









Friday, July 12, 2013



Indian Post Recruitment 2013 For Various posts in 2013. the Exam of Aptitude Test (Paper I) for Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and  Rajasthan circles was scheduled on 07 July 2013 at 14:00hrs. This test is over now, Large number of candidates appeared for this examination. Now all candidates are waiting for the result of this Exam. Very soon on www.resutshub.net we will declared the Direct Result section to download your result of Indian Post Recruitment 2013. So For All updates od this recruitment keep visiting us at www.resultshub.net. Admit cards are being dispatched to all eligible candidates. Duplicate Admit Card by 25-June-2013, then you can download the same online fromwww.indiapost.gov.in  using Direct Recruitment PA/SA Examination link from 26-June-2013 onwards.  You can also report discrepancy in Admit Card data from 26-June-2013 using the link GENERATE ADMIT CARD on the same web site.

Adsense secret for approval quickly.

Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
All About Residual Income With Adsense

Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
“All About Residual Income With Adsense” Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
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All About Residual Income With Adsense

The Publisher (click for help desk) has strive to be as accurate and complete as
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
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In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
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All About Residual Income With Adsense
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information
concerning Google’s Adsense program at
There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.
But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets
overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as
those who have been around a while.
First, let’s take a look at exactly what Adsense is and what it is all about:
“Adsense is a program for webmasters which was
implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”
Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites)
signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste
the Google Adsense java script code into the pages on their websites.
Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it
finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the
webmaster makes money – usually a few cents per click.
However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows
which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be
It sounds simple enough, but it’s really NOT that easy. First of all, you have to be
approved – and Google is picky these days. The good news is that once one site is
approved, and you have a Google Adsense account, there is no need to seek
Google’s approval to use Adsense on any other site that you own, as long as that
site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.
Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones
that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have
written for you) content that makes those high paying ads appear on your site.
Finally, you have to learn how to drive traffic to your Adsense site. Without the
traffic, you won’t get any clicks, and without clicks, you won’t be making any
All About Residual Income With Adsense

