









Monday, April 29, 2013

Customize Which Apps Show their Notifications on the Lock Screen in Windows 8

One of Windows 8’s niftier features is that it displays notifications on the Lock screen from certain apps—email, social networking, calendar, and more. That way, if you want a quick rundown of what you need to know, it’s right there for you. You don’t even have to log into Windows 8; just check out the Lock screen. Maybe you don’t want to see updates from your social networking sites, but do want to see the current weather, or information from another app. Customizing exactly what shows up on your Start screen is a breeze. Press Windows key+I, and then select Change PC Settings at the bottom of the Settings pane. From the right side of the screen that appears ( See Figure )
     Select Lock Screen. Down at the bottom-right of the screen, you’ll see icons of the apps that automatically display notifications, with some plus signs to the right (See Figure).

 Click a plus sign to reveal a list of apps that can display notifications. Simply pick one and it will display alerts and other information on the Start screen.

 Note: When you click a plus sign, you’ll see both the apps that already display notifications, as well as those that don’t. If you choose one that already displays its notifications on the Start screen, nothing new happens—the app still displays notifications, with no change.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Windows 8 Tips & Tricks

Windows 8 Tips
& Tricks

There are some things that Microsoft hasn’t told you about Windows 8. We’re here to help.

 Windows 8 is replete with new features and unexpected behaviors that it’d take a while for even the most experienced of Windows users to master. After using the OS  extensively for the last few months, here are five tips and tricks that both newbies and power users should find useful.

         Login to Desktop Mode Directly

 The key to this trick is to have the Desktop tile as the first tile on your Start screen.

Most of us here like the new tile-based Start screen in Windows 8, especially the dynamic live tiles that put information we care about front and center. But we also recognize that there are those who can’t stand the Modern UI. While there are third party apps like Start8 and RetroUI that allow booting directly to the desktop, we’ve a trick that does the same thing but doesn’t require any extra software:  •  Put the Desktop tile at the left uppermost position on the Start   screen. •  Restart your PC. •  At the login screen, enter your password. •  Instead of pressing Enter, hold down the Enter key. •  Because the Start screen always puts its focus on the first tile,   holding down the Enter key will launch the Desktop ‘app’    immediately.

 During login, after entering your password, hold down the Enter key to jump straight
into desktop mode.

                       Faster Shut Downs

 Create the shortcut on the desktop; you can assign an icon to it.

 When you invoke the Settings Charm, and click on the Power button, you’ll be presented with options to shut down or restart the device, or put it to sleep. If you’re on the desktop, pressing Alt + F4 will bring up the shut down menu. However, a much faster way is to create a shut down shortcut which you can place on the desktop or pin it on the Start screen: •  Right-click on the desktop and select ‘New > Shortcut’. •  Enter ‘shutdown /s /t 0’ (without the quotes), and then give the   shortcut a name. •  Click ‘Finish’ and you’ll find a shortcut on your desktop. •  Optionally, you can right-click on this shortcut, select ‘Properties’,   and click ‘Change Icon’ under the Shortcut tab to assign an icon to   the shortcut. •  To make this shortcut also appear on the new Start screen, simply   right-click on it and select ‘Pin to Start’.

Pin the shortcut to the Start screen, and you can shut down with just one click.

               Snap Three Apps Side-by-Side

 Snap allows you to place two Modern-style apps side by side on the same screen.

 Multi-tasking in Windows 8’s Modern UI environment is achieved by a new feature called ‘Snap’, which places two Modern-style apps side by side. The drawback of Snap is that you can’t have more than two apps on the same screen. However, because Windows 8 treats the desktop as an app, if what you want is to have two desktops apps (or windows) and one Modern-style app on the same screen, there’s a way to do it (you need a screen resolution of at least 1,366 x 768 though): •  On the desktop, drag the title bar of a window to the left or right   side of the screen to expand the window. •  Repeat step 1 with another window to arrange both windows side   by side. This feature is called Aero Snap. •  Next, bring up the app switcher (swipe in and back out on the left   edge). •  Select the Modern-style app you like to ‘snap’ with the desktop app,   and drag its thumbnail towards the right. •  You’ll notice that the main app will now make room for a stripe that   appears on the left; here is where you dock the secondary app in.   Drag the thumbnail further to the right if you want to dock it on the   right side.

 If you combine Snap with Aero Snap for the desktop, you now can have three apps
side by side.

How to See the iTunes Track in the Dock on Mac OS X Lion

How to See the iTunes Track in the Dock on Mac OS X Lion

Here’s a handy little tweak for the Dock that will cause a pop-up window
to momentarily appear each time iTunes begins playing a new track (see Figure above). It’s so useful that it’s hard to believe it isn’t activated by default or is at least an official preference option. But it isn’t. 

Quit iTunes if it’s open, then open a Terminal window (Finder >Applications >Utilities >Terminal) and type the following:

 defaults write com.apple.dock itunes-notifications -bool TRUE;killall Dock 

Then start iTunes and try playing a track. Neat, eh? The pop-up fades away after a few seconds.
 To add the iTunes icon to the pop-up window, type the following into a Terminal window: 

defaults write com.apple.dock notification-always-show-image -bool TRUE; killall Dock 

To deactivate the pop-up at a later date, quit iTunes again, then open a Terminal window and type the following two lines:

 defaults delete com.apple.dock itunes-notifications 
 defaults delete com.apple.dock notification-always-show-image;killall Dock

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Add Thesis Style Social Subscription Box for Blogger

Everyone likes stylish subscription box , Checkout this Wordpress style subscription box

If you want to add this widget to your blog just follow this simple steps

1.Log in to Blogger 
2.Go to Layout > Add a Gadget 
3.Choose HTML/Javascript 
4.Add the following code to it

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    <!- Thesis Email Subscribe Widget ->


Replace zgamerx with your Facebook Username.
Replace twitter with your Twitter Username.
Replace 109426816434341730525with your Google+Username.
Replace zgamecity with your FeedBurne Username.


Add Stylish Twitter Followers Like Box Widget

Add Stylish Twitter Followers Like Box Widget     

If you want to add this widget to your blog just follow this simple steps.

1.Go to Blogger > Layout
2.Click on 'Add a Gadget'
3.Choose HTML/Javascript
4.Copy Paste the code given below inside it.

<script type="text/javascript">
function fanbox_init(screen_name){document.getElementById('twitterfanbox').innerHTML='\<iframe name=\"fbfanIFrame_0\" frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" src=\"http://s.moopz.com/connect.html?user='+screen_name+'\" class=\"FB_SERVER_IFRAME\" scrolling=\"no\" style=\"width: 300px; height: 250px; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-width: initial; border-color: initial; \"\>\<\/iframe\>';}
<div id="twitterfanbox"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">fanbox_init("rajjaisw");</script>  

 4. Change the Twitter ID rajjaisw
with Your Twitter ID.

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