









Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to get your Google Adsense account approval very easily.

Hey many of you want to earn money online with no risk i.e why we are providing you the right choice to earn money online with Google AdSense. Google Adsense is the best money making program , and all blogger & websites prefer it. But it’s difficult to get into Adsense program now a days.
Below is the noted Adsense mail that most of us get once we aren't eligible for the Adsense program.


Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

- Copyrighted material
- Insufficient content
- Site does not comply with Google policies

The Google AdSense Team

But i will tell you how to get very easily Adsense into your website and blogspot . This guide is totally based on my own experience. I've worked with this method of getting approval of AdSense application many times for my friends and it worked anytime.

Register New Email Account 1. Register New Email Account:

You should need a new email account could be Anyone. I had registered Adsense Account with Hotmail email it was later changed to gmail because gmail would be better.
1. Go to https://accounts.google.com/SignUp
2. Now fill your correct personal details

2. Custom Domain Name:
Custom Domain Name

Too many of us focus on the domain name, however my view is not important for blogspot.com and different free hosting domain you'll be able to use customized name. yes if you web site is (dot).com domain then your name is good for domain.

3. Site Design:
Site Design

Your website should have a professional design which is able to satisfied Adsense advertiser to publish ads on your site and can help your blog being approved by Adsense.

4. Content and Number of Posts:

You have need 30 to 50 number of post that include the high quality content. You need to have useful articles with more than 500+ words. they need to create unique content before they apply for Adsense program. If you're having content that is copied from different blog’s then don’t even imagine to get approved. Your blog shouldn't contain any copyrighted stuff. You can’t provide links for downloading movies, eBooks or any of such type. Your blog should also contain safe content that doesn’t harm the society or in easy term children friendly. You can’t even apply for an account after you write in your regional language there are only few languages that Google supports for Adsense program. you'll read more in Google’s AdSense program policies.

5. Traffic:

your website must have some good quantity of traffic to get Adsense account approved.

Minimum Traffic 1000 page views per day.
At least more then 300 unique visitors and majority from search engines especially Google.
If you have more traffic from United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Canada. then its a plus point.
If you don’t have any traffic from search engines then drop the idea of applying for Adsense.

6. Connect Your Site To Social Media:
Connect Your Site To Social Media
That is very important point to your blog must be connected with Social media networks, because the role of social media sites are very important for improve your blog visibility, traffic and blog ranking.  The best social media sites for driving traffic to your latest blog post
7. Create Blog Pages:

Static Pages allows you to create specific pages like about me, Contact page, Privacy Policy etc. on complete pages that are linked from your site. The static pages basically are the same as post pages, however there are many things that make them different. According to adsense terms and condition every blog must have a working contact us page and privacy policy page to get adsense approved.
Create some pages for website.
1. About  2. Contact  3.Privacy Policy  4. FAQ  5. Advertise and create other pages according your blog.

Note: Some time Google Adsense reject the application, the key word is resubmit your application.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SEO Guidelines For New Website/Blogger :Beginners guide

Today I am going to tell you some best ways how to improve your blog ranking on Search engine, Alexa-Rank and Google Page Rank. this is basic information about SEO next time we lunch complete course about SEO pack for blog so please subscribe our blog and join our community for learn best things about blogging .

1. How to improve search engine Visibility?
Improving search engine Visibility is that the #1 target of each websites to make it on the highest of each Search Engines results page and it isn't only depending on 1 criteria, rather it is a combination of Back-links  Page-rank  web traffic/impressions, uniqueness, and content quality of a website.

Here are some ways we can increase search engine visibility.

    • Use SEO Optimized Blogger Templates
    • Submit your Websites to Search Engines
    • Submit Website Sitemap To Webmaster Tools
    • Display Author image in Google Search Results
    • Use robots.txt
    • Complete How to Increase Search Engine Visibility?

2. What is Alexa and how to improve it?
Alexa shows your site's current estimated position and rank on the internet. to improve your Alexa, you need to have many Back-links  high Page-rank  and thousands of internet traffic/impressions. Alexa doesn't update in real time and usually takes three months to detect your true rank.

Here are some ways we can increase Alexa page rank.

    • Claim your site on Alexa
    • Install Alexa Widget on your site
    • Write a review about Alexa on your blog
    • Install Alexa Toolbar on your browser
    • Build quality back links
    • Ask users to write a review on Alexa

3. What is Page Rank and how to improve it?
Unlike Alexa, Page-rank only shows your site's current estimated position on the web. to improve it, you need to have a lot of Back-links and articles. Like Alexa, Page-rank does not update in real time.

Here are some ways we can increase Google Page Rank.

        • Write high quality content 
        • Submit Your Site to web and article Directories
        • Use Link Exchange Program to increase back links.
        • Keep updating your site/blog everyday
        • Use Social Bookmarking button to share you site on social sites
        • Website Advertising
        • Commenting On Other Blogs and Websites

How to Enable ,Setup,and Customize Blogger Robots.txt File in Blogger?

