









Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Best monetize path to boost your earnings with affiliate programs.

Every blogger knows that it has become exceedingly difficult to earn money. What worked in the past does not work as well any more. What might in work in the future does not work yet. And so bloggers are in this limbo, where they’re scraping together any way possible to make money from their blogs. It’s quite a frustrating time for everyone.

Each blog will have a different ideal monetization strategy.

Bloggers spend countless hours not only searching for that ideal strategy, but then implementing and optimizing it. Yet with the state of online income these days, it’s difficult to focus on just one strategy.

In fact, the best way to boost your blog’s income is to explore multiple monetization strategies. The more you implement, the more you can earn.

(In a future guest post I will describe the best strategy for implementing multiple monetization strategies. But for now let’s focus on the basics.)

So what are the five methods of blog monetization? Here goes, starting with the simplest and most common.

Boost Your Blog Income With These 5 Smart Ways
1. CPM advertising

When bloggers first looked for a way to make money, they sought the traditional publishing method. People read blogs, and advertisers want to be where people put their eyeballs. Yet because most blogs couldn’t afford an ad sales staff, they had to rely on a middleman to create opportunities. That’s where Google stepped in.

AdSense is the most common method for monetizing blogs, but it doesn’t really pay out much money. For one, advertisers won’t pay premium rates to reach a small number of people, so they pay far lower rates than in print. On top of that, Google takes a huge fee on each sale, so the blogger is left with a meager income from CPM advertising. It is by far the easiest way to monetize a blog — all you have to do is sign up for AdSense and insert some code — but because it is so easy, it is also the least profitable.

Raj's Tip: Look for a company like PulsePoint that allows you to place bids on CPM ads. You can set the bid very high, allowing you to find opportunities for better-paying ads. When you can’t find an ad that meets your CPM requirements, you can fill your inventory with the same AdSense ads you’d have run anyway.
2. Affiliate marketing

The most efficient way to make money is to sell something. You offer something people want, and they give you money in exchange for the product or service. It works exceedingly well in the physical world, and it can work well online, too. The simplest way to sell things is via affiliate deals.

Affiliate marketing works in a simple manner. You find retailers that have affiliate programs and then sign up. The retailer then provides you with code, which you add to the links on your site. When you drive traffic, and then sales, to the retailer, you get a commission. It’s really a simple referral, but it can bring you far more money than CPM advertising, because people are actually buying something — and you are facilitating that sale.

Raj's Tip: Start with an affiliate network like Commission Junction or ClickBank, but always be on the looking for individual merchants that offer an affiliate program. When you work with a merchant, you get a cut of the sale and that’s that. While working with CJ will bring you more opportunities, you also have to pay CJ a portion of each sale, thereby reducing your commissions.
3. Direct sales

If you’re blogging about something, chances are you possess a level of expertise. Further, chances are that you’re not giving away industry secrets on your blog. It’s best to save those for bigger projects, ones that have more money-making potential than a standalone blog. Thankfully, there are easy and free resources that allow you to create your own digital products, which you can sell to you readers.

Creating e-books, videos, and audio programs can be greatly profitable. You already have the marketing vehicle, which is your blog. This is where you display your expertise. Once you have developed credibility, you can then point your readers to premium products, where you offer them advice and information that they can’t find on your blog — or anywhere else. It’s a hard sell, but it’s far more profitable than selling someone else’s products.

Raj's Tip: One key to selling products is to get a good rate on credit cards. Yes, you have to pay a third party in order to accept credit cards online. Finding a company like WePay, which offers better rates than competitors, will allow you to keep even more from each sale.

    How To Quickly Sell Ad Spaces?

4. E-commerce reselling

Maybe you don’t have a product of your own to sell, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sell at all. Again, selling products is the most efficient way of making money. If you’re looking for better commissions than affiliate marketing, and you have an audience that is ready to buy, you can try another monetization method. By re-selling e-commerce products, you can earn huge commissions.

