You know that in blogging or creating a page is not possible without html codes.Especially in blogger webpage.If you want to insert any type of special effect or need html codes of it.So,there are some codes for making a website better.
Html code for Creating a Table.
To create a table in HTML,we use the <TABLE>tag.Each table begins with a <TABLE> tag and ends with </TABLE>tag.Each row within a table begins with the <TR> table row tag,and ends with the </TR> tag.Rows must be inside the <TABLE> tag.
Let us create a table to display the S.No.,Name and Grades of students and understand the use of these tags.
<TITLE>Create a Table</TITLE>
Note that the given words in red are as for will replace it as your names for table.
html code for Marquee Text
A Marquee display a moving text message on a background.You can add a marquee to your web page by using the <marquee> tag.
SYNTAX: <MARQUEE>text you want to enter or 'Qualities of good student'</MARQUEE>The marquee tag has a number of attributes.<marquee width=100%height=30 behavior="alternate"bgcolor="yellow">Attributes of a student </marquee>
- Behavior attributes may take any value out of Alternate,Scroll and Slide.
- To change the properties of the marquee text,you can use the <font> tag before the marquee tag and the Off<Font>tag after the </marquee> tag.
<B><Font Size="6"Color ="Yellow">
<FontSize="6"Color="White"><FontFace="Times New Roman">
<OL type="I">
<LI>Academic Skills
<marquee>Qualities of a student</marquee>