









Tuesday, July 23, 2013

15 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense

15 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense
1. Privacy Policy :
One of the common mistakes that every Blogger makes and that I made many times before finally getting approved. Even though there are people out there who say that having a Privacy Policy for a Blog doesn’t makes sense but they are wrong.
A Privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your Blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a Privacy Policy. While it can affect somehow on your Adsense Approval, you must give it a try. You can write it yourself or find Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway).
2. About Page
An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.About page simply describes about you and your Blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust upon you.
3. Contact Us Page
It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Than it is better to give them opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your Blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.
It will also show the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and Adsense.
4. Name/ Email Verification
Make sure to put you Name and Email address in some easily visible area like About Me and Contact Us pages. It will confirm to Google Adsense Team that it is the same person who applied for Adsense and not some spam, crappy bots.
5. Age Verification
I’m really laughing out typing this. ;)
Because this is where I encountered a problem. Instead of 18, I accidentally published my age as 17 while on Adsense Application Form, it was accurately 18.
Hence there started a problem . Because Google Adsense is not for under 18 people. I realized this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason. So I advice you to be accurate while typing your age.
6. Minimum Number of Posts
There is no exact answer. Not even one. Because I have seen very established Blogs with 400+ posts and their owner telling me that Google Adsense is rejecting them while somewhere ,people with 40,50 posts are enjoying making money. Exactly what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things. According to my experience , you should only apply after you have more than 70 posts. Posts length should must be 500+ words too.
Read : Difference Between Short Length Post Vs Length Posts – What’s Best?
7. Design
Your Blog is the biggest thing after Content. This represents your expertise ,experience and Professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your Chances.
8. Content Type
Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters. Google Adsense is not for Pornographic, Illegal Items, Drugs or other Blogs / Sites like that. Also Adsense team won’t be willing to allow you to step in if you own a Non English Blog. Having posts shorter than 300 words in length is also Red Signal.
9. Providing Value
Don’t complain about not making money and don’t clearly state that your are Blogging for Money only and have no other interest in it. Because this will show them that you will not be providing values to your readers any day. Hence another Red Light glows up.
10. Top Level Domain
12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense
Those are gone far away when Adsense used to approve “Blogspot” and “WordPress.com” Blogs. As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your Blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with Sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain.
Another important thing about domain is it’s age. Because for most of Asian Countries, Adsense has placed an age restriction. They don’t accept any sites before they are 6 months old.
11. Other Ad Networks
If you have any other Ads placed like Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.
Even Google Adsense allows you to use other Ad Networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before Applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from Adsense Team.
12. Paid Traffic
Google hates the sites that are getting Paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting Adsense Approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from Search Engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google Adsense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.
Download FREE eBook : Google Adsense Secrets Revealed

What you’ll get?

What to do if adsense is not getting approved?
If google adsense still not approving your website/blog. You can use these websites to earn money without adsense.
Text Link Ads
Final Words About Apply for Adsense!
This will take your few time and you have to Do these things Before Applying for Google Adsense. I guess these are not too hard. Don’t be sad if google adsense not approve your blog! :)
There are many other ways to make money online without adsense.

Idea launches Campus Card for college students

Idea launches Campus Card for college students in Delhi
Idea Cellular has launched a new plan for college students in Delhi. The new Campus Card includes discounted talktime, data, SMS and calling.

Priced at Rs. 79, users get talktime of Rs. 30, 400 MB data, 100 local/national SMS, local calls on same network at Rs. 30 p/min and on other network at 40p/min. The card is valid for one month.

“Idea Campus Card has been specially designed for the needs of students as colleges are set to reopen after the long summer break. The Idea Campus Card is a convenient phone card that offers very good value for money for college students in Delhi. With calling rates that are among the lowest in India, it is the perfect way for them to stay in touch with their friends and families all the year long,” says the company in a press release.

Idea's new Campus Card comes shortly after Aircel launched a Fuccha pack for college students in Delhi. Under Aircel's Fuchha pack, users get 333 local & STD minutes for three months or 90 days (111 minutes per month), calls on same network at 10 p/min and on other network at 50 p/min. The plan also offers for free 1500 local and national SMS, apart from 1GB of 2G data.

Vodafone is also offering a similar plan for Delhi/NCR students. Called Campus Pack, the plan includes bonus card of either Rs. 149 or Rs. 275 to get STD calls at 40 p/min, 100 free SMS (local + STD) valid over 28 days. Read more about Vodafone's Campus Pack here.

Why bloggers fails to build their own blog readership.