Getting real, targeted visitors that are eager to click on your ads is by far the
hardest part of being an Adsense publisher. There really aren’t any secrets here –
it is just a matter of learning to use some basic, proven site promotion
Google Adsense program.
Usually when a guru says that you should not use Google Adsense, they generally
mean that you are better off not using it, especially when you are promoting your
own product, and your website is tightly focused on that product.
However, you can use Google Adsense for a site that was built specifically for the
Adsense program (Adsense Ready Sites), or on sites that you are using to
promote affiliate products as well.
You should also note that many successful Adsense publishers have more than
one website. They typically have numerous websites, on a variety of topics on
which they display the Google ads. However, there are also those that simply have
one high traffic website, from which they make money from the Adsense
Regardless of this, all Adsense publishers start with just one website, and grow
from there, and this is what you should be doing as well. You have to get the
basics down, and learn the secrets that surround the profitability of Google
Adsense before you can be successful with more sites.
All About Residual Income With Adsense
5 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Preparing For Your Adsense Account
The hardest part of getting started with Adsense is getting Google to approve your
website. In fact, for many, it is easier to get a $100,000 bank loan than it is to get
a free Google Adsense account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.
You can’t start using Google Adsense on your pages until you are approved. This
means that you must prepare to open an account, before you apply for an
The very first thing you must do is read Google’s Terms of Service (TOS). If your
site doesn’t fall within the guidelines that Google sets out, it will be denied.
Furthermore, even after you are approved and you start running Google ads on
your site, if you break the TOS, you will be removed, and possibly banned, from
the program.
Specifically, what you are looking for is the Program policies, which can be found
at http://www.google.com/adsense. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and
click on then Program Policies link. The first thing to note is that Google will
not accept any site that is not complete.
This means that you can’t have any pages that are ‘under construction.’ All of the
pages must be complete, and all of the links must be working. Make sure that all
of your graphics are also appearing correctly, because even a broken graphic can
prevent you from getting approved.
Google also has a set of Quality Guidelines that must be adhered to before you
can be approved. These guidelines, along with the program policies, will tell you
exactly what you can and can’t have on your site, and what is expected of you and
your site in terms of meeting the qualifications for a Google Adsense account. You
can find these guidelines at
One mistake that so many would-be Adsense publishers make is not reading the
TOS, the Program Policies, and the Webmaster Guidelines. Google lays these out
in very specific terms, so there is no doubt as to the rules. They are also very
serious about these rules.
Often, people skip this step in the preparation – reading the rules – work hard to
build a site, only to be disapproved by Google, or to be approved, but then
banned from the program later.
Don’t let this happen to you. These are rules that you must not only follow in
order to get approved, but must continue to follow in order to stay in the
All About Residual Income With Adsense
6 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
program. You don’t want to spend days and weeks putting together sites, only to
get kicked out of the program later. Google is very serious about this.
Once you’ve read the rules, and made sure you understand them, the next part of
the preparation is doing research to find out which topics will be the most
profitable for you, and getting the site built. We will cover these topics in more
depth in a later article, but for now, you just need one website that will be
approved by Google.
Remember that you only have to get approved for one site in order to get in the
program, and from there on, you can publish as many sites as you want, on a
wide variety of topics, and use Google Adsense on them, from the one account
that you have been approved for.
While many just put up a website that will meet Google’s standards, without
doing any research in order to get approved, you could also take a little longer,
and go ahead and build a site that you can use to target the high paying keywords.
This is totally up to you, and it really doesn’t matter much which direction you go,
as long as the site will get you approved for a Google Adsense account.
I usually recommend creating and building a blogger.com blog, and apply using
that one. You may not know this, but Google owns Blogger...
All About Residual Income With Adsense
7 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Applying For Your Adsense Account
Once you are prepared to apply for a Google Adsense account, it’s as simple as
filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you
without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an Adsense account at:
The first thing that the form asks for is the URL of your website. Note that even if
you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one. So, list the URL of the site
that you have set up for the purpose of being approved for Google Adsense, and
enter the URL like this: www.yourdomain.com.
You do not have to include the http:// part of the URL, and don’t include any
subpages of the URL, such as www.mydomain.com/mypage.html. Google wants
to see the main page of the site, at the top level domain.
Next, Google wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site
supports multiple languages, this is fine, but this isn’t what Google wants to
know. They want to know the primary language of the site – this would be the
language that you used to write the pages, such as English.
The next question on the form throws a lot of people into a tail spin. It asks if you
are setting up an individual or business account.
Here is a way to simplify this question: If you do not have an office or business
that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter
what your future plans are. Next, select the country that you live in.
The following part of the form asks for your information: name, street address,
city, and state. It is important to note that when Google pays you, the check will
be made out to the name that you put here, and sent to the address that you put
here. So, use the information that you need to use here in order to receive the
check, and to cash or deposit the check.
After your name and address, Google wants your telephone number. They
probably won’t call you, but sometimes they will, if there is a problem or a
question. Give a good phone number where you can be reached. You do not have
to provide a fax number.
Here, you can also choose to receive Google’s newsletter – or not. Choosing not to
receive the newsletter will not have any affect on whether or not you are
All About Residual Income With Adsense
8 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
Following this, there are a number of check boxes, all of which must be checked,
before you can submit the application.
By checking these boxes, you are saying that you will not click on the ads on your
pages, that you will not encourage visitors to click on your ads (incentives), that
you are able to receive checks that are made out to you, that you will not place ads
on pornographic sites, and that you have read the Adsense program policies.
Finally, you submit the form, and prepare to wait. Your site will be checked by a
live human being. Approval is manual, not automated, and it can take up to three
business days (72 hours) before you hear from a Google representative. That
contact usually comes via email.
- Wait, what is this “Product selection”?
This appears on some application forms and seems confusing to many -- choose
both: Adsense for Content and Adsense for Search. This means that you can run
both, but don’t have to run both.
You can have Google ads appear on your pages (Adsense for Content) and you
can also include a Google search box on your pages (Adsense for Search), and
when people use those search boxes, and click on sponsored ads in the results,
you get paid for those clicks as well.
All About Residual Income With Adsense
9 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
I Have My Account – Now What?
Now that you’ve been approved for a Google Account, by building a site that
Google would easily approve, and you’ve selected a high paying topic for your
site, you are ready to get to work and build your first profitable Adsense website.
If you have not already done so (you should have), you really need to go and read
the program policies that Google has set, as well as their Webmaster Guidelines.
This will help you to build a better site, and to avoid issues that can and will get
you banned from the Google Adsense program.
Your site should be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of
between 2 and 3% is great. This means that your keyword should be used
approximately 2 to 3% of the time in your content. So, for a page that has 600
words of content, the keyword would appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2%
or 600 x 3%).
There is more to it than targeting keywords. The content must be accurate. It
must be readable and understandable by visitors – and most importantly:
“It Must Be Somewhat Unique!”
You should use all of the search engine optimization techniques as possible when
building your site. Not only will this attract the right ads, but it will also help your
site to move up in the search results, for the purpose of driving traffic to your site.
You want your site to look nice, to be informative, and to load fast. You want it to
attract the right ads. You do not want anything on your pages that will irritate
your visitor, such as blinking, blinding text or music.
Make it a site that you would want to visit, and then ask an uninterested party,
such as your neighbor (not your best friend or your mother) if it is a site that they
would want to visit, if they were interested in the topic.
Now, you are ready to place the Adsense javascript code on your pages. Log in to
your Adsense account. Click on the Adsense Set up tab at the top of the page.
First, click on Channels, and set up a Channel for the topic of your site. This will
come in handy later on, when you are analyzing which of your sites is pulling in
the most money.
Next, click on palettes, and create a color palette that matches your site well. You
want your Google ads to blend into your site. If they stand out like a sore thumb,
All About Residual Income With Adsense
10 of 41 Google Adsense Secrets Revealed
they will get fewer clicks, simply because people really do try to avoid
You want the ads to look like content on your site. Once you’ve set up a palette
that matches your site, click on products. Choose Adsense for content to create
your ad units.
Here, you can choose ads that are enclosed in a box, or ads that are more free
standing, but still just text links. It is a good idea to choose the link unit to add
above or below your navigational links, and you can design your site navigation
links to look just like the Google link units.


