(NBTID) { MyLabWorld_oom(NBTID,  1);

div.MyLabWorld div.NBTs {
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.MyLabWorld div.NBTs a:hover, div.MyLabWorld div.NBTs a.Active {
background-color: #eee;
div.MyLabWorld div.Halamans {
clear: both;
border: 2px solid #f4f4f4;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #ffffff;
div.MyLabWorld div.Halamans div.Halaman {
height: 100%; padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.MyLabWorld div.Halamans div.Halaman div.Alas {
padding: 3px 5px;
div.MyLabWorld div.NBTs a {
border-left:1px solid #eee;
border-right:1px solid #eee;
border-top:1px solid #eee;
border-boNBTom:0px solid #eee;
float: left;
display: block;
width: 95px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 24px;
padding-top: 3px;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Arial", Serif;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: 900;
color: #000000

<form action="MyLabWorld.html" method="get">
<div id="MyLabWorld" class="MyLabWorld">
<div style="width: 300px;" class="NBTs"> <a>Tab 1 Title</a> <a>Tab 2  Title</a> <a>Tab 3  Title</a></div>
<div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" class="Halamans">
<div class="Halaman">
<div class="Alas">
Tab 1 content goes here
<div class="Halaman">
<div class="Alas">
Tab 2 content goes here
<div class="Halaman">
<div class="Alas">
Tab 3 content goes here
<small><a style='margin-left:10px;align:right;' ' target='_blank'>Multi-Tabbed Widget</a> | <a href='http://www.mylabworld.in/' target='_blank'>NBT</a></small>
<script type="text/javascript">MyLabWorld_inisial('NewBloggerTips');</script>


  • Replace Tab 1 Title, Tab 2 Title, Tab 3 Title with you Tab Title.
  • Replace Tab 1,2,3, Content goes here with your widget code.
  • Change width: 300px; height: 300px; with your need.
  • Wanna change Background Color of Multi-Tabbed widget : Replace #ffffff with you favorite color.
Now Save & See you blog you have added this widget successfully.

 Check out our latest website Helpersblog.

Final words:-
if you have any types of queries then please comment.

About the Guest Author:
Rajjaiswal is the author and admin of this blog.He want to make his blog to top.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just When You Thought You Couldn't Blog, Real Tips Arrive!

 Whether you're just looking to type about a hobby you have or if you want to attempt to run a business, starting a blog might be worthy of your consideration. Before you get started, first take a few minutes to read these expert-provided tips below. Once you learn about blogging, the process becomes a lot simpler.

 Making use of Twitter is crucial for spreading the word about your blog. These days, you must put yourself out there on social networks if you want to have a chance at making an impact. You can't simply rely on SEO to do all the work for you. Get yourself involved socially, and you'll notice a difference.


  1. www.blogger.com
Ask readers to subscribe to your blog in an area on your website. Make this area visible but be sure to ask them at some point to sign up. This will add to your list of readers and will make most of them come back and read your blogs later on.

 You should be adding new content to your blog on a daily basis. If you want to keep your site prominent with the search engines, then you must be continually post new entries. Make sure that what you write is actually useful, not just a lot of fluff to say that you made some kind of entry.

 Ask other expert bloggers in your niche to trade guest posts with you. This will enhance your site's profile and improve its content. You'll also get more traffic if they tell their own readers about it. Work with others to make your blog more content rich than ever.

 The content of your blog should consist of high quality work. Before you post it, proofread your blog entry, to ensure that it is free from grammatical and typographical errors. You may also wish to have someone else read it, as a secondary proofreader and to ensure that the content is interesting to read.
 Aim to begin a mailing list for your blog as soon as you possibly can. The sooner you begin, the greater the amount of time you have for growing your list. You can use this list to earn more money later on. Not beginning a mailing list early can be a huge mistake.

 Give your readers the opportunity to subscribe to your blog and your RSS feed. When people can have good content delivered hot and fresh, you increase your value to them ten fold. Keep the subscribe button in an easy to find place and deliver good content regularly to dissuade readers from discontinuing.

