









Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to add Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks on blogspot

Shareaholic is famous for its Social Bookmarking widgets.Sassy Bookmarks is another cool Gadgets by Shareaholic.It floats bottom left corner of your blogspot page.So If you have to make your blog more beautiful then you do it.

To add Sassy Bookmarks to the blogger. So lets follow the steps.
  • First,open the Dashboard.
  • Then open the Template>Edit html.
  • Then find(Ctrl+F) this code </body>
      Then add this code just above/before the </body> 
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks HTML (wikitechnol.blogspot.com)-->
<div class="shr_ss shr_publisher">

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks HTML (wikitechnol.blogspot.com) -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var SHRSS_Settings = {"shr_ss":{"src":"//dtym7iokkjlif.cloudfront.net/media/downloads/sassybookmark","link":"","service":"5,7,2,313,38,201,88,74","apikey":"b87f5899d80a5edce8b5e55f58542ef0f","localize":true,"shortener":"bitly","shortener_key":"","designer_toolTips":true,"tip_bg_color":"black","tip_text_color":"white","viewport":true,"twitter_template":"${title} - ${short_link} via @Shareaholic"}};
<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks settings -->
<!-- Start Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var sb = document.createElement("script"); sb.type = "text/javascript";sb.async = true;
sb.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://dtym7iokkjlif.cloudfront.net" : "http://cdn.shareaholic.com") + "/media/js/jquery.shareaholic-publishers-ss.min.js";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sb, s);

<!-- End Shareaholic Sassy Bookmarks script (wikitechnol.blogspot.com) -->

  • Then save the template and enjoy.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Social networking site Orkut, and how it works.

Orkut is a social networking service which is run by Google and named after its creator,an employee of Google.The service states that it was designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships.Facebook,the second largest social network on the web with around 60 million members,is one of the fastest-growing and best-known sites on the Internet today.Users can join networks organized by city,workplace,school,and region to connect and interact with other people.People can also add friends and send them messages,and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves.

How to add Follow on Pinterest button on blogspot

Pinterest is like a pinboard-style photo-sharing websites which allows users to create and manage theme-based pictures collections such as events,interests,and hobbies.Users can browse other pinboards for images.

For add 'follow me on Pinterst' follow these steps.
  • First,open the site www.blogger.com.
  • Then on the Dashboard open Layout>Add gadgets>Add html.
  • Now copy(Ctrl+C) this code.
<a href="http://pinterest.com/akashatfbk13/"><img src="http://passets-cdn.pinterest.com/images/follow-on-pinterest-button.png" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>
  • And paste it on body of the page.
NOTE:Remove akashatfbk13 with your Pinterest username.
Akash krishna is our author who is publishing the content very perfectly he is very newbie author but that doesn't matter because we are giving chance to everyone and give him opportunities to make money from our website.

How to get huge Traffic to A New Blog:Beginners Guide

Most of the newbie bloggers quit their blogging just because the don't see any traffic from their blog(s).Even who have started their blogging career long time ago don't see much improvisation in their traffic.

Why?This question arrives here

Because they don't follow few tips which has to be followed to get traffic to A new blog.

How can any blogger Get Traffic to A New Blog?

Though there are many ways to Get Traffic to A New blog, the ,most important is NETWORK.The more network you have the more traffic you'll get.

The best way to build a network around your blog is :start interacting with others using 

      • FaceBook
      • Twitter
Why I am mentioning only these website because,it's easy to spread your word and follow other bloggers easily using this social media sites and Get Traffic to A New Blog.

How to Get Traffic to A New Blog?

These are the ways to get huge traffic to your website:

1. Blog Comments

Comments on top blogs in your Niche try to be the first 5 Commenters.

Tips:Subscribe to their RSS feeds.

Don't spam their blogs by writting one liners.Add value to your comments.

If you want to get traffic daily this is the best way to go.

Type "your niche + blog" in google to know which are the top blogs in your Niche

Example:"What ever you want to search+ blog"

2. Network with others using Facebook and twitter

Facebook: Join in Groups......Promote yourself out there ... BTW Facebook alone is giving me 120+ leads daily( even without promote everyday!).I am also getting huge traffic from Facebook. So don't neglect bringing Facebook traffic to your blog.

You may find it difficult in the beginning but when you start promoting others content and when you get to know each other on Facebook,it becomes very easy!
Twitter:Follow top bloggers in your Niche and follow their followers.This is the simple yet effective way of increasing your targeted twitter followers.Once you have done this,you can tweet your new articles and ask your followers to retweet it.


Create a 2 minute video and add your blog link at the starting

Submit them to youtube,metacafe etc.

Tools to use:Use scanner to create free videos

4. Spend time on writting detailed articles.

Never assume that you can bring quality traffic without much efforts.
You need to differentiate yourself with others to become successful.It takes time to create content,I agree but you shouldn't spend whole time creating only normal or average 600 words posts.

Spend time to create great content.

Why your Blog Posts were not Shared And Commented.

Many new and newbie bloggers and some older bloggers were wonder why blog posts were not shared or commented but peoples comment on your blog.
There were some reasons which force users to share and comments on your articles.The below tips are of those reason might be helpful for you.


Reason 1: Your Articles are not unique and quality contents

Most of the people love to read educational articles which is fresh update information.They could learn about new knowledge which gives them the more experience expertise learning.

Know this?

They may want to share those value information or educational articles on their friends,colleges, and families since it valuable expertise development.That is the simple reason why blog posts were not share and commented or nothing at all.
The readers will enjoy and share your articles, if you have written a quality post which included above benefits of learning.

Reason 2: You have no close private relationship

How many friends in your social media connection?And did you have a strong relationship with them?

Well, private relationship is majority reason of why blog posts were not shared and  commented.I have also followers,Fans and friends connect ,especially I have built strong relationship with those peoples.

Whenever,I shared some information into social media profile they always help to spread my information by shared and commented on the posts and make it popular social release.Therefore, to build a stronger relationship will configure out the problem and give you the answer why blog post were not shared and commented by other people.

I suggested you to spend at least 40 minutes  to 1 hour daily to the community with others friend connect through to them and talk about anything in which you are interested but must talk about some social relation.

Reason 3: Shares unattractive posts.

Some bloggers just share only links which make other people complicated and wondering about what inside the link.Moreover, links could attract other social media user.

Now a days most of the people are very busy with their current job, thus they will never waste their time to click on some links and no valuable information.

The time constrain is another important reason of why blog posts were not shared and commented.Actually, most love to keep working and don't want to interrupt their work without any benefits such your link.

To make those people skip their value time to click on your link you have to put some call actions such as added attractive image and brief information about value content inside the article.

Reason 4: You don't have participant social media network group

Social media strategy is like WTO(world trade organisation) trading.None membership traders will gain less benefit from doing international trading.

You know there a group call ComentsDX which all members could exchange some comments with other members and gain the value of sharing to post of each other.When you ask a question why blog posts were not shared and commented,You should ask yourself that did you joint any networks or groups which benefit for increase more blog comments and sharing.

Reason 5:You never share minds, why blog posts were shared and commented by me.

When first time i start my blog i first integrated social media as marketing strategy.I am very fearing to share other competitors blog posts.

  Now it is the time of your's take advantage and tell us how you success.

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