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Showing posts with label Earn Money. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to add a linkwithin widget to your blospot

You know that LinkWithin is a widget that appear under each post.Now lets us know how to install it for your blog:
For it follows these steps:
  • First go to the site www.linkwithin.com.
  • Then you see that a new page will appear.There are collectively information about linkwithin and at the right side of the page.There is a box.Fill it,in which the first one is Email: Write your email address.
  • Then there is a Blog Link Enter your blog URL.Platform refers to on which sites of blog you want to add this.You select Blogger.Then select the no of stories you want to add.After it click on 'Get Widget'.
  • Then a new page will appear.It has given some steps,but at the first point there is Add Widget Click on it.then that's all.Linkwithin will sent on your Blog Layout.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Useful Abbreviations

We know that there are lots of Abbreviations in the computer history.So let us know it.
  1. VDT                  Visual Display Terminal
  2. DWP                 Daisy Wheel Printer
  3. DMP                 Dot Matrix Printer
  4. CPS                  Character Per Second
  5. DPI                   Dots Per Inch
  6. PPM                 Pages Per Minute
  7. LPM                 Lines Per Minute
  8. UNIVAC          Universal Automatic Computer
  9. EDSAC             Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
  10. EDVAC            Electronic Discrete Variable And Computer
  11. ENIAC              Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
  12. CAL                  Computer Aided Learning
  13. CAD                  Computer Aided Designing
  14. EPROM             Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  15. PROM               Programmable Read Only Memory
  16. AI                      Artificial Intelligence
  17. AT&T                American Telephone & Technology
  18. COBOL             Common Business Oriented Language
  19. E-MAIL             Electronic Mail
  20. FAT                   File Allocation Table
  21. URL                   Uniform Resource Locator
  22. ASCII                American Standard Code for information Intercharge
  23. VSLI                  Very Large Scale Integration
  24. BASIC               Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  25. AC                     Alternate Current
  26. DC                     Direct Current
  27. INTERNET        International Network
  28. ARPANET         Advanced Research Project Agency Network
  29. ISOC                 Internet Society
  30. UPS                   Uninterrupted Power Supply
  31. AVR                  Automatic Voltage Regulator
  32. CVT                   Constant Voltage Transformer
  33. FORTRAN        Formula Translation
  34. CASE                 Computer Aided Software Engineering
  35. POST                 Power On Self Test
  36. KIPS                  Knowledge Information Processing System
  37. CPM                  Control Program for Microprocessor
  38. MIPS                  Millions Instructions Per Second
  39. LCD                   Liquid Crystal Display
  40. HTTP                  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  41. HTML                Hyper Text Markup Language
  42. WWW                World Wide Web
  43. GUI                    Graphical User Interface
  44. WORM              Write Once Read Many
  45. CMOS                Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  46. DRAM                Dynamic Random Access Memory
  47. SRAM                 Static Random Access Memory
  48. SQL                    Structured Query Language
  49. 4GL                     Fourth Generation Language
  50. ISO                     International Standard Organization
  51. INTEL                 Integrated Electronics
  52. OA                      Office Automation
  53. RPS                     Revolutions Per Second
  54. PIXEL                 Picture Element
  55. SCSI                   Small Computer Scale Interface
  56. DOT                    Department of Telecommunication
  57. DOE                    Department of Electronics
  58. MTNL                 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  59. BSNL                  Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  60. C-DAC               Centre of Development of Advanced Computing
  61. IIS                       Indian Institute of Science
  62. DMA                   Direct Memory Access
  63. MDA                   Monochrome Display Adapter
  64. BIOS                   Basic Input Output System
  65. IT                         Information Technology 
  66. BMP                    Bitmap
  67. BMP

Friday, July 26, 2013

how to create a blog on wordpress.

Wordpress is also like blogger,where we can create free blogs,but it is different than blogger,in some cases,its page is more better than blogger.Now,let us know how to create and bog.For this also,you have your g-mail account because it is also necessary like in blogger.Then follow these steps:

  1. First you go to the site www.wordpress.com.
    2.   Then you click on the Get Started button at the top of page.Then a new page will appear.Choose
           your username,e-mail address and password and then click on the 'Create blog'.


   3.   Then you will see that a new page will appear,click on new post button,then you see a post box will
          appear then post the information which you want to publish.If you want to add image,video then click
          'media' option.
4.   After publishing open your site and enjoy.
   It is same like blogger if you want to know how to create a blog in blogger then click here

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Best monetize path to boost your earnings with affiliate programs.