Blogging needs efforts to grow and build its value for both readers as well search engines.
Just receiving traffic is not the goal of any blogger. The thing which we need is a powerful readership around our blog.
We need readers to read our content not just visitors who come and go back to another place for the information they are looking for.
One more thing we all know that readership is based on traffic. If you are receiving decent traffic then there are major chances to build readership. But readership is not totally dependent on traffic.
It depends on many factors which I’ll discuss today in this post and the reasons why bloggers fail to build strong and powerful blog readership.5 Reasons Why You Fail To Build Your Blog Readership
5 Reasons Why You Fail To Build Your Blog Readership
1. Writing Content for Search Engines
Most of newbie bloggers, when they start their blog, start posting anything they like to post without any proper knowledge of how to right best content.
Your content should not target the search engines. Try to right something under your niche that your readers like to read. If they like your content then they bring new traffic to your blog and also convert from visitors to readers.
12 Tips For Writing Engaging Content For Readers
2. Not Active on Social Media Sites
Social Media sites have proved themselves that they have the audience which you want for your business.
There are millions of regular visitors on major social media sites like facebook, twitter and now on Google Plus too. If you are not active on these great sources of traffic sites then you are really missing targeted audience as well valuable readers.
3. Poor Relationships with Existing Readers
I have examined many blogs where nobody is there to solve reader’s queries and doubts.
Blog owners just post content and sit relax.
They never take interest to communicate with their readers by replying to their comments. If you are also doing same then start communicating today with your readers because readers at early stage of blog are very important.
You should not ignore them if you are serious for your blogging goals.
4. Not Participating in Blogger’s Communities
Blogger’s communities and forums are one of the best sources of receiving targeted audiences.
There are numberless readers who are communicating from each other to share their views and ideas on particular topic. If you are not participating in those communities then really you are not fairing with your blog.
Generating quality content for your blog is not enough if you are not able to reach it to the correct audience. There are lot of big blogs with a strong readership and you have to target those readers. Start participating today in below best blog communities and forums to gain more exposure for your blog.
IndiBlogger.in (An Indian Blogger’s Directory)
5. Poor Consistency
One of the main reasons to fail to maintain blog readership is the consistency by which you are updating your blog.
You may be heard that we should post regularly to increase blog traffic but if you are not consistent with your blogging timings then you can never taste the real readership.
Your readers should be aware with your posting timings so that they can land on your blog at that time to read what you have written new in your blog. It will not only increase your blog readers but also you will gain trust of readers and search engines also by showing that you are really serious about your blog.
7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth
Final Words!
These were the 5 major reasons you may be failed to build a true readership for your blog.
If you feel that you are not working on any of the above strategies then start working today on it.
Check out the post here to learn how to build powerful online presence /readership and make blog successful in short time.
Believe me you will be happy with the results you will get after being active on these 5 hot reasons. Happy Blogging!

Mistakes which creates problem on social media.

In a very short space of time, we’ve come a long way with Social Media. Social Media is a now a part of our lives and has become necessary and easy to run your business successfully.We are using social media for our business use or for individual purposes.Social media becoimg a better sources for any of the purposes for guiding your business and for advertisement.
Every famous Company of World is now largely focusing on its Social Network, than TV or Print Advertisement. So that’s why it’s necessary to move with trend and get customers/audience.
Why Social Media?
Facebook have more than a 1 billion active user and Twitter has more than 750 million users.
Social Media is like Word to Mouth Marketing – the best one.
Get better position in SERP’s and your blog gets better crawling by Search Engine bots.
Free traffic to your blog and Niche Oriented.
Easiest and best way to connect with your audience.
Blog Branding
To make a good Social Media presence, we just not need create a Fan Page or account and promote your products or services but we should have a good impact on your fans. Many people make mistakes initial, almost everyone. But we have to learn from our every mistakes, rather than doing it again and again.
Mistakes You Make in Social Media

  • 1 Not being Authentic and Transparent

One should never show himself something he’s not. To get a trust from your audience you should not be afraid to add your personal voice to it. Transparency is what Public demand and should not be ignored.
Be transparent about yourself and your skills. Public loves you only till you’re true to them. The good thing about being the single moderator, you don’t have to approve content with your partners to post updates.

  • 2 No Aims and Objectives

Lots of times you might have heard “Fail to Plan and Plan to fail”. Well its truth, if you don’t spend a bit of time on planning your Online Marketing, its going to be fail and maybe fatal also.
Before you start your Social Media campaign, initially its must to have Aims and targets for it. Set an achievable target, target the audience you want and where will you find them. These three are the most important objectives for any type of Social Media campaigns.

  • 3 Doing Hard Selling

This is where mostly people lose their trust and loyalty from the target audience because they spam their Facebook Page/Twitter account with just links and nothing valuable for the people.
Start giving useful content to them like updating some facts related to your market, funny images, asking questions and sharing videos with them, this will definitely going to boost your Online presence and whenever you will share links, they’re surely going to take it seriously.