First attempts at a new gadget category are usually disappointing, or have far too many rough edges for comfort. However, the fact that the Panasonic P51 does well on both those fronts gives it a rather solid platform to build on. For a first effort, we are very impressed, and things can only get better from here on in.

  1. Processor: MediaTek MT6589 quad core @ 1.2GHz
  2. RAM: 1GB
  3. Storage: 4GB internal + microSD slot
  4. Display: 5-inch IPS LCD (1280 x 720 pixels)
  5. Camera: 8MP
  6. Battery: 2500 mAh
  7. OS: Android 4.2

Build & Design
Straight out-of-the-box, the Panasonic P51 does have a rather big footprint, perceptibly so, once you use similar 5-inch display size phones like the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the HTC Butterfly. However, the blame for that can be put squarely at the thick bezel around the display. Any thinner, and this would have been of similar thickness as the aforementioned phones. But, the width cannot take away from the fact that the P51 is a very thin smartphone. Despite the thick bezels, the P51 still is very much pocketable and partly manageable for single hand use, with the slimness being a saving grace.

All in all, the Panasonic P51 is built very well, with good quality materials used. The non-slippery finish on the battery cover helps with the grip. Two finish options are offered with the colour of your choice – the white one has an enamel finish while the dark option gets the soft feel finish back. The battery itself is sealed away, and all slots are on the spines – the two SIM slots and the memory card slot. This is the first dual-SIM phone with micro SIM slots.

While the Panasonic P51 is big, it does feel a lot better built than some of the rivals vying for money in the same price bracket. Feels premium to hold, and all said and done, feels more expensive than it actually is. From some angles, I personally feel it has shades of the HTC One X+’s design! And that is a good thing.

Features & Performance
Let us start with one of the aspects that immediately impress - the Panasonic P51’s 5-inch display. This piece of real estate is the IPS LCD type, with the native resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Text rendering is a bit of a mixed bag. The rendering and crispness on web pages when zoomed does have some noise around it. Zooming in a bit makes it very readable and sharp. For reading something like an SMS, the readability is very good. Impressive colour richness is very good for multimedia consumption. The display handles HD videos fairly well, with viewing angles that are wider than usual with most phones. The display has the DragonTrail scratchproof glass layer, working with the same principles as the much more popular variants of Gorilla Glass. Nevertheless, we would still be careful and not keep pens or coins in the same pocket as the phone.