Every blogger knows that it has become exceedingly difficult to earn money. What worked in the past does not work as well any more. What might in work in the future does not work yet. And so bloggers are in this limbo, where they’re scraping together any way possible to make money from their blogs. It’s quite a frustrating time for everyone.

Each blog will have a different ideal monetization strategy.

Bloggers spend countless hours not only searching for that ideal strategy, but then implementing and optimizing it. Yet with the state of online income these days, it’s difficult to focus on just one strategy.

In fact, the best way to boost your blog’s income is to explore multiple monetization strategies. The more you implement, the more you can earn.

(In a future guest post I will describe the best strategy for implementing multiple monetization strategies. But for now let’s focus on the basics.)

So what are the five methods of blog monetization? Here goes, starting with the simplest and most common.

Boost Your Blog Income With These 5 Smart Ways
1. CPM advertising

When bloggers first looked for a way to make money, they sought the traditional publishing method. People read blogs, and advertisers want to be where people put their eyeballs. Yet because most blogs couldn’t afford an ad sales staff, they had to rely on a middleman to create opportunities. That’s where Google stepped in.

AdSense is the most common method for monetizing blogs, but it doesn’t really pay out much money. For one, advertisers won’t pay premium rates to reach a small number of people, so they pay far lower rates than in print. On top of that, Google takes a huge fee on each sale, so the blogger is left with a meager income from CPM advertising. It is by far the easiest way to monetize a blog — all you have to do is sign up for AdSense and insert some code — but because it is so easy, it is also the least profitable.

Raj's Tip: Look for a company like PulsePoint that allows you to place bids on CPM ads. You can set the bid very high, allowing you to find opportunities for better-paying ads. When you can’t find an ad that meets your CPM requirements, you can fill your inventory with the same AdSense ads you’d have run anyway.
2. Affiliate marketing

The most efficient way to make money is to sell something. You offer something people want, and they give you money in exchange for the product or service. It works exceedingly well in the physical world, and it can work well online, too. The simplest way to sell things is via affiliate deals.

Affiliate marketing works in a simple manner. You find retailers that have affiliate programs and then sign up. The retailer then provides you with code, which you add to the links on your site. When you drive traffic, and then sales, to the retailer, you get a commission. It’s really a simple referral, but it can bring you far more money than CPM advertising, because people are actually buying something — and you are facilitating that sale.

Raj's Tip: Start with an affiliate network like Commission Junction or ClickBank, but always be on the looking for individual merchants that offer an affiliate program. When you work with a merchant, you get a cut of the sale and that’s that. While working with CJ will bring you more opportunities, you also have to pay CJ a portion of each sale, thereby reducing your commissions.
3. Direct sales

If you’re blogging about something, chances are you possess a level of expertise. Further, chances are that you’re not giving away industry secrets on your blog. It’s best to save those for bigger projects, ones that have more money-making potential than a standalone blog. Thankfully, there are easy and free resources that allow you to create your own digital products, which you can sell to you readers.

Creating e-books, videos, and audio programs can be greatly profitable. You already have the marketing vehicle, which is your blog. This is where you display your expertise. Once you have developed credibility, you can then point your readers to premium products, where you offer them advice and information that they can’t find on your blog — or anywhere else. It’s a hard sell, but it’s far more profitable than selling someone else’s products.

Raj's Tip: One key to selling products is to get a good rate on credit cards. Yes, you have to pay a third party in order to accept credit cards online. Finding a company like WePay, which offers better rates than competitors, will allow you to keep even more from each sale.

    How To Quickly Sell Ad Spaces?

4. E-commerce reselling

Maybe you don’t have a product of your own to sell, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sell at all. Again, selling products is the most efficient way of making money. If you’re looking for better commissions than affiliate marketing, and you have an audience that is ready to buy, you can try another monetization method. By re-selling e-commerce products, you can earn huge commissions.

The difference between reselling and affiliate marketing is that when reselling, you the blogger take most of the responsibility. You have to market the product, display the product, and process payment for the product. (Though almost always you can find someone else to ship the product.) That takes the burden off the retailer, which means a greater commission for you. Re-selling e-commerce products isn’t for everyone, but bloggers with large audiences can find it rewarding.

Raj's Tip: Look for an all-inclusive e-commerce solution such as Shopify, which will help you set up your store, display your products, and manage customer carts. You’ll have to pay, yes, but in the end it will be cheaper and less frustrating than creating a custom solution.
5. Subscription paywall

We leave the most difficult for last. Creating a subscription paywall for your blog was a hot, trendy idea about six or seven years ago, but the idea quickly fizzled out.