 Take time to read over your blog. This step tends to be ignored quite often. You have to be the first reader. Whenever you have some free time, try reading some of your older posts. It can really help you see what you can do to improve with your posts in the future.

 Make sure you interact with your readers. Try to moderate all of the comments that you get from your readers. This will keep your blog alive and help you get your readers more interested in the topics that you are discussing. This is an easy step that is often overlooked.

 Joining blogging networks can be a highly effective method for promoting and advertising your blog. Blogging networks help provide targeted readers. Getting targeted readers and increasing your readership, are two main objectives when starting a blog. Blogging networks also help network you with other bloggers, which creates a web of informative blogs for certain niches.

 Having accurate information to refer to through the blogging process is a big positive. For every successful blog out there, you can bet that there are hundreds that it not. Use what you've learned in the article and avoid becoming one of the many; you should aim to be one of the few.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to enable hosted adsense account in Normal account.

Hey i am a hosted account 

Hey this time Ad Sense is making themselves a hard creator for giving Ad Sense account i.e they are first giving Hosted account in Ad Sense.This means that you got approval from Host site that is Blog spot,Hub pages and YouTube.Day by day Ad Sense is becoming very strict.In this article we know that how to enable Hosted Ad Sense account in Normal account.I have also a bad story of Hosted account and disabled to many times.

How your ad sense Hosted account appear in your Front.

Hosted word shows in your account on the top right of account in red color.Please don't worry because it is in your hand because Google Ad Sense also provides you to upgrade your hosted account or enabled this to normal account through your one classified website it means your website meets policy with Google Ad Sense.

How to Remove the label of Hosted account from Google Ad Sense.

First know that your website meet google terms and condition then apply a form for activation of putting ads on any website or blog.If your website meets the terms and condition then apply.How to apply we show you below please don't worry if your website will not approve then nothing is happen wrong you are then also able to put ads on hosted site from which you get approval.

    • Log In your Google Ad Sense account
    • Account Settings
Now this is the term of submitting of your website:

    • In account setting there is 
        • Access authorization 
          • Then Sites authorized to show ads:Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account
  • Click on edit
 then there is the figure like this:
 Remind that you are able to put ads on sites through which you got approval if your account disapproval.

If this article is like by you please comment.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why You Should Allow Followers On Your Blog this is a great matter.

Blogging is a hobby that many different people can enjoy. If you'd like to start a blog about cooking, for example, you can post videos of someone preparing a dish or share recipes. Blogging is a versatile way to communicate, as you can include your visitors in the conversation, as well.

Use tags correctly. Tags let you categorize your posts into different categories, which can then be searched by readers. Each of your posts should have two or three tags. Make sure you use the same words for similar posts (don't have a "bikes" and "biking" tag, for example), and don't give posts too many tags, as this tends to clutter up categories.

Blog about what you are most passionate about. If you are passionate about your blog topics, you will ultimately draw your readers in and your interest in the subject will show through. Readers will want to hear what you have to say about the topic because you will be knowledgeable and passionate.

Harness the power of web 3.. The web isn't just text anymore, so neither should your blog. Use many different types of content to enhance your blog posts. For instance, if you are posting about a trade show in your niche, add a Youtube video of the event so that people can experience it more directly. If you are posting about a new product, include a Flash product demonstration.

Keep blog posts short, sweet and relevant. Provide as much detail as possible without putting your readers into a coma! Blog readers don't want to read through a long, verbose post just to find a little bit of information. They are interested in the meat and bones of a subject and not a lot of fluffy garnishment!

Commenting on other blogs is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your blog. If you read an interesting article, write a compelling comment that offers a unique perspective. Include a link to your blog. The people who read your comment will likely want to read more of what you have to say, and will visit your blog.

Break your blog up into appropriate headings and subheadings. This serves to make the material more palatable. Readers' have a tendency to scan the page for key concepts before they begin to read the entire blog. Headings and subheadings will help them get what they are looking for and ensure they stay on your page long enough to read the entire blog.

