ASUS has launched the new TUF series motherboards based on the Intel Z87 Express Chipset for fourth-generation Haswell processor.the ATX Sabertooth Z87 is the more high-end of the two new boards and features Asus's new Thermal Radar 2 technology for real-time temperature detection.In addition to board-embedded sensors,three thermistor cables are bundled with Saberbooth Z87, so users can manually verify heat levels for the graphics card,hard drives,DRAM and other components.Dust Defender enclosures guard more I/O ports,expansion slots,and memory slots compared to the last-gen Z77 offerings.In addition,Asus also launched the micro-ATX Gryphon Z87,which has a price tag of Rs 14,200.
ASUS has launched the new TUF series motherboards based on the Intel Z87 Express Chipset for fourth-generation Haswell processor.the ATX Sabertooth Z87 is the more high-end of the two new boards and features Asus's new Thermal Radar 2 technology for real-time temperature detection.In addition to board-embedded sensors,three thermistor cables are bundled with Saberbooth Z87, so users can manually verify heat levels for the graphics card,hard drives,DRAM and other components.Dust Defender enclosures guard more I/O ports,expansion slots,and memory slots compared to the last-gen Z77 offerings.In addition,Asus also launched the micro-ATX Gryphon Z87,which has a price tag of Rs 14,200.