Panasonic hasn’t messed around too much with the Android Jelly Bean UI on the P51, except custom icons. The skin, unlike Samsung’s TouchWiz or HTC’s Sense, is fairly minimal. We appreciate this aspect, because quite honestly, UI skins do hamper performance to a certain extent. Honestly, the icons don’t feel very slick or smooth, and a little finesse next time would go a long way in improving this aspect of the experience.

The specifications are fairly standard for a phone that costs this much. The Panasonic P51 is powered by a MediaTek MT6589 quad core processor clocking at 1.2GHz and is paired with 1GB of RAM. In line with the hardware powering the device, the performance is fairly acceptable. Open a bunch of Social Networking and IM apps in the background, and the P51 goes along merrily without slowing down. Boot up time is fairly quick, and apps load quickly. The fact that the phone doesn’t get bogged down by background app load did mean that at times, we didn’t even realize there were 5-6 apps open in the background. Games play without any issues, but there will be the occasion stutter in the Real Racing 3 gameplay. The camera is usable for shots taken in good light, but low light shots are disappointing. Good enough for uploading pictures from that party, on FB, without any issues.

The only issue with the Panasonic P51’s specs is that the phone comes with 4GB of RAM, with the additional microSD slot for memory expansion. While expansion is fine, just 4GB of internal storage is a bit of a downer, and at least 8GB is expected in line with the trends that smartphones are now setting.

The Panasonic P51 is the first dual-SIM phone with both microSIM slots. One SIM slot will handle 3G connectivity, and the other is restricted to just 2G networks. Call quality is indeed very good, on both SIMs. Battery life, at medium usage, will get you through a day easily. However, for those You Tube or gaming sessions, drain will be quite quick. The good thing is, the P51 doesn’t heat up when really stressed, something that even a lot more expensive smartphones cannot boast of!

Bottom Line
For what is Panasonic’s first serious effort at making a proper smartphone, the P51 is a very good device. The performance is stable, but the real attractions are the good display and the relatively untouched user interface, leaving it as close to pure Android as possible. The dual-SIM feature is a major added advantage, for someone who doesn’t like carrying two phones. For the sake of alternatives, it is a toss-up between this and the Samsung Galaxy Grand.
While the Panasonic P51 is a very impressive smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Grand would still be the more popular choice, and the reasons being simple. First, This is Panasonic’s first serious smartphone effort, and we don’t know how quickly software and OS updates will be released and second, Samsung has a much better accessory ecosystem that will be a tough act for Panasonic to replicate.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

12 Useful IT Terms

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary. It is a family of web feed formats to publish frequently updated works such as news headlines,blog entries,audio and video in a standardized format.

MP3 stands MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3.It is a format to store audio data in a compressed form.

TeamViewer is a proprietary computer software package for remote control,desktop sharing,online meetings,web conferencing and file transfer between computers.It is possible to access a machine running TeamViewer with a web browser.

In software development, a product or a technology "Beta Release" is still in development but is released in the market for testing and evaluation purpose.

Skydrive is a free online storage facility offered by Microsoft.It allows users to upload and sync.files to a cloud storage and then access them from a web browser.It offers 7GB of storage for new users and 25GB of free storage for those who signed up to Skydrive prior to April 22,2012.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable location, and time imformation anywhere on the earth. It is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver.

POP-UPS are extra browser windows of commercials that open automatically on browsing web pages.

Android OS is a Linux based OS designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as Smart phones and Tablet computers initially developed by Android Inc. whom Google financially backed and later purchased.

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that gives you access to the Internet for free.The browser will not be able to display web pages unless the computer is connected to an ISP.

Cloud Computing is a technology that uses Internet based computing where different services such as servers, storage and applications are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through Internet.It uses a pay-per-use billing model. It involves renting the computing resources instead of buying them.

WhatsApp messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging application which allows you to exchange unlimited images, video and audio media messages free of cost.It is available for iphone, Blackberry,Android windows Phone and Nokia.