Always remember that the quality of your blog is of the utmost importance. If you do not have incredible quality content, then your readers will not come back for more from you. You need to give your viewer base powerful articles that make them want more and more from you.

Be sure to link to some authorities. If your niche contains authorities, be sure to link to them. That can help the readers understand what your preferences are, along with your orientation. Knowing these facts about you can help them identify you better. Try to be specific and constant with your sources.
It will make your blog have integrity if you stick to a schedule that is regular. If you're not consistent with your posts, readers won't know when to expect new content, and they may look elsewhere. There is some breathing room during holidays, where regular content may not be expected by your readers, but for the most part, you must be diligent with new material to keep an active audience.

Remember the tips in this article if you would like to learn how to run a blog. Whether you want to post content about something you are interested in or you'd like to interact with unbiased individuals, a blog is whatever you make it. You can put as much effort into it as you'd like.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How to add Pausing up-down Scroller in blogger's blog,CSS codes

This scroller is made like this that it pauses between each message.The looking of the scroller is designed by CSS code,including the dimensions.

For add Scroller in blogspot then follow these two steps.

  1. Insert this below code in the <head> portion of the page.
<style type="text/css">

/*Example CSS for the two demo scrollers*/

width: 200px;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5px;
background-color: lightyellow;

width: 350px;
height: 20px;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 3px;

#pscroller2 a{
text-decoration: none;

.someclass{ //class to apply to your scroller(s) if desired


<script type="text/javascript">

/*Example message arrays for the two demo scrollers*/

var pausecontent=new Array()
pausecontent[0]='<a href="http://www.javascriptkit.com">JavaScript Kit</a><br />Comprehensive JavaScript tutorials and over 400+ free scripts!'
pausecontent[1]='<a href="http://www.codingforums.com">Coding Forums</a><br />Web coding and development forums.'
pausecontent[2]='<a href="http://www.cssdrive.com" target="_new">CSS Drive</a><br />Categorized CSS gallery and examples.'

var pausecontent2=new Array()
pausecontent2[0]='<a href="http://www.news.com">News.com: Technology and business reports</a>'
pausecontent2[1]='<a href="http://www.cnn.com">CNN: Headline and breaking news 24/7</a>'
pausecontent2[2]='<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk">BBC News: UK and international news</a>'


<script type="text/javascript">

* Pausing up-down scroller- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more.

function pausescroller(content, divId, divClass, delay){
this.content=content //message array content
this.tickerid=divId //ID of ticker div to display information
this.delay=delay //Delay between msg change, in miliseconds.
this.mouseoverBol=0 //Boolean to indicate whether mouse is currently over scroller (and pause it if it is)
this.hiddendivpointer=1 //index of message array for hidden div
document.write('<div id="'+divId+'" class="'+divClass+'" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden"><div class="innerDiv" style="position: absolute; width: 100%" id="'+divId+'1">'+content[0]+'</div><div class="innerDiv" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; visibility: hidden" id="'+divId+'2">'+content[1]+'</div></div>')
var scrollerinstance=this
if (window.addEventListener) //run onload in DOM2 browsers
window.addEventListener("load", function(){scrollerinstance.initialize()}, false)
else if (window.attachEvent) //run onload in IE5.5+
window.attachEvent("onload", function(){scrollerinstance.initialize()})
else if (document.getElementById) //if legacy DOM browsers, just start scroller after 0.5 sec
setTimeout(function(){scrollerinstance.initialize()}, 500)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize()- Initialize scroller method.
// -Get div objects, set initial positions, start up down animation
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

//set width of inner DIVs to outer DIV's width minus padding (padding assumed to be top padding x 2)
this.getinline(this.visiblediv, this.hiddendiv)
var scrollerinstance=this
if (window.attachEvent) //Clean up loose references in IE
window.attachEvent("onunload", function(){scrollerinstance.tickerdiv.onmouseover=scrollerinstance.tickerdiv.onmouseout=null})
setTimeout(function(){scrollerinstance.animateup()}, this.delay)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// animateup()- Move the two inner divs of the scroller up and in sync
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var scrollerinstance=this
if (parseInt(this.hiddendiv.style.top)>(this.visibledivtop+5)){
setTimeout(function(){scrollerinstance.animateup()}, 50)
this.getinline(this.hiddendiv, this.visiblediv)
setTimeout(function(){scrollerinstance.setmessage()}, this.delay)

