









Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to start or enable comment notification in blogger.

Are you receiving comment notification on your email address? By default, comment notification are turned off,so you don't receive any emails whenever some one leaves a comment to your website.Blogger has a built in features that allows you to either turn on or turn off the notification anytime that you like.Here we will you show you how to start to get notification of comments or enable to your website.

Firstly you have your own blogger.com sign in.Here your dashboard comes on your screen.Select the blog on which you want to enable comment notification,go to: settings then mobile and email.Insert the email address in the text box present next to the "Comment notification email".You can enter up to ten email address,separated by commas.Blogger will email these addresses when someone leaves a comment on your blog.

After you finish entering the email address,press the orange "save setting" button present at the top of right corner of your screen.Now whenever anyone would leave a comment on your site you will automatically receive notification on your allocated email addresses

Top AdSense Alternative 2013:Media.net,Federated Media,Tribal Fusion,Casale Media,

There is not only one way to earn money.So,Please don't tell anytime adsense:adsense and adsense.Here we are going to tell you top alternatives ads which provides you same services as adsense.AdSense for specific blogs!But,Yes they do require some more pages views to get approved and they pay well.
Top adsense alternative:Media.Net CPM Network
Media.net is a contextual advertising network similar to adsense.The only difference is the pay per view(CPM model) and have some great rates!Media.net is leading the CPM industry and at instances better than adsense!Yes,they offer a cpm of$2,the maximum in the industry!You can have a detailed review of Media.net.They are able to provide a high CPM only because they allow quality publishers in their network.
Top adsense alternatives: Federated Media.
Federated Media allows an access to premium publishers with business,living and technology niche!They have a good number of premium publishers which you can browse before applying for a publisher account!With Federated Media,You can earn high returns and it is one of the reasons why many publishers prefer Federated Media.
Tribal Fusion
Tribal fusion is one of the top CPM network paying$1 CPM for overall traffic with high fill rates.Though it's meant only for premium publishers who have more than 5,00,000 pages views a month and the blogs content whirl on issues related to technology!So,if you want to join tribal fusion best of luck and try to give your 100 %.

Without adsense many ways to earn money as same as adsense.

Blogger is robust and an amazing product that has sprung up to be an open source CMS system.There are so many people and corporate companies who are earning more than decent amount from this simple and modest blogging platform called blogger.There are lot of ways through which you can use blogger to make a decent amount of revenue,including some real interesting ones.This platform is something that could accommodate anything you just name it,and this platform certainly has it.Therefore,in this article,we will show you how you can make money with blogger platform.
  1. Adbrite
  2. Adpeper
  3. Infolinks
  4. Infinityads
  5. clicksor
  6. Burst Media
  7. Adcash
  8. Ad Jungle
  9. Chitika
  10. Bidvertiser
  11. Kontera
  12. Amazon
  13. Auction Ads
  14. Black Label Ads 
  15. Ebay Ad Context
  16. Link Share Ads.
  17. Valid Click
  18. Yahoo Publisher Network.
  19. Text Links Ads
  20. Tribal Fusion
  21. Value Ad
  22. Way Point cash

How to delete properly more than one post in blogger.

You are creating to many post in which few of them mistakely be wrong content.You want to delete that content or post.
you have to do following case:
  • First open your blogger.com and sign in.
  • Then click on posts
  • There is option of delete 
  • Click on delete button
  • And your post will delete automatically.
If you are not understanding this post please comment ,Our service contact you through email.

Display Ideas:The power of Social Networking is issue.

This article The power of Social Networking by Rajjaiswal in the February issue was well written,educative and formative.Ideas can be strengthened only when communicated freely in public places and social networking sites provide a platform for this purpose.There used to be days when we needed pen and paper and the grand old postman to post what we wanted to say.But with this technology we are on the screen of the computers worldwide posing our details and our ideas instantly.
                                                 This networking acts as a bridge where everyone can share their sentiments and this makes it a global family.It was the futuristic approach of professor J.A Barnes of Churchill University that made it a displaying agent for ideas that used to be buried due to fear of administrative backlash.Effectiveness of this foresight can be seen by heavy use of social networking sites as Facebook,Orkut,etc....
                       But privacy and cyberstalking,divorce and break ups seem to affect its largely positive reputation.CEO and founder of Facebook once remarked:"When you give everyone voice and power the system really ends in a good place.

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