









Friday, July 26, 2013

How to delete your blog from blogger.com

Hey guys this is very relevant that bloggers want to delete their blog or websites.Many of the bloggers thought that their blog is not performing better or some other causes that is why they want to delete their blog.So, in this topic we are going to learn hoe to delete blogs in a separate manner.Just follow these rules to get instant delete of your blog.If you want to delete more than one blogs at one time that is also possible.Bloggers think that blogs might be harmful for adsense or their all blogs.Yes this write if you post against blogger terms and condition then google delete your all blogs.

I am going to give a such a relevant example that was happened before few days with my one friend.
 he takes his blog or run his blog for 2 or 3 years and he posted more than 650 posts and after few days ago his blog got delete,Google delete his all blog for going terms and condition of google.He also got adsense for more that 1 years and he also got disabled.His all blogs and his labour wasted.Now he made a fresh blog and trying to get adsense and make his blog such a better blog.
You have some question that why his blog got deleted by google.See below why he got deleted his blog:
  • 1.He is copy and pasting from another blog or websites.
  • 2.Google is securing deleteing the websites which has made copy and pasting.
  • 3.For copy and pasting of others he got to many traffic and he got adsense for that adsense also harmed for this process.
We are on the topic of  how to delete your blog:
  • You have blogger account>sign in
  • Choose your website 
  • go to  Settings
  • You get the button of other and a pic like this comes through
 Now you able to delete your blog

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Google Nexus 7 second-generation

After a series of leaks and rumours ,Google has finally unveiled the second-Generation Nexus7.The biggest differnence that users will not notice is that fact that the new Nexus 7 is slimmer (by about 2mm) and lighter by (50 grams) than its predecessor.The bezel surrounding the display too has been reduced.
The new Nexus 7 is still manufactured by Asus for Google and the improvements in specification are quite impressive.To start with The 7-inch display now has a 1920

How and when toinstall blogger templates.

How to install a Blogger template?

0. If your are using Dynamic Views, you need first go to Design (Dashboard → Template) and then click on “Revert to classic templates → Revert to classic template”.

1. Download the template and unzip the file (you can use a free unzipper software).


2. Go to your blog template section (Dashboard → Template → “Backup / Restore” button).

In the old Blogger design: Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML .

3. Backup your previous template (Download full Template).

In the old Blogger design:


4. Find and upload the xml file of your template.

5. If you see a warning like following:


Click “keep widgets“.

6. Enjoy! :)

Why I can’t install a template? Blogger gives an error.

There are several possible factors that cause an error Bx-xxxx:

The code is directly copied, and Blogger did ‘t interpret it.
Temporarily Blogger  is not accepting  templates with certain codes or gadgets.
Possible solutions:

Remove widgets or gadgets that come with the template downloaded.
Clear your browser’s cookies.
Trying to upload the template with a different browser (Opera, Firefox, Chrome).
No copy and paste the code directly, upload the xml file.
Wait 24 hours and try again.

How do I log in to my blog without the navbar?

The Blogger navbar is just a plug and provides a shortcut to enter your blog, but you can always log in from Blogger.com.

How do I customize my template?

For color and the font size, some Blogger templates offer an option to change it from the Dashboard (Dashboard → Design → Template designer → Advanced or Dashboard → Template → Customize → Advanced in the new Blogger design). Here, you can see the result directly in the template.


Major changes in the templates needed to know at least a little CSS and HTML. A quick way to modify a template is change the images in the CSS code, for others with the same dimensions. That is the process to change the header of a design, for example.

Additionally, some templates have their own settings instructions and customization, refer to the same download page of your template.

How can I edit the menu of my template?

1. Most templates have a menu that can only be edited from the HTML (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design). In many cases the code to look for is like:

<li class='current'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>Posts RSS</a></li>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/comments/default&quot;'>Comments RSS</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Edit</a></li>
There you can edit the expr:href=’…’ code, with your own links: href=’http://mylink…’. Also see the instructions in your template for more information.

2. Some templates include a link list widget or a pages widget to edit the menu directly from the Dashboard.

For link liks widget: Dashboard → Design → Page Elements. Or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design.
For pages widget: Posting → Edit pages → New pages. Or Dashboard → Pages → New Page in the new Blogger design.

How to go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates

If you are using the new Blogger templates, called Dynamics Views, you don’t have access to most templates on the web.

To go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates you only need:

Go to Template designer (Dashboard → Design).
Click on “Revert to previous template”.
That’s it. Now each time you enter in ‘Design’ section, you will be able to upload custom templates again.

Why the date is displayed as “undefined” or this is not show?

Probably because you don’t choose the right date format. The format should be changed from the panel and usually the correct types are:

1. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Date Header Format



2. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Timestamp Format


Read the instructions of your template located on the download page.

Why some images in my template disappeared?

Although we host the largest number of images in Blogger, images may suddenly disappear because:

The images were removed from the original hosting.
You use a own domain.
Solution: Download the template from BTemplates again, or from the page’s original author and re hosts the images on an external service such as Photobucket, or ImageShack.