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// swapdivs()- Swap between which is the visible and which is the hidden div
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var tempcontainer=this.visiblediv

pausescroller.prototype.getinline=function(div1, div2){
div2.style.top=Math.max(div1.parentNode.offsetHeight, div1.offsetHeight)+"px"

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// setmessage()- Populate the hidden div with the next message before it's visible
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var scrollerinstance=this
if (this.mouseoverBol==1) //if mouse is currently over scoller, do nothing (pause it)
setTimeout(function(){scrollerinstance.setmessage()}, 100)
var i=this.hiddendivpointer
var ceiling=this.content.length
this.hiddendivpointer=(i+1>ceiling-1)? 0 : i+1

pausescroller.getCSSpadding=function(tickerobj){ //get CSS padding value, if any
if (tickerobj.currentStyle)
return tickerobj.currentStyle["paddingTop"]
else if (window.getComputedStyle) //if DOM2
return window.getComputedStyle(tickerobj, "").getPropertyValue("padding-top")
return 0

     2.    Then,inside insde the BODY section of your page,simply paste it.

<script type="text/javascript">

//new pausescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname, pause_in_miliseconds)

new pausescroller(pausecontent, "pscroller1", "someclass", 3000)
document.write("<br />")
new pausescroller(pausecontent2, "pscroller2", "someclass", 2000)


Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to add Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks on blogspot

Shareaholic is famous for its Social Bookmarking widgets.Sassy Bookmarks is another cool Gadgets by Shareaholic.It floats bottom left corner of your blogspot page.So If you have to make your blog more beautiful then you do it.

To add Sassy Bookmarks to the blogger. So lets follow the steps.
  • First,open the Dashboard.
  • Then open the Template>Edit html.
  • Then find(Ctrl+F) this code </body>
      Then add this code just above/before the </body> 
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks HTML (wikitechnol.blogspot.com)-->
<div class="shr_ss shr_publisher">

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks HTML (wikitechnol.blogspot.com) -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var SHRSS_Settings = {"shr_ss":{"src":"//dtym7iokkjlif.cloudfront.net/media/downloads/sassybookmark","link":"","service":"5,7,2,313,38,201,88,74","apikey":"b87f5899d80a5edce8b5e55f58542ef0f","localize":true,"shortener":"bitly","shortener_key":"","designer_toolTips":true,"tip_bg_color":"black","tip_text_color":"white","viewport":true,"twitter_template":"${title} - ${short_link} via @Shareaholic"}};
<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var sb = document.createElement("script"); sb.type = "text/javascript";sb.async = true;
sb.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://dtym7iokkjlif.cloudfront.net" : "http://cdn.shareaholic.com") + "/media/js/jquery.shareaholic-publishers-ss.min.js";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sb, s);

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script (wikitechnol.blogspot.com) -->

  • Then save the template and enjoy.

Friday, August 9, 2013

How to add Follow on Pinterest button on blogspot

Pinterest is like a pinboard-style photo-sharing websites which allows users to create and manage theme-based pictures collections such as events,interests,and hobbies.Users can browse other pinboards for images.

For add 'follow me on Pinterst' follow these steps.
  • First,open the site www.blogger.com.
  • Then on the Dashboard open Layout>Add gadgets>Add html.
  • Now copy(Ctrl+C) this code.
<a href="http://pinterest.com/akashatfbk13/"><img src="http://passets-cdn.pinterest.com/images/follow-on-pinterest-button.png" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>
  • And paste it on body of the page.
NOTE:Remove akashatfbk13 with your Pinterest username.
Akash krishna is our author who is publishing the content very perfectly he is very newbie author but that doesn't matter because we are giving chance to everyone and give him opportunities to make money from our website.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Make a Blogger Blog Do follow to get lots of comments in your comment box.