Why? Because there are millions of blogs on the internet. What makes yours so great that people will pay for it? The bad news is that the question is difficult to answer. The good news is that if you can sufficiently answer it, you can make money charging people to read your content.

The trick here is to go beyond credibility. Most bloggers, with some hard work, can establish credibility in a niche. But you can’t just be credible; you must be a noted expert. This means finding any and all opportunities to not only write on your blog, but others’ blogs and websites as well. You have to reach far and wide in order to develop expert status. It takes plenty of hard work, but the reward can be enormous.

Raj's  Tip: There are experts everywhere, and chances are you’ll find it difficult to become an expert in a large field. The key is to narrow your focus and become an expert in a single niche. For example, affiliate marketing is a huge field, but there are many components. Becoming a PPC expert is one way to become an affiliate marketing expert. The bonus is that as you become an affiliate marketing expert, you also become a PPC expert, thereby increasing your ability to charge for content and advice.

In one way, making money from your blog has never been more difficult. Many of the old monetization strategies don’t work as well as they once did. In another way, there are more opportunities than ever. If you can take advantage of three or four of these, you’ll find that you can boost your income.

Make sure to join me later this month, when I discuss the best method for implementing these strategies.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Adsense secret for approval quickly.

Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
All About Residual Income With Adsense

Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
“All About Residual Income With Adsense” Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
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All About Residual Income With Adsense

The Publisher (click for help desk) has strive to be as accurate and complete as
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
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specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.
In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
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This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or
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All About Residual Income With Adsense
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information
concerning Google’s Adsense program at
There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.
But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets
overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as
those who have been around a while.
First, let’s take a look at exactly what Adsense is and what it is all about:
“Adsense is a program for webmasters which was
implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”
Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites)
signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste
the Google Adsense java script code into the pages on their websites.
Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it
finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the
webmaster makes money – usually a few cents per click.
However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows
which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be
It sounds simple enough, but it’s really NOT that easy. First of all, you have to be
approved – and Google is picky these days. The good news is that once one site is
approved, and you have a Google Adsense account, there is no need to seek
Google’s approval to use Adsense on any other site that you own, as long as that
site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.
Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones
that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have
written for you) content that makes those high paying ads appear on your site.
Finally, you have to learn how to drive traffic to your Adsense site. Without the
traffic, you won’t get any clicks, and without clicks, you won’t be making any
All About Residual Income With Adsense

