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Showing posts with label Beginners Guide. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to add follow button facebook in blogger.

Not every blog owner writes about the world. Sometime blogs are made for personal opinions. In this case, Facebook Fan Pages could give you productive results. Here, you should use Facebook profile and the subscription feature to let users follow you directly on Facebook. Recently, one of our users asked us that How to add a Facebook Follow Button in Blogger.  The follow button is a lot similar to the like box, functionalities and the appearance of the follow button is pretty much identical to the like box. In this article, we will show you How to add a Facebook Follow button for Single Author in blogger.

If you are running on a single author, then you can directly get the follow button code from Facebook Widget page and paste it anywhere you want to display that widget i.e. widget area, template and etc.

How to Add a Facebook Follow button in Blogger?

The first thing you need to do is to go to Facebook Social Plugins website page. Now enter the complete URL of your Facebook Profile for which you are willing to generate the follower button. There are a lot of options for customization which could help you in creating a perfect match for your website.

After entering your Profile URL, you can clearly see how your widget would appear on your website. Once bit of customization is done, press the “Get Code” button at the bottom.
Now a new window would pop out, select the “iFrame” Tab and copy the code. Now paste it anywhere you would like to show this widget. For example, if you are willing to show it in your sidebar then, go to Blogger.com >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Add HTML/JavaScript and simple paste the code there.
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
  js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);

}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
this is follow buuton of mylabofblogger.blogspot.in,so plaese change it from yours.

Friday, July 5, 2013

How to Add a Print it Button to Your Blogger Blog

Allowing your users to print your blog posts with just a single click is something that is pretty cool. On the other hand, almost all browsers provide the flexibility to print a web page by just going to “File” and “Print”. Different people have different choices and different people like to have a print feature on their blog posts for different reasons. You may just like to add a continent way. When users can print your posts with just one click then why they should be doing some complicated processes? In this article, we will show you how to add a quick print button to your Blogger blog.

The First thing you will be doing is to login into your Blogger Dashboard. Now After logging in, go to your blog >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for <div class='post-header-line-1'/>  and just above it paste the following code. Once everything is done, press “Save Template” button to conclude the process. 

Now to give your button a beautiful touch, you need to customize it with a bit of CSS. You can create any kind of image using any popular photo editing or deigning tool Like Photoshop and can simply apply the modest CSS to make it work. Here is a small example of how you can stylize your print it button. 

How to Remove Required Field Must Not be Blank in Blogger it is error?

If you are an intense Blogger user and almost use it daily to update your blog, then from the past two days, you probably have been noticing some strange changes in Blogger post editor that might drive you crazy. It is a kind of error notification, which prompts and stops you from publishing posts. It only happens when you leave the title area of post “Blank or unfilled”. The funny thing is that, on various forums, people are taking it is as a  bug. However, it is certain that fellow BlogSpot users are not truly appreciating this reckless move. Today in this article, we will show you  How to Remove Required Field Must Not be Blank Error notifications in Blogger?

The Warning message appears just beneath the title field area, but it is not obvious that it is referring to the title i.e. “Required field must not be blank Ignore warning”. Even after clicking the “Ignore warning” link the same notification keeps on appearing after a gap of few seconds.

The Problem:

You cannot save, preview or even publish your posts. This is awfully dangerous especially when you are writing a long article and all of a sudden browser crashes, and leaves you empty handed. Until now, Blogger’s auto save was truly impressive which automatically saves your posts, and later on it can be accessed from Draft. Now it no longer saves until you write a title.
To sum up: It is kind of an annoying feature, not helpful, risky and tough to recognize. It is truly tricky to come up with something like this, but the hilarious thing is that someone did.

The Solution: 

To stop receiving these annoying notifications you can temporary give a title to your post and change it later, but why should work around? The title should not be required, though it pays a key role in getting higher search engine ranking. However, still few users want some posts to be published without a title. It's important to mention that Blogger has never required post titles before.