Making a Blogger blog do follow is a necessary thing if you want to get lots of comments .People only comments on those blogs who are do follow like our's blog.Because they need back links for their blog which improve their rankings.If your blog is No follow than these are only comments on your blog.Making a blog Do Follow will increase SPAM in your comments so you need to check all comments before publishing.Well, to make a blogger blog Do Follow is not a difficult just follow these steps: 

                                To Make Blogger Blog DOFOLLOW

just follow these following steps might be helpful for you and your blog also.


Go to blogger Dashboard> Edit HTML> Expand Widget templates and search for 

expr:href='data:comment.authorURL' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>

or just





From Step1

Click on Save Template and that is all you have not to do anything.Now your blog is Do Follow and will get lot of comments with SPAM.

How to backup and restore blogger templates in blogger.com.

Want to Backup Blogger Template or want to restore blogger template?

Here is a quick guide for you all to backup and restore blogger template.

If you are going to modify your template to add some cool features, codes or any other thing.You must Backup blogger template to avoid risk of any error.If you gets any error than this will help you to easily restore blogger template from previous backup.I will show you how to Backup and restore blogger template.

How to backup blogger template


Go to blogger Dashboard> Design> Edit Html

Step 2:

Click on Download Full Template as shown below

How to Restore Blogger Template


Go to Blogger Dashboard >Design >Edit Html

Step 2:

Click on browse button as shown below

Step 3:
Select the Template you want to store or upload and click Upload


If you are using new blogger Interface than see image above to backup and restore template.
By clicking on choose file you are able to select your xml template from your files.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to enable or Setup Custom Robots Header Tags for Better Search Engine optimization or SEO.

Blogger is continuously improving search preference feature, Add Custom Robots Header Tags are very important for every blogger  for batter SEO. Today tutorial i tell you how to enable custom robots header tags in blogger. You have to be careful to setup custom robots text because if you do something wrong Google not index your page in search engine. Follow the instructions carefully and it'll positively help you to boost your web site traffic.

Step 1: To enable these tags, go to Blogger > Settings > Search Preferences, click Edit next to "Custom robots header tags," and select Yes.

Step 2: Select Yes Option and customize setting shown in the below image.

You must learn about tags when should you use them.
all:  There are no restrictions for indexing or serving. This is default for all pages

  • noindex:  Do not show this page in search results and do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
  • nofollow:  Do not follow the links on this page
  • none:  Equivalent to noindex, nofollow
  • noarchive:  Do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
  • nosnippet:  Do not show a snippet in the search results for this page
  • noodp:  Do not use metadata from the Open Directory project (DMOZ) for titles or snippets shown for this page.
  • notranslate:  Do not offer translation of this page in other languages in search results.
  • noimageindex:  Do not index images on this page.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to add Follow me on Pinterest on your Blogspot

For this,you must have your Pinterest account,it is connected to facebook .Now  follow the steps.

  • Open the site www.blogger.com
  • At the Dashboard Click Layout>Add gadgets>Add html.

Now Copy(Ctrl+C)this code and just paste in this box.
If you want to give title so give otherwise no.Now,the code is this:

<a href="http://pinterest.com/akashatfbk13/"><img src="http://passets-cdn.pinterest.com/images/follow-on-pinterest-button.png" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Now replace "akashatfbk13" with your Pinterest username.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Special IT Inventors of electronics processing programs.