The difference between reselling and affiliate marketing is that when reselling, you the blogger take most of the responsibility. You have to market the product, display the product, and process payment for the product. (Though almost always you can find someone else to ship the product.) That takes the burden off the retailer, which means a greater commission for you. Re-selling e-commerce products isn’t for everyone, but bloggers with large audiences can find it rewarding.

Raj's Tip: Look for an all-inclusive e-commerce solution such as Shopify, which will help you set up your store, display your products, and manage customer carts. You’ll have to pay, yes, but in the end it will be cheaper and less frustrating than creating a custom solution.
5. Subscription paywall

We leave the most difficult for last. Creating a subscription paywall for your blog was a hot, trendy idea about six or seven years ago, but the idea quickly fizzled out.

Why? Because there are millions of blogs on the internet. What makes yours so great that people will pay for it? The bad news is that the question is difficult to answer. The good news is that if you can sufficiently answer it, you can make money charging people to read your content.

The trick here is to go beyond credibility. Most bloggers, with some hard work, can establish credibility in a niche. But you can’t just be credible; you must be a noted expert. This means finding any and all opportunities to not only write on your blog, but others’ blogs and websites as well. You have to reach far and wide in order to develop expert status. It takes plenty of hard work, but the reward can be enormous.

Raj's  Tip: There are experts everywhere, and chances are you’ll find it difficult to become an expert in a large field. The key is to narrow your focus and become an expert in a single niche. For example, affiliate marketing is a huge field, but there are many components. Becoming a PPC expert is one way to become an affiliate marketing expert. The bonus is that as you become an affiliate marketing expert, you also become a PPC expert, thereby increasing your ability to charge for content and advice.

In one way, making money from your blog has never been more difficult. Many of the old monetization strategies don’t work as well as they once did. In another way, there are more opportunities than ever. If you can take advantage of three or four of these, you’ll find that you can boost your income.

Make sure to join me later this month, when I discuss the best method for implementing these strategies.

How and why to protect your adsense account from invalid click and click bombarding.

Do you know your Adsense Account is in danger, yeah this is not an April fool prank or anything like a joke, this is as true as you are breathing from some past days many bloggers experiencing heavy invalid activity in their Adsense account.

You may have also experienced that number of clicks are much more than as comparison of the Estimated Earnings, especially from some countries like United states clicks are coming fluently but no money, CPC from such countries lies somewhere between $0.01 – $0.04 which is too less and this Cost per Click clearly saying that these clicks you are getting on your Ads are not Genuine for sure.

Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?

Many Bloggers and Webmasters have lost their Adsense Ads in some past days because of this invalid activity or some other reasons.
How to know the Country from where invalid clicks are coming from ?

Many of you may already know about this but some don’t, so let me explain how to know from which country your Adsense Ads are getting unusually clicked, to find this out just follow these steps…

1.    Log in to your Adsense Account.

2.    Click on Overview this month.

3.    Select the Today date from the upper right corner.

4.    Now click on Countries from Left sidebar.

5.    Now carefully checkout the no. of clicks in front of each Country name.

If you detect any country from where clicks have been done but CPC from there are very low then it simply means that your Adsense Ads are in danger.
How to Protect Your Adsense Account?

See if you are getting unusual clicks on your Ads, then first of all you try to detect the IP(s) of clicker and if you successfully detect those IP’s then just block them to showing Ads so that they won’t see your Ads and this way they cannot click on your Ads.

If you’re unable to fetch the IP address from where clicks are being performed then you most recommended way to keep your Adsense account safe is that, you must stop showing ads on your site for at least sometime, because if you stop publishing ads on your sites for some time/days it may cause loss of some Dollars to you but if you cannot prevent it then you may loss your Adsense for forever, which sounds so bitter to any blogger.

Read: 5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense

It has been also seen sometimes that CPC are good and clicks are coming in bulks (more than expectations), but those were also invalid clicks.