There are still a few ways through which you can publish a post without even worrying to write a post title. In the title area field of the post editor, just give few spaces using the space-bar and now your post is eligible to be published.

On the other hand, some people just want to show their post title to search engines not to the human viewers. Here, you can use modest CSS that would hide the title and make it viewable to only search engines. Before publishing your posts, add the following code in the HTML Tab of the editor and hit publish to hide the title from human users.

Monday, July 1, 2013

What is Facebook and Facebook f8 and why it is used by many peoples,students and everyone.

Who doesn't know Facebook right?In fact because of the movie, everyone even knows about the story of Facebook's inception.To recap:Facebook is a social networking site launched in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates Eduardo Saverin,Andrew McCollum,Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.Registered users can create profiles,upload photos and videos,chat, send messages etc.It was originally created only for Harvard students then gradually grew to include other colleges and finally today anyone over the age of 13.It is available in 37 different languages.The most popular features is the Wall which is like a virtual bulletin board.Since May 2007 Facebook opened its developer's platform to let third party developers build applications and widgets.Once approved these could be distributed and publically used.Facebook offers a range of privacy settings to its users, but of course the site keeps getting a lot of flak from privacy advocates from time to time.A little known fact about the Facebook homepages is that the before 2007 it contained Al Pacino's face which was dubbed 'the Facebook Guy'.

Facebook f8:
Facebook f8 is a yearly conference event held by facebook.It takes place in San Francisco California.
It was started with the purpose of bringing together all the entrepreneurs and developers who are contributing to building the social web.The social web is an abstract concept which describes social relations that foster social interaction and link people through the web.The highlight of Facebook F8 is the starting keynote speech by Zuckerberg himself followed by discussions on various topics.Just after the event Facebook conducts an eight hour 'hackathon' which is where this events gets the name F8. All new feature and announcements from Facebook are made public here for the first time.Similar events have been held by Apple -World wide Developer's Conference (WWDC) and Google- Google I/O.

What is Hacking and hashing

What is Hacking and hashing
Hacking is the process of seeking and exploiting weakness and loopholes in a computer system with either good intention or bad. If it's for a sinister purpose, it's called a cyber-crime while it's for a good reason it's called Ethical Hacking.Computer programming often use ethical hacking to test the reliability and security of existing system.However,certain groups of hackers perform malicious activities to gain access to personal and crucial information such as bank details.They're called Black Hat Hackers.Hacking can be done by Denail of service(DoS) attacks and inclusion of other malware. There are hacker conventions and magazines that focus on security and privacy of networks.Despite their socially sound intentions,Hacker group such as Anonymous indulge in computer crimes.Such groups are known as hacktivists. These days, hacking is a field of study as part of network security courses and is taught in many reputed universities.
Hashing a set of algorithms and methods that allow mapping of a set of varied length characters or strings to fixed length characters or integers.Hashing is essential to maintain data security and privacy in many circumstances.For example, Consider the social apps you see from your smartphone.These app try to access your contact list to find people who are already on that social app.Instead of uploading plain text contact details to their services which leads to a privacy breach, these apps hash the contact numbers and emails using hash keys only known to the app developers. These hashed contacts can then be compared to a user database of the app to find people you may know.This is just one application of hashing.Hashing is also used widely in Cryptography where a cryptography hash function is used. This is uses for password verification on various website. Although hashing is prominently used on client-side,hackers can still break the hash code and gain access to information however those are rare cases.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to add picture codes in blogger and website.

Hey guys this is very interesting that you want to make your website/blog very beautiful because the code which you want to got from here is very helpful you and your website also.You can put links,Changes the image from the code and also

Html pictures codes:

<img src="http://www.quackit.com/pix/milford_sound/milford_sound_t.jpg" style="max-width:100%" alt="Milford Sound in New Zealand" />

How to add comment box
How to add background images,color,
 scroll box background color in blogger or websites.
How to add music player with picture in blogger,website and also Play audio online.add a social stylish subscribe widget for blogger.How to add word press subscription box in Blogger.Html Codes for background color putiing in your website or blogger

How to add comment box with color and background picture.