  • 4 Treating it as a One-Way Broadcast Medium

Never ever mess with someone, who wants to have a conversation with you. You can fully automate your Pages by sending your blog feed regularly and can forget that you ever had a Social Media accounts for promotion, but surely it has a negative effect.
Social Media seems interesting only when it’s a two-way conversation between you and the community. Remember, Reply to every comments, Messages and other queries from your community.

  • 5 About section empty or seems ugly

About section is made to show a small description. Everyone before hitting like or follow button will see your bio, definitely if it seems interesting then only he will initiate .
Write an awesome description of your page. A
good example of description is “Founder of @ProBlogger & @DigitalPS, Author, speaker and eBook publisher. Husband & Dad to 3 boys. Love lattes & Leicas. Personal Tweets at @DarrenRowse”, this is the bio of Darren Rowse.
In his short bio, he mentioned his Working Fields correctly and also a bit about his personal life. A bad description can be “I Love cheese!” This small description will be the first impression of how much active you’re on Social Media.

  • 6 No Patience

Using Social Media is a long-term approach. For a new blog, it takes about 4-6 months to establish a following for his blog. You have to wait to create good followers of your blog and spend quality time in it.
Once it has been established it will continue to build traffic to your blog and people will come looking for you.

  • 7 Being Traditional, not using advanced tools

You’re out of town so you couldn’t post updates and then tell your visitors “I’m sorry, I went for a small vacation, I will update my account from now”. No you’re doing it wrong way, eventually people never like these type of lame excuses and people may lose interest in you.
You should know how to schedule updates, when you’re out to vacation. Use tools such as BufferApp or HootSuite to manage your Work. If you want, take some pain and try to update and be in touch using a Smartphone for them, there’s no better solution for it.
So the list I’ve compiled is over, but I know the list will be endless if I start to list every problem we make. Let us know what mistakes you’ve made by commenting below and how you coped with it.

Asking for Payment thresholds,Tax information submission threshold,Verification threshold in Adsense after reaching 10 dollars.

Payment thresholds

There are several earnings thresholds that impact whether you're eligible to be paid for your AdSense earnings. These thresholds vary depending on the reporting currency in your account.
Thresholds Tax information submission Verification Payment method selection Payment Cancellation
U.S. Dollar (USD)                             $10 $10 $10 $100 $10
Euro (EUR)                        N/A $10 equivalent €10 €70 €10
Great British Pound (GBP)     N/A $10 equivalent £10 £60 £10
Swiss Franc (CHF) N/A $10 equivalent CHF10 CHF100 CHF10
Danish Krone (DKK) N/A $10 equivalent kr60 kr600 kr60
Swedish Krona (SEK) N/A $10 equivalent kr70 kr700 kr70
Norwegian Krone (NOK) N/A $10 equivalent kr60 kr600 kr60
South African Rand (ZAR) N/A $10 equivalent R100 R1000 R100
Japanese Yen (JPY) N/A $10 equivalent ¥1000 ¥10000 ¥1000
Australian Dollar (AUD) N/A $10 equivalent A$15 A$150 A$15
Chinese Renminbi (RMB) N/A $10 equivalent ¥80 ¥400 ¥80
Asking for address infrmation
Tax information submission threshold

Depending on your location, you may be required to provide certain information for tax purposes. If you are required to submit tax information, we'll enable you to enter your tax information when you reach this threshold.

To learn whether you need to provide tax information and, if necessary, how to submit it:

    Sign in to your account.
    Visit the Account settings page.
    In the 'Payment settings' section, click 'update tax information'.
    If you're required to enter tax information and you've reached the threshold, you'll see a tax wizard prompting you to enter your information.

Verification threshold

To verify the accuracy of your account information, we will mail a personal identification number (PIN) to your payment address when your earnings reach the verification threshold. You'll then be required to enter this PIN in your account. Learn more about address verification.

Depending on your location, you may also be asked to verify your phone number. As part of this process, our system will call you and provide you with a number that you'll have to enter in your AdSense account. Learn more about phone number verification.

Payment method selection threshold

According to our Terms and Conditions, active accounts need to reach the payment threshold in order to qualify for a payment. Since we don't ever issue payments for less than this threshold, we don't allow publishers to select a form of payment until their earnings have reached this amount.

For more information, please visit the payments guide.

Payment threshold

You will be paid out when your unpaid earnings reach the payments threshold and all holds have been removed from your account. Payment thresholds are based on the reporting currency that your AdSense reports are displayed in, not necessarily the currency in which you receive payment.
Cancellation threshold

If you decide to cancel your account and your account balance is greater than the cancellation threshold, you'll receive your final payment within approximately 90 days of the end of the month.

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