To understand this better, suppose one person click on your Ad, Google gave you $2.0 for that one click which means click : 1 and CPC : $2.0 then 9 clicks are also done by an other person which are invalid clicks and Google haven’t gave you anything for those clicks, now your stats will show click : 10 and CPC : $0.20 which also looks good and generally we think it’s Ok if CPC is good but as you in example it’s not always okay.

So if you ever feel unusual increase in no. of clicks on your Ads you must report to Google regarding this to keep your side strong.
Click Bombing/ Invalid Clicks FAQ’s

    I lost my Adsense Account due to invalid activity on my account, what to do ?

When Google takes adsense away then they always mentions the reason behind it, so you need to ensure that it will not happen again in future and after that you can fill Appeal form provided by the Google to claim your Adsense account back, but don’t go for appeal form in hurry first of all you must take care of point they mentioned in their mail.

    I filled Appeal form, will I get Adsense(fill form now) back ?

Well nobody can say Yes for this question, it’s all depend on Google, if they realize that you have done good business with them in previous time then there are some hope you will get your Adsense back, but not sure for anyone.

    I filled Appeal form but no reply, what to do ?

You cannot do anything for this, all we can do is that we can fill Appeal form then Google will reply you back after taking their time, sometimes they takes 2-3 days for reply back.

    When I applied for Adsense back by `Appeal form` they rejected again, now what.

This is sad but ! even after they refused to give your adsense back to you, if you work on your blog continously for some months and you write valuable and original content then there are chances to have Adsense again on your blog, one of my friend have experienced it.

    Even after many try Google isn’t giving me Adsense back, now what to do ?

In this annoying situation you have some other ways to get income from your blog for that you can check this `Ways to Make Money without Adsense`.

If you don’t wanna go for it then you can think of another idea which is, you make another blog then apply for Adsense for that new blog and when you get Adsense for it you can use that Adsense account Ads on your both blogs the new one and old too.

If you think this article is even a bit useful it is requested to must share the info, Take care of your Adsense Account and also help others to do so.

How to upload a video in Blogspot

Here are some steps to follow:

  • For this,open your YouTube account,and subscribe the videos you like.By doing this,those videos will sent in your g-mail account.

  • Now,when you have subscribed.Open your g-mail account and then you see,at the top,you will find youtube sent you those videos you subscribe.click and open it in new page.

  • Now first,you open the site www.blogger.com and then write a html code on the  html page 

             <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
               endofvid[starttext][endtext] </div>

  • Now copy the title of the video from your g-mail videos and paste it in the 'title bar'.Then right click on the image of that video you will get the option "Copy link address"click on it.thn open the 'Compose page' then you will find that there s a code endofvid[starttext][endtext].Now you paste that link address just before the (endofvid).then you see it looks like this:
  • Now you have to remove "&feature=em-uploademail" from that code.
  • And that's all put some labels and your video is uploaded.

How to add a CSS code on blogger website

The following are the ways to add CSS code :

  • Open the site www.blogger.com

  • After sign in,click on the layout option on the Dashboard.

  • Click on the Template Designer on the top of layout page.

Suppose,this is a CSS codes of CSS 3D filps.Now copy(ctrl+c) tis code.
  • <style>

  • div.flip{
  • position:relative;
  • width: 300px; /* Set default width of flip */
  • height: 250px; /* Set default height */
  • -webkit-perspective: 600px; /* larger the value, the less pronounced the 3D effect */
  • -moz-perspective: 600px;
  • -o-perspective: 600px;
  • perspective: 600px;
  • }

  • div.flip div.rotate{
  • width: 100%;
  • height: 100%;
  • -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d; /* Specify all child elements inside this DIV maintain the same perspective */
  • -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  • -o-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  • transform-style: preserve-3d;
  • -moz-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.3s; /* final 0.3s specifies delay before effect kicks in */
  • -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.3s;
  • -o-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.3s;
  • transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.3s;
  • }