Hey guys You are interested for putting codes in your website for that your website is looking good.
So,you have to follow some steps before put this codes in your website.

if you are a blogger:
Lastly copy and paste the below codes inside.

Comment box code :
<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
Comments:<br />
<textarea name="comments" id="comments">
Hey... say something!
</textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Comment box colors:
<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
Comments:<br />
  <textarea name="comments" id="comments" style="width:160px;height:90px;background-color:#D0F18F;">
  Hey... say something!
  </textarea><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Comment box pictures:
<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
<textarea name="comments" id="comments" style="width:150px;height:150px; background:url('/pix/milford_sound/milford_sound_t.jpg');">
Enter your comments here...

...and watch your comment box grow scrollbars!
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

How to change or add html codes background color,background image,Fixed Background image, shorthand background code and backgrounds for the whole page

Hey guys now we know how to change background color with html elements.
The following examples use is CSS(Cascading style sheet).CSS is the best way for setting background.It's better than all other outdated methods.
You have only add this in your blogger by following ways :
  • Blogger>Layout
  • Html/Javascript
  • and paste the following codes inside which is given below.
Background color:
<div style="background-color:yellow;border:1px solid black;padding:10px;">
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!</p>


Background image:
<div style="background-image:url(/pix/smile.gif);
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!</p>
Fixed Background Image:

<div style="background-image:url(/pix/smile.gif);
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!
example shows how a background image can be set to a fixed position
- even though its containing block scrolls.</p>
Shorthand Background code:

<div style="background:url(/pix/smile.gif) repeat fixed;
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!
example shows how a background image can be set to a fixed position
- even though its containing block scrolls.</p>

How to change and add scroll box background color in blogger or websites.

Hey guys here is code which you want from us,because we know that what you want.For putting a stylish scroll box in your blogger /website you have to do some following steps before putting codes.
In Blogger

  1. open blogger>Layout
  2. Html/Java Script
  3. And paste the below codes inside 

Basic HTML Scroll Box
<div style="height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid #ccc;font:16px/26px Georgia, Garamond, Serif;overflow:auto;">
As you can see, once there's enough text in this box, the box will grow scroll bars... that's why we call it a scroll box! You could also place an image into the scroll box.

Background Color
This example changes the background color of the scroll box. In HTML, you change background color using the CSS background-color property:

HTML Code:
<div style="height:90px;width:150px;overflow:scroll;background-color:#67F152;">We have added a background color to this HTML scroll box. This is done using the CSS 'background-color' property.</div>
Html codes:
<div style="height:90px;width:150px;overflow:scroll;background-color:#67F152;color:#A6120D;">We have changed the color of the text inside this scroll box. We did this using the CSS 'color' property.</div>

What is inkjet printer,deskjet printer,Laser printer and Dot matrix printers.

What is inkjet printer,deskjet printer,Laser printer and Dot matrix printers.
A device that prints images (numbers,alphabet,or graphs) on paper is known as printer.After creating a document on the computer,you acn send it to the printer for printing its hard copy, which is generally called a printout.The speed of a printer is rated by either pages per minute(PPM) or charecters per seconds(CPS).You can take the printouts in either full colors or black color.Printers ,which can print in full colors, are expensive.Different types of printer are given as follows:

