Today, Blogger Team has made some delightful changes in Blogger’s Default commenting system. The changes are not in terms of functionalities, but they have revamped its design. So far the changes are not that significant because we have only noticed minor changes in the buttons of Blogger’s Comment Editor. The main reason behind redesigning the comment editor could be its old fashion appearance because, after introducing Blogger new interface they make lots of updates to Blogger like Google Dynamics, Google+ Followers Gadget, but they never given any regards to their Comment editor. Though, in 2012 they introduced Threaded commenting system but that was not robust enough. Finally, Google is doing some experiments with the comment editor which we will discuss in today’s Article.
As we have mentioned above, the changes are neither significant nor minor. They have just reshaped the “Publish”, “Preview” and “Comment as” buttons. The design is a bit inspired from Google+. The appearance of the buttons is extremely professional and suites color scheme of almost each and every blog. Check out the following screenshot to see the difference between OLD and New Comment editor.
Still, we cannot rate it as the finest Comment editor because the Blogger Team is working on it. This is the reason, why it is catching errors when we try to visit our site with Firefox. However, with Google Chrome it is working fine. Blogger is yet to make any announcement about the redesigning on their comment editor.
The Design looks alike Google. Therefore, possibilities are high that, they might change the Blogger’s default commenting system with the blossoming Google. These are all our predictions because from its appearance it looks like our prediction might be true. Nonetheless, let us wait and see what is going through in the brains of Blogger Engineers.
If anyone is thinking, how we knew that Blogger has redesigned its comment editor, then Scroll down the page and witness the awesomeness. We are just like every other webmaster, so Google do not provide us with special treatment.
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