Hi ! In this tutorial I am going to show you how to edit your Blogger blog robots.txt file. Webmasters use custom robots.txt file to control search engine web robots (also known as Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders) to crawl some directories and web pages or links of website or blog. when we take settings robots.txt file in blogger then search engine automatically index or remove pages from search engine according to the settings.

By default each website allows the Search engines robots however if you would like to restricts the robots either to not crawl any bound directory, file or the complete website then you may want the robots.txt file in which you've got to write instructions for search engine bots.

Steps to edit robots.txt on blogger
Your Site Settings › Search preferences › Crawlers and indexing
Here you will able to see two options Custom robots.txt and Custom robots header tags.These two
 options would offer you the flexibility to customise your robot.txt file.In the last post i told you about
Custom robots header tags.
Now press edit button which is present after  'Custom robots.txt' option. After pressing on edit button
you can see a message " Enable custom robots.txt content? " so press "Yes" and proceed to next step.
Custom robots.txt - Search preferences
Now you can see  text area, type the content which you want to exclude a content from crawling.
Click on Save Changes button.
Enable Custom robots.txt - Search preferences

You are done!
How to block Link from search engines?
No, you have to write the URL. For example, if your want to stop robots from crawling this URL
(www.mylabworld.in/p/about.html) then, in the robot.txt file you will enter this command.
User-agent: *Disallow: p/about.html
Your robots.txt file located under your main blogspot directory as for Blogger Known its located on the following url:


By default blogger robots.txt contains the following content:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://mylabworld.in/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED

How to enable or Setup Custom Robots Header Tags for Better Search Engine optimization or SEO.

Blogger is continuously improving search preference feature, Add Custom Robots Header Tags are very important for every blogger  for batter SEO. Today tutorial i tell you how to enable custom robots header tags in blogger. You have to be careful to setup custom robots text because if you do something wrong Google not index your page in search engine. Follow the instructions carefully and it'll positively help you to boost your web site traffic.

Step 1: To enable these tags, go to Blogger > Settings > Search Preferences, click Edit next to "Custom robots header tags," and select Yes.

Step 2: Select Yes Option and customize setting shown in the below image.

You must learn about tags when should you use them.
all:  There are no restrictions for indexing or serving. This is default for all pages

  • noindex:  Do not show this page in search results and do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
  • nofollow:  Do not follow the links on this page
  • none:  Equivalent to noindex, nofollow
  • noarchive:  Do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
  • nosnippet:  Do not show a snippet in the search results for this page
  • noodp:  Do not use metadata from the Open Directory project (DMOZ) for titles or snippets shown for this page.
  • notranslate:  Do not offer translation of this page in other languages in search results.
  • noimageindex:  Do not index images on this page.

How to create a strong password for social media to not get hacked.

 There are a number of ways to secure access to online services, but the humble password remains both the strongest – and weakest – link in the chain, whether you’re using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC. Weak passwords can be cracked in a variety of ways, from “brute force” dictionary attacks to simple guess work.

It’s incredible to think that many people still use their own names as passwords or easy-to-guess sequences such as “abc123” or “qwerty”. Others use single words like “monkey” or “birthday” that are easy to crack using password-cracking software.

A strong password uses a combination of numbers and letters in a sequence that is difficult for people and computers to guess. The very strongest passwords are seemingly random strings of characters.

If you find it difficult to come up with passwords, there are free tools that can do it for you. Whether it’s a web-based service that enables you to specify a wide variety of parameters. For example, you can choose how long to make the password, whether it should contain special characters, numbers and different letter cases. Perhaps it can also be used to encrypt passwords to make them even stronger.

Passwords for Kids

However, tools with such a variety of options could prove daunting, so we also recommend looking at dinopass.com. It’s meant for children, but the passwords it very quickly generates are suitable for anyone to use. There are only two options - simple or strong. In both cases, pairs of random words are coupled with numbers. The “strong” option substitutes some of the letters for numbers.

DinoPass is successful because it enables you to create passwords that are memorable - and it does it in a simple way. Pairs of words are harder to crack than single words - especially when they’re apparently unrelated.

Devise your own Password

Take two words that have some significance for you and turn that into a passphrase. For example, if you’re a DJ who drives a red car the password could be “redjockeyl”.  Add a memorable number to make it stronger.  For example a family member’s birth year, and it could become; “redjockey64”.  Finally, substitute one or two letters for numbers or other characters to get something like “r3dj0ckey64”.

To anyone else, that will look pretty random - but to you, it’s a password that’s easy to remember and impossible to guess.

Free Password Generator

Another problem is that we have lots of passwords to remember. At least, we should have. Using the same password for every service is never a good idea. If a hacker or thief has access to that one password, they could have access to your entire online life.

You can also use online password management tools, like Norton Identity Safe, which is free to download and you can use on your laptop or your mobile phone. Norton Identity Safe remembers all your passwords for you, and is totally secure. You can use the site’s free password generator to create very strong, complex passwords without having to worry about remembering a single number or letter. Or if you prefer, you can also use the app in combination with your own passwords.
 get password protector now

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