  • Logo was introduced by Professor Seymour Papert.
  • James T.Russell invented digital Compact Disk(CD) in 1965.However,the compact disk came into popularity when it was mass manufactured by Philips in 1980.
  • In 1938,Chester Carlson invented a drying printing process called a Xerox,the foundation technology for Laser printers.
  • Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore are the founders of Intel.
  • Hewlett-Packard, a well known printer company was started by Mr.William Hewlett and Mr.David Packard in Mr.William Hewlett's garage with a capital investment of $538.
  • Sir Christopher Latham Sholes is regarded as inventor of keyboard layout.
  • Jerry Yang and David Filo are the founders of www.yahoo.com.
  • Lady Ada Lovelace is regarded as the first computer programmer.
  • Dr.Martin Cooper,a former general manager at Motorola,is the inventor of the first portable handset(Mobile Phone).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Electronic arts finally announces Mirror's Edge 2

EA has finally announced the long-awaited sequel to its cut-classic first-version parkour game-Mirror
Edges 2.Alongside the announcement, EA has also released a trailer that the company claims is rendered with the in-game engine.
      The trailer doesn't show much in the way of game-play,but it does give us a glimpse of the graphics.The games seems to follow the same minimallistic aesthetics as the original,with most of the environments coated in bright colours.The trailer also shows the combat,which seems to have been improved since the original.
       Fans nearly jumped out of their skins when EA unveiled the trailer,since the first game was originally released five years ago-back in 2008-and it looked like EA had abandoned the franchise.Mirror's Edge made waves when it launched owing to its unique,first-person Parkour-based gameplay.Whle it did not make much of an impact commercially,many fans have been praying for a sequel to the game. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Useful Abbreviations

We know that there are lots of Abbreviations in the computer history.So let us know it.
  1. VDT                  Visual Display Terminal
  2. DWP                 Daisy Wheel Printer
  3. DMP                 Dot Matrix Printer
  4. CPS                  Character Per Second
  5. DPI                   Dots Per Inch
  6. PPM                 Pages Per Minute
  7. LPM                 Lines Per Minute
  8. UNIVAC          Universal Automatic Computer
  9. EDSAC             Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
  10. EDVAC            Electronic Discrete Variable And Computer
  11. ENIAC              Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
  12. CAL                  Computer Aided Learning
  13. CAD                  Computer Aided Designing
  14. EPROM             Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  15. PROM               Programmable Read Only Memory
  16. AI                      Artificial Intelligence
  17. AT&T                American Telephone & Technology
  18. COBOL             Common Business Oriented Language
  19. E-MAIL             Electronic Mail
  20. FAT                   File Allocation Table
  21. URL                   Uniform Resource Locator
  22. ASCII                American Standard Code for information Intercharge
  23. VSLI                  Very Large Scale Integration
  24. BASIC               Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  25. AC                     Alternate Current
  26. DC                     Direct Current
  27. INTERNET        International Network
  28. ARPANET         Advanced Research Project Agency Network
  29. ISOC                 Internet Society
  30. UPS                   Uninterrupted Power Supply
  31. AVR                  Automatic Voltage Regulator
  32. CVT                   Constant Voltage Transformer
  33. FORTRAN        Formula Translation
  34. CASE                 Computer Aided Software Engineering
  35. POST                 Power On Self Test
  36. KIPS                  Knowledge Information Processing System
  37. CPM                  Control Program for Microprocessor
  38. MIPS                  Millions Instructions Per Second
  39. LCD                   Liquid Crystal Display
  40. HTTP                  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  41. HTML                Hyper Text Markup Language
  42. WWW                World Wide Web
  43. GUI                    Graphical User Interface
  44. WORM              Write Once Read Many
  45. CMOS                Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  46. DRAM                Dynamic Random Access Memory
  47. SRAM                 Static Random Access Memory
  48. SQL                    Structured Query Language
  49. 4GL                     Fourth Generation Language
  50. ISO                     International Standard Organization
  51. INTEL                 Integrated Electronics
  52. OA                      Office Automation
  53. RPS                     Revolutions Per Second
  54. PIXEL                 Picture Element
  55. SCSI                   Small Computer Scale Interface
  56. DOT                    Department of Telecommunication
  57. DOE                    Department of Electronics
  58. MTNL                 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  59. BSNL                  Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  60. C-DAC               Centre of Development of Advanced Computing
  61. IIS                       Indian Institute of Science
  62. DMA                   Direct Memory Access
  63. MDA                   Monochrome Display Adapter
  64. BIOS                   Basic Input Output System
  65. IT                         Information Technology 
  66. BMP                    Bitmap
  67. BMP

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