  • Dot Matrix Printers:Refer to a printer that uses pins and inks soaked ribbon.A dot matrix printer makes use of pins instead os hammer.The pins strike an ink ribon.As each pin hit the ink ribbon,a dot appears on the paper, and combinations of dots form character and illustrations.A dot matrix printer can print 1 to 18 pages in one minute.
  • Inkjet printers:Refers to a printer that sprays ink on the sheet of paper.The printer sprays little droplets of color in a pattern on the paper at a very fast speed.These tiny droplets form the character or image on the paper.Ink-jet printers produce high-quality text and graphs .An inkhet printer can print 4 to 6 pages in one minute.Now a days,Inkjet printers also produce photostat copy of any image or document .
  • Laser Printer:Refers to a type of printers ,which use a laser beam and rolling drum to produce a high quality printout .At the time of printing the laser beam creates a pattern of imagesand letters on the rolling drum.The pattern of images or letters is known as image of the document.After the image of document is formed,the printer spreade black powder(known as toner) on drum.The paper coming from the tray of the printer passes through the rolling drum and an image of the document appears on the paper.Before the paper comesout of laser printer,it passes through a set of heated rollers(known as fuser)which firmly paste the powder on the paper. 

    Friday, June 28, 2013

    How to automated blogger spam classification system.

    Are you also among those who are being targeted by blogger automated spam classification system?What would you do ,If some day you rose up in the morning and saw your site getting removed by blogger automatic spam.Probably,it would turn out to be a nastiest nightmare for a dedicated person who almost spends years in building his brand,so before this nightmare could become reality ti is essential for you to understand the blogger automated spam classification system.
    What is blogger automated spam classification system?
    It is an automatic algorithm,which tracks your site for of malicious code,If it sneaks suspicious activities going on your site,it straightaway disables your website without even checking your reputation or vice versa.Since this system is automotive,so the chances are quite prominent that it might be some false positive.
    Why automatic spam system mark your site as SPAM:
    If your site is not incompliance with the rules and regulations as prescribed by google then,sooner or later you probably would say a good bye to your blog.In this situation, you will not even geta second chance so keep in mind your blog's survival is in your hands.

    Exploring New and Improved Features of Windows 7.

    Windows 7 operating system is very similar to its immediate predecessor, Windows Vista.However, Windows 7 provides a set of new features in comparison to windows Vista.The new features of windows 7 are as follows:
    1. The getting started menu
    2. Home Group
    3. Jump List
    4. Aero Peek,Aero Snap, and Aero Shake
    5. Windows Search
    6. Windows Taskbar
    7. Windows Sidebar
    8. Performance Improvements
    9. Play to
    10. Ribbon
    11. Remote Media Screaming
    12. Windows Touch
    13. Libraries
    14. Internet Explorer 8(IE8)
    15. Windows Action Center
    16. Windows Live Essential
    17. Device Management
    In the section, you learn how these new features of windows7 help you to work efficiency on your computer starting with the Getting Started Menu.
    The getting started menu consists of the following options:
    • Discover Windows 7:Provides the list of new features introduced in Windows 7 that helps in protecting and seeting up your computer.
    • Personalize Windows:Helps in selecting a theme,such as Desktop background.
    • Transfer your files:Helps in transferring your files from one computer to another.
    • Share with a homegroup: Provide a facility to create homepage and select the files and folders that you want to share with another computer.
    • Change UAC settings:Helps in implementing the changes in your User Account Control settings of the computer.
    • Get Windows Live Essential :Helps in using the windows fetaures,such as Live Messenger,Mail,Live photo Gallery,Movie Maker and live toolbar
    • Back up your files:Helps in automatically saving the backup coopies of your important files.
    • Add new users:Provides the facility to allow other users to access your computer.
    • Change text size:Helps in making text and other screen items to appear larger or smaller,according to your preference.

    How to upload a video on youtube and give a better tittle and descriptions.

    The best and free video uploading site YouTube.The most famous and regular use by visitors for new and upcoming videos.
    The most reliable  thing is that how to upload videos on youtube.Here we are going to do some experiments before uploading videos on youtube.

    First open your youtube sign in account and comes on homepage;which is like this
    On the top right bottom there is a button of upload,Click on upload button.Then there is some view like this:
    When you click on select files to upload then there is options of selecting your videos from your computer.
    And then you are able to write tittle related of your video.When some body search on youtube from that language then there will your video comes first.
    For more information about this post,please comment or subscribe.