Getting real, targeted visitors that are eager to click on your ads is by far the
hardest part of being an Adsense publisher. There really aren’t any secrets here –
it is just a matter of learning to use some basic, proven site promotion
Google Adsense program.
Usually when a guru says that you should not use Google Adsense, they generally
mean that you are better off not using it, especially when you are promoting your
own product, and your website is tightly focused on that product.
However, you can use Google Adsense for a site that was built specifically for the
Adsense program (Adsense Ready Sites), or on sites that you are using to
promote affiliate products as well.
You should also note that many successful Adsense publishers have more than
one website. They typically have numerous websites, on a variety of topics on
which they display the Google ads. However, there are also those that simply have
one high traffic website, from which they make money from the Adsense
Regardless of this, all Adsense publishers start with just one website, and grow
from there, and this is what you should be doing as well. You have to get the
basics down, and learn the secrets that surround the profitability of Google
Adsense before you can be successful with more sites.
All About Residual Income With Adsense
5 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Preparing For Your Adsense Account
The hardest part of getting started with Adsense is getting Google to approve your
website. In fact, for many, it is easier to get a $100,000 bank loan than it is to get
a free Google Adsense account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.
You can’t start using Google Adsense on your pages until you are approved. This
means that you must prepare to open an account, before you apply for an
The very first thing you must do is read Google’s Terms of Service (TOS). If your
site doesn’t fall within the guidelines that Google sets out, it will be denied.
Furthermore, even after you are approved and you start running Google ads on
your site, if you break the TOS, you will be removed, and possibly banned, from
the program.
Specifically, what you are looking for is the Program policies, which can be found
at http://www.google.com/adsense. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and
click on then Program Policies link. The first thing to note is that Google will
not accept any site that is not complete.
This means that you can’t have any pages that are ‘under construction.’ All of the
pages must be complete, and all of the links must be working. Make sure that all
of your graphics are also appearing correctly, because even a broken graphic can
prevent you from getting approved.
Google also has a set of Quality Guidelines that must be adhered to before you
can be approved. These guidelines, along with the program policies, will tell you
exactly what you can and can’t have on your site, and what is expected of you and
your site in terms of meeting the qualifications for a Google Adsense account. You
can find these guidelines at
One mistake that so many would-be Adsense publishers make is not reading the
TOS, the Program Policies, and the Webmaster Guidelines. Google lays these out
in very specific terms, so there is no doubt as to the rules. They are also very
serious about these rules.
Often, people skip this step in the preparation – reading the rules – work hard to
build a site, only to be disapproved by Google, or to be approved, but then
banned from the program later.
Don’t let this happen to you. These are rules that you must not only follow in
order to get approved, but must continue to follow in order to stay in the
All About Residual Income With Adsense
6 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
program. You don’t want to spend days and weeks putting together sites, only to
get kicked out of the program later. Google is very serious about this.
Once you’ve read the rules, and made sure you understand them, the next part of
the preparation is doing research to find out which topics will be the most
profitable for you, and getting the site built. We will cover these topics in more
depth in a later article, but for now, you just need one website that will be
approved by Google.
Remember that you only have to get approved for one site in order to get in the
program, and from there on, you can publish as many sites as you want, on a
wide variety of topics, and use Google Adsense on them, from the one account
that you have been approved for.
While many just put up a website that will meet Google’s standards, without
doing any research in order to get approved, you could also take a little longer,
and go ahead and build a site that you can use to target the high paying keywords.
This is totally up to you, and it really doesn’t matter much which direction you go,
as long as the site will get you approved for a Google Adsense account.
I usually recommend creating and building a blogger.com blog, and apply using
that one. You may not know this, but Google owns Blogger...
All About Residual Income With Adsense
7 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Applying For Your Adsense Account
Once you are prepared to apply for a Google Adsense account, it’s as simple as
filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you
without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an Adsense account at:
The first thing that the form asks for is the URL of your website. Note that even if
you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one. So, list the URL of the site
that you have set up for the purpose of being approved for Google Adsense, and
enter the URL like this: www.yourdomain.com.
You do not have to include the http:// part of the URL, and don’t include any
subpages of the URL, such as www.mydomain.com/mypage.html. Google wants
to see the main page of the site, at the top level domain.
Next, Google wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site
supports multiple languages, this is fine, but this isn’t what Google wants to
know. They want to know the primary language of the site – this would be the
language that you used to write the pages, such as English.
The next question on the form throws a lot of people into a tail spin. It asks if you
are setting up an individual or business account.
Here is a way to simplify this question: If you do not have an office or business
that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter
what your future plans are. Next, select the country that you live in.
The following part of the form asks for your information: name, street address,
city, and state. It is important to note that when Google pays you, the check will
be made out to the name that you put here, and sent to the address that you put
here. So, use the information that you need to use here in order to receive the
check, and to cash or deposit the check.
After your name and address, Google wants your telephone number. They
probably won’t call you, but sometimes they will, if there is a problem or a
question. Give a good phone number where you can be reached. You do not have
to provide a fax number.
Here, you can also choose to receive Google’s newsletter – or not. Choosing not to
receive the newsletter will not have any affect on whether or not you are
All About Residual Income With Adsense
8 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Following this, there are a number of check boxes, all of which must be checked,
before you can submit the application.
By checking these boxes, you are saying that you will not click on the ads on your
pages, that you will not encourage visitors to click on your ads (incentives), that
you are able to receive checks that are made out to you, that you will not place ads
on pornographic sites, and that you have read the Adsense program policies.
Finally, you submit the form, and prepare to wait. Your site will be checked by a
live human being. Approval is manual, not automated, and it can take up to three
business days (72 hours) before you hear from a Google representative. That
contact usually comes via email.
- Wait, what is this “Product selection”?
This appears on some application forms and seems confusing to many -- choose
both: Adsense for Content and Adsense for Search. This means that you can run
both, but don’t have to run both.
You can have Google ads appear on your pages (Adsense for Content) and you
can also include a Google search box on your pages (Adsense for Search), and
when people use those search boxes, and click on sponsored ads in the results,
you get paid for those clicks as well.
All About Residual Income With Adsense
9 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
I Have My Account – Now What?
Now that you’ve been approved for a Google Account, by building a site that
Google would easily approve, and you’ve selected a high paying topic for your
site, you are ready to get to work and build your first profitable Adsense website.
If you have not already done so (you should have), you really need to go and read
the program policies that Google has set, as well as their Webmaster Guidelines.
This will help you to build a better site, and to avoid issues that can and will get
you banned from the Google Adsense program.
Your site should be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of
between 2 and 3% is great. This means that your keyword should be used
approximately 2 to 3% of the time in your content. So, for a page that has 600
words of content, the keyword would appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2%
or 600 x 3%).
There is more to it than targeting keywords. The content must be accurate. It
must be readable and understandable by visitors – and most importantly:
“It Must Be Somewhat Unique!”
You should use all of the search engine optimization techniques as possible when
building your site. Not only will this attract the right ads, but it will also help your
site to move up in the search results, for the purpose of driving traffic to your site.
You want your site to look nice, to be informative, and to load fast. You want it to
attract the right ads. You do not want anything on your pages that will irritate
your visitor, such as blinking, blinding text or music.
Make it a site that you would want to visit, and then ask an uninterested party,
such as your neighbor (not your best friend or your mother) if it is a site that they
would want to visit, if they were interested in the topic.
Now, you are ready to place the Adsense javascript code on your pages. Log in to
your Adsense account. Click on the Adsense Set up tab at the top of the page.
First, click on Channels, and set up a Channel for the topic of your site. This will
come in handy later on, when you are analyzing which of your sites is pulling in
the most money.
Next, click on palettes, and create a color palette that matches your site well. You
want your Google ads to blend into your site. If they stand out like a sore thumb,
All About Residual Income With Adsense
10 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
they will get fewer clicks, simply because people really do try to avoid
You want the ads to look like content on your site. Once you’ve set up a palette
that matches your site, click on products. Choose Adsense for content to create
your ad units.
Here, you can choose ads that are enclosed in a box, or ads that are more free
standing, but still just text links. It is a good idea to choose the link unit to add
above or below your navigational links, and you can design your site navigation
links to look just like the Google link units.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to create a Blog