  • div.flip div.rotate > *{ /* Target all children elements */
  • position:absolute;
  • width: 100%;
  • height: 100%;
  • -moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
  • -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
  • -o-backface-visibility: hidden;
  • backface-visibility: hidden;
  • }

  • div.flip div.rotate > div{ /* Target all child DIVs */
  • -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* Specify that any border/ paddings do not add to the DIV's total width */
  • -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  • box-sizing: border-box;
  • padding: 8px;
  • background: #eee;
  • }

  • div.rotate.x *:nth-child(2){ /* X Axis rotate specific CSS. Rotate 2nd child DIV 180deg in the X axis */
  • -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • -o-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • }

  • div.flip:hover > div.rotate.x{ /* X Axis rotate specific CSS. Rotate div.rotate.x when mouse rolls over container */
  • -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • -o-transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • transform: rotateX(180deg);
  • }

  • div.rotate.y *:nth-child(2){ /* Y Axis rotate specific CSS. Rotate 2nd child DIV 180deg in the Y axis so it mirrors the first */
  • -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • -o-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • }

  • div.flip:hover > div.rotate.y{ /* Y Axis rotate specific CSS. Rotate div.rotate.y when mouse rolls over container */
  • -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • -o-transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • transform: rotateY(180deg);
  • }

  • </style>

  • Now paste this code on the CSS box.

Nokia Lumia 625 review and launches with price details and product specification.

Nokia to announce 4.7-inch Lumia 625 tomorrow, specs leaked today
Nokia is about to launch a large-screen Lumia tomorrow, but it seems we have all the relevant specs available today.
Nokia to announce 4.7-inch Lumia 625 tomorrow, specs leaked today.
Key Features:

  • Big 4.7" LCD screen and lighting fast internet speeds with 4 G for a bigger,better,faster smartphone experience.
  • Unique semi -transparent design with changeable shells in 5 exciting colors. 
  • Have fun with your pictures, anytime,anywhere with Nokia smart camera and cinemagraph.
  • Leading experience from Nokia apps include maps and navigation from here,plus free Nokia Music streaming.
  • Coloud boom for Nokia
  • Robust on-ear handset with impressive sound quality at an affordable price point.
  • Soft padding for comfort fit
  • Max outbox shells(CC-3071)
Operating tIMES:
  • Talk time GSM: up to 23.9 hours.

There’s a “big” Nokia event tomorrow, but just like every other unveiling, this one too has been rained upon courtesy leaks. Apparently Nokia is planning on announcing the Lumia 625, their first Windows Phone 8 device that will sport a 4.7 inch display. The phone will be unveiled tomorrow at an event in London, but the full spec-sheet has already leaked online.

The Lumia 625 will have a large 4.7 inch IPS panel for a screen with a resolution of 800x480 pixels (roughly 200 ppi). The screen is also protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 2 and has a curved display design. Nokia’s even throwing in the Super Sensitive Touch feature, which should allow you to use the phone even with gloves on. The phone will also sport a 4G radio, for anyone who feels that 3G just isn’t enough Gs.

As far as internals go, the phone has a 1.2GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor and 512MB of RAM. It will also have 8GB of internal storage, along with the option of expansion using a MicroSD card with up to 64 GB of storage. As far as connectivity goes, it will also have the standard Bluetooth 4.0 + LE, WLAN IEE 802.11 b/g/n, A-GPS and Glonass support, along with a USB2.0 port.
Lastly, the Lumia 625’s rear camera is a 5 megapixel shooter, with the front camera being a measly VGA type. All this is powered by a 2000mAh battery.

The Lumia 625 doesn’t look to be a flagship device, but instead something Nokia’s trying to position in the mid-tier. We’re expecting this to be priced rather competitively, seeing how that’s the approach Nokia has taken with their other Lumia phones just as the Lumia 720 and the Lumia 520. At this point though, the pricing is purely conjecture and we’ll get the definitive answer when the phone is officially unveiled by the Finnish company tomorrow. 

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