









Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Nokia Lumia 830 review and price information.

  • Network: GSM
  • Style:Bar
  • Camera:As per expected 8 megapixel to 12 megapixel
  • Camera:Yes
  • Connectivity:Wifi support,3G,4G and 2G
  • A2DP:No
  • Technology
  • OS:Microsoft Windows Phone 8

Apple's much hyped iPad mini 2 tablet is reportedly delayed until 2014

Apple's much hyped iPad mini 2 tablet is reportedly delayed until 2014.
If you're waiting for an iPad mini with a Retina display then you might have to be patient as the device is supposedly delayed. Without giving reasons, Digitimes reports that the next-gen iPad mini will not go into mass production until the fourth quarter of this year.
This means it's likely that the iPad mini 2 release date will be early in 2014, according to supply chain sources. See also: Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 to launch in September.
While the iPad mini 2 equipped with a Retina quality display (2048x1536 pixel resolution) won't tip up until next year, Apple might release an updated version this year anyway.
This updated model is expected to be thinner, lighter and adopt an almost bezel-free design thanks to a new chassis. There are no details but it will supposedly have improved specifications, but this is of little significance if the screen isn't included.
The source also gave some information on the iPad 5, saying it will come with thin-film touchscreen technology making it 20- to 30 percent lighter than the current model, the iPad 4. Like the iPad mini 2, it will use a slimmer bezel.
The iPad 5 will supposedly hit production in small amounts this month with around three million units to be made during August and September. A launch event and release date is tipped for October.

Appealing Rejected Content ID Disputes or Content ID appeals.

Appealing Rejected Content ID Disputes

If a video has been misidentified by the Content ID system or improperly claimed, uploaders can dispute the identification. This involves filling out a short form listing the reason for the dispute. The claimant is then notified to review the video as well as the reference material that was matched. If the claimant disagrees with the dispute and reinstates their claim on the video, eligible uploaders may be able to appeal this decision.

Who is eligible to appeal rejected disputes?

Uploaders in good copyright standing may be able to appeal up to three disputed Content ID matches that were reviewed and rejected at a time.
Additional eligibility restrictions may apply, including the date of dispute and other factors. Uploaders will also be asked to verify their account if they have not already done so. The eligibility for the appeals process may change over time.

What happens when a rejected dispute is appealed?

If an uploader appeals a rejected dispute, the claimant will be required to either:
  • release the claim on the video
  • OR send a legal copyright notification. In this event, the video will be taken down and the uploader will receive a copyright strike. If they receive additional copyright strikes, this may suspend their YouTube account. You can learn more on our page about copyright strikes.
Because an appeal may initiate the legal notification and counter-notification process, the contact information provided in the appeal form will be shared with the claimant, who may eventually choose to take legal action.
Once the appeal has been submitted, the claimant will review the appeal. They will have the option to submit a DMCA takedown or release their claim on the video. To avoid penalization, users should only submit legitimate disputes and appeals.

html 5 how to use it .

Have you ever thought what lies behind a web page?Which technology is used as a back end to write the web pages.We need a language to create the website .HTMLis the most widely used language to design web contents for the Internet.
IBM sowed the seed for HTML in the early 1980s. Initially,it was known by the name called GML(General Mark-up Language).It was a powerful language that aimed at creating a document in which one could mark the title,headings,text,font selection and much more.In 1986,this concept got standardization by ISO and was renamed to SGML(Standard Generalized Mark-up Language).In 1989,Sir Tim Berners-Lee and his team redesigned this language and named it as HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language).
HTML       : HTML is complete code package that allows a user to create web pages.It includes text and       
                    Graphics.You can add links to your web pages. Hyperlinks are the Highlighted text segments
                    or Images that connect a page to other pages on the web.Let us analyse the word HTML.
Hyper text :Hyper Text is the text used to link various web pages.It is the text on a web page,which on
                  clicking opens a new web page.
Mark-up   :It means highlighting the text either by underlining or displaying it in different colors,or both.
Language  :It refers to the mode of communication between web pages.Html has its own syntax and rules.

Structure of HTML Document:

  • The HTML document starts with<HTML>tag and ends with </HTML>tag.Each document
    nt is considered to be a single page.Everything is written within these tags.If the commands are not enclosed in tags,then a web browser will assume the commands as simple text.The HTML page is divided into two sections:Header<HEAD>,and the body<BODY>
  • The Header is where you put information that is important about web page,but you will not able to see in your browser window.
  • The <TITLE> tag has to be given within the <HEAD> tags.It contains the title of the document.The title short and less than 64 characters.The <TITLE> tag changes the text that appears on the top of your browser,but not in the actual viewing pane.
  • The <HEAD> is the first element contained inside the <HTML> element.It contains no text within itself.
  • The <BODY> tag contains the text which gets displayed on the web page along with the other tags and attributes.In the <BODY> tag,we use formatting elements,images,heading,list etc. to enhance the appearance of the web page.
  • Every opening tag must have an ending tag.The closing tag has a forward slash(/).However,some tags have only an opening tag.
Let's know more
HTML 5 was introduced on January 18,2011.HTML 5 contains features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins-such as Adobe Flash etc.  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Yahoo gives an opportunity to users to once again select their preferred IDs that were already taken by others.

Yahoo now lets you grab inactive usernames for yourself
Yahoo gives an opportunity to users to once again select their preferred IDs that were already taken by others.
Yahoo now lets you grab inactive usernames for yourself
Yahoo has made available a large number of inactive usernames and is offering on a first-come first serve basis. The move comes shortly after Yahoo announced deactivating accounts that haven't been active in over a year.

To snap up those once-claimed usernames, users need to visit Yahoo Wish List page. Users are allowed to submit up to five desired usernames and one contact e-mail address.

Yahoo in a blog post says:

    "If your first choice isn't available, we'll try one of your backups. In mid-August, you'll get an email letting you know which of your picks is available, with link to claim it within 48 hours. And just like that, it's all yours. Your Yahoo username is what you use to log into all our services daily, so we want it to reflect who you really are.”

Yahoo is also taking care of privacy of users who had an e-mail address that may be re-used. On its developer blog, Yahoo explains:

    “We encourage anyone using e-mail to communicate with their users, especially for e-commerce and recovering their accounts, to adopt this measure to ensure the security of their users.

    To communicate that a username has a new owner to e-commerce sites like “JoesAntiques.com,” or social networking sites like Facebook, we’ll allow them to “ask” for a new type of validation when sending an email to a specific Yahoo! user. The field, which can be requested via an email’s header is called “Require-Recipient-Valid-Since.”

Yahoo has also tied up with Facebook for a solution to address possible concerns.

The company further explains:

    “If a Facebook user with a Yahoo! email account submits a request to reset their password, Facebook would add the Require-Recipient-Valid-Since header to the reset email, and the new header would signal to Yahoo! to check the age of the account before delivering the mail.

    Facebook users typically confirm their email when they sign up for the service or add new emails to their account, and if the “last confirmed” date that Facebook specifies in the Require-Recipient-Valid-Since header is before the date of the new Yahoo! username ownership, then the email will not be delivered and will instead bounce back to Facebook, who will then contact the user by other means.”

The latest announcement comes shortly after the company discontinued Mail Classic and forced users to switch to the new version of the service, and accept a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that allowed Yahoo to scan users e-mails, similar to Gmail.

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