









Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to change or add html codes background color,background image,Fixed Background image, shorthand background code and backgrounds for the whole page

Hey guys now we know how to change background color with html elements.
The following examples use is CSS(Cascading style sheet).CSS is the best way for setting background.It's better than all other outdated methods.
You have only add this in your blogger by following ways :
  • Blogger>Layout
  • Html/Javascript
  • and paste the following codes inside which is given below.
Background color:
<div style="background-color:yellow;border:1px solid black;padding:10px;">
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!</p>


Background image:
<div style="background-image:url(/pix/smile.gif);
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!</p>
Fixed Background Image:

<div style="background-image:url(/pix/smile.gif);
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!
example shows how a background image can be set to a fixed position
- even though its containing block scrolls.</p>
Shorthand Background code:

<div style="background:url(/pix/smile.gif) repeat fixed;
<p>HTML background code is limited, CSS background code is much better!
example shows how a background image can be set to a fixed position
- even though its containing block scrolls.</p>

How to change and add scroll box background color in blogger or websites.

Hey guys here is code which you want from us,because we know that what you want.For putting a stylish scroll box in your blogger /website you have to do some following steps before putting codes.
In Blogger

  1. open blogger>Layout
  2. Html/Java Script
  3. And paste the below codes inside 

Basic HTML Scroll Box
<div style="height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid #ccc;font:16px/26px Georgia, Garamond, Serif;overflow:auto;">
As you can see, once there's enough text in this box, the box will grow scroll bars... that's why we call it a scroll box! You could also place an image into the scroll box.

Background Color
This example changes the background color of the scroll box. In HTML, you change background color using the CSS background-color property:

HTML Code:
<div style="height:90px;width:150px;overflow:scroll;background-color:#67F152;">We have added a background color to this HTML scroll box. This is done using the CSS 'background-color' property.</div>
Html codes:
<div style="height:90px;width:150px;overflow:scroll;background-color:#67F152;color:#A6120D;">We have changed the color of the text inside this scroll box. We did this using the CSS 'color' property.</div>

What is Networking Basics and working with the internet,WWW,Hypertext,HyperLink,Web Browser and what's it's uses.

Networking Basics and working with the internet.
About ten years ago,people knew a littile about the internet, but today millions of people use it for various purpose.Internet is a worldwide,interconnected system of computer network.Internet was conceived by the advance research project agency(ARPA) of the U.S and was first known as ARPANET. People and organisation connect into internet to access the stored share information.With the help of internet ,People can communicate by sending and receiving electronic mail(e-mail) messages.Though the computer application for instant message,you can communicate with the person who is sitting in the other part of the world in a fraction of second.You can find information on thousand of topics on the internet.You interact with internet through a software application called web browser.
Let us understand some basic terms associated with internet.
WWW: WWW stands for the world wide web.It is a collection of online hypertext documents stored on a server around the world.To view the online documents stored on a server, a user can open a web site by entering the web site address into the web browser.We can navigate between web pages through hyperlinks on a web page.
Hypertext: Hypertext means a document that contains the link to the other document on the world wide web.
Hyperlink: Hyperlink is the reference in a hypertext document that takes you to some other parts of the same document or in another document.We simply say that is an electronic connection between two part of the same web page or two different web pages.
Web Browser:A web browser is a software application that allows you to interact with the information on the world wide web. Windows based operating system comes with a web browser known as Internet explorer.
ISP:ISP stands for Internet service provider is a company or organisation that provide access to the internet .An internet service provider usually has multiple access methods including Dial-up,DSL, cable modem,ISDN etc.

How to add music player with picture in blogger,website and also Play audio online.

This page contains various HTML link codes - HTML codes for creating links to another web page.

An HTML link is one of the easiest things to do in HTML - you can link to another website within minutes, using one line of code. Having said that, there are lots of other things you can do with HTML links. For example, you can link images, change the color of your HTML links, open a link in a new window, and much more.
Basic HTML Link
How to add music player in your blog:
Copy and paste the following code below 

You can use the following HTML code to embed a picture into your HTML document. The code uses the <img> tag, which is the official tag to use for embedding pictures on web pages.

You can also check out the HTML images section of the HTML Tutorial.

Example Picture Code/html picture code

<audio src="/music/good_enough.mp3" controls>
autostart="false" />
autostart="false" />
<audio src="/music/good_enough.mp3" controls>
autostart="false" />
<!-- Codes by HTML.am -->
<div style="background-image:url(http://www.html.am/images/backgrounds/background-image-2.gif);width:300px;height:200px;">HTML background image example</div>
<!-- Codes by HTML.am -->
<div style="background-color:yellow;width:300px;height:200px;">HTML background color example</div>

If you have any complaint or request please comment.

What is connecting hardware device,keyboard connector,5-pin PS/2 connector,6-pin PS/2 connector and its uses.

Every hardware device(internal or external) is connector to the system unit via cable.One end of the cable is attached with the hardware device whereas at the other end there is a connector which is used to  connect the hardware device at the back side of the system unit.The connecting points located at the back side of the system unit are known as ports.Thus you can say for each connector of hardware device there is dedicated port located at the back side of the system unit.Usually the color and shape of connectors and ports are same.For example,if the colour of mouse connector is green and round shaped then there will be round shaped-green colored port at the back side of the system unit.In some cases,such as monitor and printer,cable is not connected to the hardware device.Instead there are connectors at the both ends of the cable.One connector is meant for the hardware device and other connector is inserted at the back side of the system unit.Such types of cables are also reffered as parallel cables.Let us now get familiar with various connectors and ports related to keyboard,mouse,monitor,andprinter.
The keyboard connector is a device that is placed at the end of the cable and it is used to connect the keyboard to the computer.The keyboard can be connected to the PS/2 port or the USB port of the computer.The connection establishes between keyboard connector and computer carries power to the keyboard.The keyboard sends the data to the computer through the cable.The keyboard controller in the computer monitors the port to which the keyboard is connected.The keyboard controller is an integrated circuit that processes the data comes from the keyboard and forwards it to the computer.
The 5-pin DIN(Deustche Industrie Norm)keyboard connector was widely used in the first PCs(the first PC was developed by IBM personal computer,commonly known as IBM PC,and was realeased in August 12,1981).DIN connectors are round with pins arranged in a circular pattern.This type of connector was used widely for PC keyboards and became the standard connection in the mid of 1990s.This type of connector is rarely used now-a-days.
The 6-pin PS/2 keyboard connector was introduced by IBM to connect device,such as keyboard and mouse,to the computer.The 6-pin PS/2 Port connector is also known as the "mini-DIN" keyboard connector.
Now days ,all PCs have two PS/2 port to connect the mouse and the keyboard. These two ports look same but they are not interchangeable, therefore ,these two ports are usually colored to mark the difference.

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