Moodle(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free source e-learning software platform that educators can use to create effective online learning courses.

How to add Facebook recommendations Bar in Blogger Blog or Websites.

Recommendations Bar

The recommendations bar lets people like content, get recommendations and share what they’re reading with their friends.
The recommendations bar is always docked to the lower right or left of the screen. When the page loads the recommendations bar is collapsed and people viewing it are shown the option to like your page.
As people navigate toward the end of your page, the plugin expands. The expanded view displays a social recommendation of the next article to read on your site.
You must include Open Graph markup on your stories so Facebook knows how to display them on the site. If you do not include this, the plugin will show an error message instead of a recommendation.

Expanding the plugin

The plugin is expanded once the trigger parameter requirements are met, and the person has been on the page for at least the duration specified in the read_time parameter. There are three values for the trigger parameter:
  • onvisible. The plugin is expanded when people scroll past the exact point where the <fb:recommendations-bar /> tag is placed on the page. This is the simplest option and will work best if you place the tag right at the end of your article's main content. This is the default.
  • X%, where X is any positive integer less than or equal to 100. This specifies the percent of the page that must be scrolled before the plugin is expanded. For example: 100% would indicate that people need to scroll all the way to the end of the page before the plugin expands. 50% indicates that people need to scroll to the middle point of the page.
  • manual. Use this option to manually trigger the plugin. When you want to trigger the plugin, callFB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar.markRead(href); in JavaScript. The href parameter is optional and will default to the current page if not set. If provided, it must match the href parameter on the XFBML tag. The manual trigger is useful when you have more a multipage article. For example on a three-page article, you would add trigger="manual" on pages one and two and never call the markRead JavaScript function on those pages.
The read_time parameter tells the plugin to wait a certain amount of time before it expands. It takes an integer representing the number of seconds. By default this will be set to 30 seconds. The minimum is 10 seconds. Note that in order for the plugin to expand, the trigger condition must be true, and the read_time must be met.
Hey Guys these things which you want know is become famous now a days because every person or blogger want more to famous and this helps you and your blog to famous.Facebook is such a best social networking site where we connect with our friends and family also.On that path Facebook is also providing you to create a page and know how many persons like you and what ever you make page related with.You know Facebook is becoming a part of Websites or blogger because they provides us very good faculty i.e why all peoples or blogger want Facebook like box,Facebook like button,Facebook comment box and much more.Here we know that how to add recommendation bar in your blog or websites.
Do some following steps.
Go to following link:  https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/recommendationsbar/       
Then their some picture like this:
By filling this form you get code like this:

Just paste the codes to your websites or blog then a like box comes in your blog like this:


  • href - the URL of the page. The XFBML version defaults to the current page.
  • trigger - when the plugin expands. Note that this parameter is evaluated in addition to the read_time parameter. Default is when a user scrolls past the <fb:recommendations-bar/> tag. There are three options.
    • onvisible - read is published when a user scrolls past the exact point where the XFBML tag is placed on the page.
    • X% - where X is any positive integer less than or equal to 100. Indicates % of page scrolled past before read is triggered
    • manual - use this option to manually trigger the read action. You callFB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar.markRead(href); when you want the plugin to expand. The href parameter is only necessary if the <fb:recommendations-bar/> tag includes an explicit href attribute. By default, this is the current request URL.
  • read_time - The number of seconds before the plugin will expand. Default is 30 seconds. Minimum is 10 seconds.
  • action - The verb to display on the button. Options: 'like', 'recommend'
  • side - the side of the screen where the plugin will be displayed. This will automatically adjust based on the language, or can be set explicitly. Options: 'left', 'right'
  • site - a comma separated list of domains to show recommendations for. The default is the domain of the href parameter.
  • ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
    • fb_ref - the ref parameter
    • fb_source - the stream type ('home', 'profile', 'search', 'other') in which the click occurred and the story type ('oneline' or 'multiline'), concatenated with an underscore.
  • num_recommendations - the number of recommendations to display. By default, this value is 2 and the maximum value is 5.
  • max_age - a limit on recommendation and creation time of articles that are surfaced in the plugins, the default is 0 (we don’t take age into account). Otherwise the valid values are 1-180, which specifies the number of days.

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