    Thursday, June 27, 2013

    How and when to monetize your blog with advertisement program.

    "Monetize" a blog is simply means adding advertisement so you can make money.It's done by signing up for programs which enable you place ads on your blogs, and get paid for it.Before we look at the various monetization methods you can use,let's consider how to use them effectively.
    Many new bloggers make a fundamental mistake:they put ads in their sidebars, and a banner or two at the top and bottom of their blog,and think that's enough.It isn't- that will make you few dollars at best.Readers come to your blog to read the posts or pages and many won't even notice what's in the sidebar or at the bottom of the screen.You need to monetize within your blog posts and pages,if you want to make real income.
    How to monetize your blog
    Consider the subject of your blog(and your blog is all about one subject,isn't?-you must specialize to monetize successfully).Create some pages featuring relevant products.Write blogs posts which are reviews of recommended books,products and services related to your subject.
    That doesn't mean you have to turn every blog post into a sale s pitch.You may br surprised how often you can find a relevant product to advertise within a post
    Adsens is a PPC program .Google makes it so easy to add adsense to your blog, that's often the first option bloggers jump to that-but it may not be the best choice.
    Because of phenomenon called 'smart pricing',it may not be a good idea to swamp your nascent blog with lots of AdSense ads while it's still small.Many internet gurus advise not using Adsense at all until your blog is well established and starting to get decent traffic.Like i said ,not everyone agrees with that advice.
    There are alternative PPC program out there,such as Chitika.
    Amazon is advantage that theyhave such a huge range of products,there's bound to be some which are relevant to your blog.Amazon can pays commission on US purchase only,and you'll have to sign up separately (and advertise separately) if you want to promote products from Amazon.co.uk and other international Amazons.
    One of the easy option-Skimlinks.With Skimlinks,you get instant access to all the big affiliate networksand thousands of merchants,instead of having to apply to each one individually for approval.

    How to start or enable comment notification in blogger.

    Are you receiving comment notification on your email address? By default, comment notification are turned off,so you don't receive any emails whenever some one leaves a comment to your website.Blogger has a built in features that allows you to either turn on or turn off the notification anytime that you like.Here we will you show you how to start to get notification of comments or enable to your website.

    Firstly you have your own blogger.com sign in.Here your dashboard comes on your screen.Select the blog on which you want to enable comment notification,go to: settings then mobile and email.Insert the email address in the text box present next to the "Comment notification email".You can enter up to ten email address,separated by commas.Blogger will email these addresses when someone leaves a comment on your blog.

    After you finish entering the email address,press the orange "save setting" button present at the top of right corner of your screen.Now whenever anyone would leave a comment on your site you will automatically receive notification on your allocated email addresses

    Top AdSense Alternative 2013:Media.net,Federated Media,Tribal Fusion,Casale Media,

    There is not only one way to earn money.So,Please don't tell anytime adsense:adsense and adsense.Here we are going to tell you top alternatives ads which provides you same services as adsense.AdSense for specific blogs!But,Yes they do require some more pages views to get approved and they pay well.
    Top adsense alternative:Media.Net CPM Network
    Media.net is a contextual advertising network similar to adsense.The only difference is the pay per view(CPM model) and have some great rates!Media.net is leading the CPM industry and at instances better than adsense!Yes,they offer a cpm of$2,the maximum in the industry!You can have a detailed review of Media.net.They are able to provide a high CPM only because they allow quality publishers in their network.
    Top adsense alternatives: Federated Media.
    Federated Media allows an access to premium publishers with business,living and technology niche!They have a good number of premium publishers which you can browse before applying for a publisher account!With Federated Media,You can earn high returns and it is one of the reasons why many publishers prefer Federated Media.
    Tribal Fusion
    Tribal fusion is one of the top CPM network paying$1 CPM for overall traffic with high fill rates.Though it's meant only for premium publishers who have more than 5,00,000 pages views a month and the blogs content whirl on issues related to technology!So,if you want to join tribal fusion best of luck and try to give your 100 %.