A blog is an easy-to-create web sites that allows users to share their thoughts with the world.The word "blog" comes from "Weblog" because because a blog consists of a signed and dated log of individual postings.The topic of the blog can be anything,from personal to professional.A blog is what you make of it. 

  • Open the site www.blogger.com.The Blogger site will open.
  • To create a blog with the blogger site, you must have your account (e-mail) in gmail,else,you will have to create a new Gmail account.
  • Sign in using your Gmail username and password.
  • Specify a title for your blog ,say creative Expressions.The title will appear at the top of every page of your blog.The title should reflect about the contents in your blog.
  • Specify the URL(address) of your blog, say ridhimabhatia.Your blog address (URL) will be your identity on hte web and it will be used to read and link to your blog.Click Continue.
  • Your blog has been created.To add content to your blog,click on Start Blogging.
  • The Posting page of your blog will be displayed.
  • Under the Posting tab,you can enter the title for your blog post and the content(text,images,videos and web-links) for your posting.
  • To format the text,use the toolbar shown just above the content window.This is almost similar to MS word toolbar.
  • Click Publish Post after you have entered the content and formatted it properly.You will see the window on the next page.
  • Click on View Blog button to view your own Blog.
  • Similarly, you can add more contents to your blog by clicking on the Create a new post button.
  • Specify a name in the Display Name text-box. This name will appear as you signature in the articles you will post on this blog.Click on Continue button.
  • Different templates for your blog will be displayed.Select the template of your choice.The template choice can be changed later on.
  • Click on continue button.The following screen will be displayed.

  • You can use different menu options under the Settings tab to edit your profile, your blog address,invite others to view your blog or add them as members to your blog.
  • To change the appearance of your blog.click on Design tab.You can change the template of your blog,add/modify/delete the page elements of your blog.
  • After making the necessary changes,click on the Sign out button at the top right.
  • To view your blog, type your URL,For example:(ridhimabhatia.blogspot.com) and press the enter key.Your Blog will be displayed.
  • To add or modify the content in your Blog,or to make changes in the blog structure,click on the Sign In button at the top right of your blog window,  or open the site www.blogger.com  
  • Sign in with your username and valid password.
  • The Dashboard page will be displayed.the dashboard is an area which contains all the options for managing a blog.
  • Click on New Post to add new entries in your blog, or click on Edit Posts to make changes in your existing posts.
  • Always,remember to Sign out while leaving your blog site.

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