How to add the comment form to my template?

Blogger recently added the Comments Form within the same template, below the individual posts, if your template does not have the form there, you may need to manually add it or activate it.

To add it manually:

Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
Replace that code with the following:
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
          <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
          <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
            <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
To activate it:

Enter the options panel comments (Dashboard → Settings → Comments).
And in the “Comment Form Placement” section, select: Embedded below post.
Note: If you are using the new Blogger design, you will need back to the classic version and follow the two step above.

How do I add my feed of Feedburner to my blog?

On the menu: Many templates show the feed in the top menu, to change the default feed for feedburner, go to your template code (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:

<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>
Replace this with:

<a href='URL del feed en Feedburner'>
Now, in the settings panel of the feed ( Dashboard → Settings → Site Feed or Dashboard → Settings → Other → Post Feed Redirect URL in the new Blogger design) also add your Feedburner URL.

How do I translate my template to another language?

Directly in the template code. (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design), with a really simple process:

Using the browser search, find the text you want translate.
Replaces that text with your translation.
Repeat the process for all the words / phrases that you want to change.
The text within an image need to be changed with a image editor (eg. Gimp or Photoshop) and then, replace that image url with the edited image url.

What should I do after I install my template?

After installing a template, there are several things worth to check, update or modify, we recommend you to read our article with all the points.

How to display the navbar again in my template?

Easy! Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML) and search for:

#navbar-iframe {
Delete it and that’s it.

How to display the last posts or comments on the sidebar?

Enter the administrator page elements (Dashboard → Design or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design).
Add a new feed widget, with the following URL’s:To show the recent posts:
To display the latest comments:

Why is my blog shows few entries per page?

Blogger recently implemented a mechanism called “auto pagination” to reduce the loading time of its blogs. This mechanism is to show less Blogger entries per page if it detects that the page is heavy to load.

To avoid that this happens, you can try to decrease the load time of your blog, some recommendations are:

Optimizing images. For example, using Smush.it or a free image editor like Gimp.
Eliminate unnecessary gadgets.
Use “read more” in your longer posts.
Optimize CSS code. For example, with CSS Optimizer.

Can I remove the template credits?

No, the vast majority of templates are licensed under a Creative Commons, GPL or similar license, thus removing the credits would be using an illegal copy of the same. You can simplify the credits or relocate, but not remove them. Remember that the templates are free, so keep the credits is a way to thank those who designed and / or adapted the template.

What does the icon of a gold medal in some templates?

We call them Free Premium Templates and highlight it with this icon because have an excellent graphic quality, are well designed for Blogger, bring additional features and / or are compatible with the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE7).

I sent a template, why is it not published?

Usually we receive a big number of templates, we try to publish as soon as possible and ensure a minimum quality in the published templates in BTemplates, some of the criteria that we use to approve a templates are:

An acceptable graphic and technical quality.
Compatible with most browsers.
No installation errors.
A license that allows distribution.
Please read our full publication guidelin

How to install a blogger templates in your blog with no mistakes:Beginners Guide.

How to install a Blogger template?

0. If your are using Dynamic Views, you need first go to Design (Dashboard → Template) and then click on “Revert to classic templates → Revert to classic template”.

1. Download the template and unzip the file (you can use a free unzipper software).


2. Go to your blog template section (Dashboard → Template → “Backup / Restore” button).

In the old Blogger design: Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML .

3. Backup your previous template (Download full Template).

In the old Blogger design:


4. Find and upload the xml file of your template.

5. If you see a warning like following:


Click “keep widgets“.

6. Enjoy! :)

Why I can’t install a template? Blogger gives an error.

There are several possible factors that cause an error Bx-xxxx:

The code is directly copied, and Blogger did ‘t interpret it.
Temporarily Blogger  is not accepting  templates with certain codes or gadgets.
Possible solutions:

Remove widgets or gadgets that come with the template downloaded.
Clear your browser’s cookies.
Trying to upload the template with a different browser (Opera, Firefox, Chrome).
No copy and paste the code directly, upload the xml file.
Wait 24 hours and try again.

How do I log in to my blog without the navbar?

The Blogger navbar is just a plug and provides a shortcut to enter your blog, but you can always log in from Blogger.com.

How do I customize my template?

For color and the font size, some Blogger templates offer an option to change it from the Dashboard (Dashboard → Design → Template designer → Advanced or Dashboard → Template → Customize → Advanced in the new Blogger design). Here, you can see the result directly in the template.


Major changes in the templates needed to know at least a little CSS and HTML. A quick way to modify a template is change the images in the CSS code, for others with the same dimensions. That is the process to change the header of a design, for example.

Additionally, some templates have their own settings instructions and customization, refer to the same download page of your template.

How can I edit the menu of my template?

1. Most templates have a menu that can only be edited from the HTML (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design). In many cases the code to look for is like:

    <li class='current'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>Posts RSS</a></li>
    <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/comments/default&quot;'>Comments RSS</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Edit</a></li>
There you can edit the expr:href=’…’ code, with your own links: href=’http://mylink…’. Also see the instructions in your template for more information.