    How to delete properly more than one post in blogger.

    You are creating to many post in which few of them mistakely be wrong content.You want to delete that content or post.
    you have to do following case:
    • First open your blogger.com and sign in.
    • Then click on posts
    • There is option of delete 
    • Click on delete button
    • And your post will delete automatically.
    If you are not understanding this post please comment ,Our service contact you through email.

    How to properly named label in blogger for your posts.

    Having a decent category structure on your site makes it easier for your reader to navigate and find the right content.This is the reason why blogger offers label categories so that you can properly organize your content in a systematic way or manner.As your sites started to grow,there is always a room for an improvement.You might need to change the name of your labels or merge them with other labels.In this article,We will show you how to properly rename or delete labels in blogger.
    You need to select all posts through the check box allocated next to the tittle of your posts.After selecting the posts properly,press the "label action button"present just above the list of your posts.On pressing it a drop down window will appear,select "New Label" and enter a fresh label name which you want to give to your selected posts.Once press OK button to conclude.
    Taking care:
    You can edit up to 50 posts at a time.If you selected more than 50 posts then,it would probably show you some errors.
    Make sure you are selecting the correct label to edit because if somehow choose a wrong one it might mess up everything.

    Why Blogger has better SEO options than any other free platforms or services.

    While choosing a perfect blogging platform people always questions about on thing,does it is better for SEO?The half of the world prefers Blogger while the rest recommends wordpress but ultimately both has their own pros and cons.People always think Blogger is not a suitable platform to create a professional website,mainly because it does not provide flexible options to optimize you r site for SEO.What most people don't know is that blogger is probably the simplest and most powerful platform and it also had decent SEO score.In this article,we will provide an in-depth detail why blogger is better than wordpress or any other free platforms in terms of SEO?
    What options does blogger offers for SEO?
    By default, blogger provides constructive permalinks.In spite of all this,blogger also offers a robust option to choose custom URL for your posts. you can choose select few keywords and can use them in your URLs so that it can generate decent organic traffic from search engine.However, keep in mind stuffing your permalinks with many keywords would decrease the weightage of your keywords altogether.The more keywords you will add in the permalinks,the less will be the keyword weight and hence ,its relevancy would be lower in the searchresults.
    Write fresh content :
    Writing fresh and unique articles is another way to divert the attention of your visitors.Now you might be thinking how a piece of content would help you in ranking?Why people always prefer to write fresh and high quality content?

    How to create short URLs for your blog using google shortener and you use and create Google URL shortener.

    With the rise in the social media,we are continuously seeing people are giving more significance or important to branding.The branding starts from the facebook Cover,personalized twitter background,but that's not all.While sharing anything on their social profile most of the top companies always prefer small URLs instead of long Tail URLs.If your site is hosted at Blogger.com,then we have good news for you.To get a slim small URLs for your content,There is no need to rely on third party URL shorting services.You know that google is providing this facility to us for free that does the job quite brilliantly.Here in this article we are going to know How to create Short URLs for the Blogger.com or blogspots?

    Why to use the Google URL Shortener?
    People often share lots of links online .With character limits in tweets.You do not get enough room to say what's in your mind.In this situation.Small URLs provides you the room to express your thoughts within the same status update or tweet.Following are the goodness of the service.
    • Stability-One of the most reliable services with almost 100% uptime
    • Speed-With high speed google server,it loads URLs quicker  than any other services.
    • Security-Sends warning and notification if URLs point to malware or phishing or spam website.
    • Analytics-Not only tracks the number of clicks on your link but also provide the geographical details or the users.
    How to create Short URLs with google URL shortener?
    • First log in to your gmail account.
    • Then open a new tab and type:goo.gl/QoSaR.
    • Here is open google shortener and paste the link
    • You will automatically redirected on the Long URL that you just shorten few moments a go.

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    Free for your eye videos