2. Some templates include a link list widget or a pages widget to edit the menu directly from the Dashboard.

For link liks widget: Dashboard → Design → Page Elements. Or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design.
For pages widget: Posting → Edit pages → New pages. Or Dashboard → Pages → New Page in the new Blogger design.

How to go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates

If you are using the new Blogger templates, called Dynamics Views, you don’t have access to most templates on the web.

To go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates you only need:

Go to Template designer (Dashboard → Design).
Click on “Revert to previous template”.
That’s it. Now each time you enter in ‘Design’ section, you will be able to upload custom templates again.

Why the date is displayed as “undefined” or this is not show?

Probably because you don’t choose the right date format. The format should be changed from the panel and usually the correct types are:

1. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Date Header Format



2. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Timestamp Format


Read the instructions of your template located on the download page.

Why some images in my template disappeared?

Although we host the largest number of images in Blogger, images may suddenly disappear because:

The images were removed from the original hosting.
You use a own domain.
Solution: Download the template from BTemplates again, or from the page’s original author and re hosts the images on an external service such as Photobucket, or ImageShack.

How to add the comment form to my template?

Blogger recently added the Comments Form within the same template, below the individual posts, if your template does not have the form there, you may need to manually add it or activate it.

To add it manually:

Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
Replace that code with the following:
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
          <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
          <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
            <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>

To activate it:

Enter the options panel comments (Dashboard → Settings → Comments).
And in the “Comment Form Placement” section, select: Embedded below post.
Note: If you are using the new Blogger design, you will need back to the classic version and follow the two step above.

How do I add my feed of Feedburner to my blog?

On the menu: Many templates show the feed in the top menu, to change the default feed for feedburner, go to your template code (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:

<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>
Replace this with:

<a href='URL del feed en Feedburner'>
Now, in the settings panel of the feed ( Dashboard → Settings → Site Feed or Dashboard → Settings → Other → Post Feed Redirect URL in the new Blogger design) also add your Feedburner URL.

How do I translate my template to another language?

Directly in the template code. (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design), with a really simple process:

Using the browser search, find the text you want translate.
Replaces that text with your translation.
Repeat the process for all the words / phrases that you want to change.
The text within an image need to be changed with a image editor (eg. Gimp or Photoshop) and then, replace that image url with the edited image url.

What should I do after I install my template?

After installing a template, there are several things worth to check, update or modify, we recommend you to read our article with all the points.

How to display the navbar again in my template?

Easy! Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML) and search for:

#navbar-iframe {
Delete it and that’s it.

How to display the last posts or comments on the sidebar?

Enter the administrator page elements (Dashboard → Design or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design).
Add a new feed widget, with the following URL’s:To show the recent posts:
To display the latest comments:

Why is my blog shows few entries per page?

Blogger recently implemented a mechanism called “auto pagination” to reduce the loading time of its blogs. This mechanism is to show less Blogger entries per page if it detects that the page is heavy to load.

To avoid that this happens, you can try to decrease the load time of your blog, some recommendations are:

Optimizing images. For example, using Smush.it or a free image editor like Gimp.
Eliminate unnecessary gadgets.
Use “read more” in your longer posts.
Optimize CSS code. For example, with CSS Optimizer.

Can I remove the template credits?

No, the vast majority of templates are licensed under a Creative Commons, GPL or similar license, thus removing the credits would be using an illegal copy of the same. You can simplify the credits or relocate, but not remove them. Remember that the templates are free, so keep the credits is a way to thank those who designed and / or adapted the template.

What does the icon of a gold medal in some templates?

We call them Free Premium Templates and highlight it with this icon because have an excellent graphic quality, are well designed for Blogger, bring additional features and / or are compatible with the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE7).

I sent a template, why is it not published?

Usually we receive a big number of templates, we try to publish as soon as possible and ensure a minimum quality in the published templates in BTemplates, some of the criteria that we use to approve a templates are:

An acceptable graphic and technical quality.
Compatible with most browsers.
No installation errors.
A license that allows distribution.
Please read our full publication guidelin

Google plus for Android Google Hangouts goes standalone.

Google at I/O 2013 unveiled new features for Google+ social networking service.The update ,which brought in 41 new features, is now rolling out to android counterpart of Google plus. version 4.0 Google+ for android improve the ways photos are handled on the net work with new features such as auto-highlight and auto enhance functionally that automatically edits the pictures as  well as lets you choose which in lot the lot are the most interesting for the uploads.

The update includes some of Snap seed's popular photography  tolls such as Drama and Retrolux in a bid to provide more specific controls like saturation and contrast within the app.The update also makes it easier to share location as well as sharing with desired circles.
If someone shares his/her location, you'll see current status on their Google+ profile.On tapping the new 'locations'.You will see friend's current location on map.Google also makes it easier and gives the user more control over sharing their location, and with whom.
Now feed look more interactive and easy to navigate.

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