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Showing posts with label Blogging tips. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to install a blogger templates in your blog with no mistakes:Beginners Guide.

How to install a Blogger template?

0. If your are using Dynamic Views, you need first go to Design (Dashboard → Template) and then click on “Revert to classic templates → Revert to classic template”.

1. Download the template and unzip the file (you can use a free unzipper software).


2. Go to your blog template section (Dashboard → Template → “Backup / Restore” button).

In the old Blogger design: Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML .

3. Backup your previous template (Download full Template).

In the old Blogger design:


4. Find and upload the xml file of your template.

5. If you see a warning like following:


Click “keep widgets“.

6. Enjoy! :)

Why I can’t install a template? Blogger gives an error.

There are several possible factors that cause an error Bx-xxxx:

The code is directly copied, and Blogger did ‘t interpret it.
Temporarily Blogger  is not accepting  templates with certain codes or gadgets.
Possible solutions:

Remove widgets or gadgets that come with the template downloaded.
Clear your browser’s cookies.
Trying to upload the template with a different browser (Opera, Firefox, Chrome).
No copy and paste the code directly, upload the xml file.
Wait 24 hours and try again.

How do I log in to my blog without the navbar?

The Blogger navbar is just a plug and provides a shortcut to enter your blog, but you can always log in from Blogger.com.

How do I customize my template?

For color and the font size, some Blogger templates offer an option to change it from the Dashboard (Dashboard → Design → Template designer → Advanced or Dashboard → Template → Customize → Advanced in the new Blogger design). Here, you can see the result directly in the template.


Major changes in the templates needed to know at least a little CSS and HTML. A quick way to modify a template is change the images in the CSS code, for others with the same dimensions. That is the process to change the header of a design, for example.

Additionally, some templates have their own settings instructions and customization, refer to the same download page of your template.

How can I edit the menu of my template?

1. Most templates have a menu that can only be edited from the HTML (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design). In many cases the code to look for is like:

    <li class='current'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
    <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>Posts RSS</a></li>
    <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/comments/default&quot;'>Comments RSS</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Edit</a></li>
There you can edit the expr:href=’…’ code, with your own links: href=’http://mylink…’. Also see the instructions in your template for more information.

2. Some templates include a link list widget or a pages widget to edit the menu directly from the Dashboard.

For link liks widget: Dashboard → Design → Page Elements. Or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design.
For pages widget: Posting → Edit pages → New pages. Or Dashboard → Pages → New Page in the new Blogger design.

How to go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates

If you are using the new Blogger templates, called Dynamics Views, you don’t have access to most templates on the web.

To go back from Dynamics Views to standard templates you only need:

Go to Template designer (Dashboard → Design).
Click on “Revert to previous template”.
That’s it. Now each time you enter in ‘Design’ section, you will be able to upload custom templates again.

Why the date is displayed as “undefined” or this is not show?

Probably because you don’t choose the right date format. The format should be changed from the panel and usually the correct types are:

1. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Date Header Format



2. Dashboard → Settings → Language and formatting → Timestamp Format


Read the instructions of your template located on the download page.

Why some images in my template disappeared?

Although we host the largest number of images in Blogger, images may suddenly disappear because:

The images were removed from the original hosting.
You use a own domain.
Solution: Download the template from BTemplates again, or from the page’s original author and re hosts the images on an external service such as Photobucket, or ImageShack.

How to add the comment form to my template?

Blogger recently added the Comments Form within the same template, below the individual posts, if your template does not have the form there, you may need to manually add it or activate it.

To add it manually:

Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
Replace that code with the following:
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
          <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
          <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
            <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>

To activate it:

Enter the options panel comments (Dashboard → Settings → Comments).
And in the “Comment Form Placement” section, select: Embedded below post.
Note: If you are using the new Blogger design, you will need back to the classic version and follow the two step above.

How do I add my feed of Feedburner to my blog?

On the menu: Many templates show the feed in the top menu, to change the default feed for feedburner, go to your template code (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design) and search for:

<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>
Replace this with:

<a href='URL del feed en Feedburner'>
Now, in the settings panel of the feed ( Dashboard → Settings → Site Feed or Dashboard → Settings → Other → Post Feed Redirect URL in the new Blogger design) also add your Feedburner URL.

How do I translate my template to another language?

Directly in the template code. (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML or Dashboard → Template → Edit HTML in the new Blogger design), with a really simple process:

Using the browser search, find the text you want translate.
Replaces that text with your translation.
Repeat the process for all the words / phrases that you want to change.
The text within an image need to be changed with a image editor (eg. Gimp or Photoshop) and then, replace that image url with the edited image url.

What should I do after I install my template?

After installing a template, there are several things worth to check, update or modify, we recommend you to read our article with all the points.

How to display the navbar again in my template?

Easy! Enter in the code of your template (Dashboard → Design → Edit HTML) and search for:

#navbar-iframe {
Delete it and that’s it.

How to display the last posts or comments on the sidebar?

Enter the administrator page elements (Dashboard → Design or Dashboard → Layout in the new Blogger design).
Add a new feed widget, with the following URL’s:To show the recent posts:
To display the latest comments:

Why is my blog shows few entries per page?

Blogger recently implemented a mechanism called “auto pagination” to reduce the loading time of its blogs. This mechanism is to show less Blogger entries per page if it detects that the page is heavy to load.

To avoid that this happens, you can try to decrease the load time of your blog, some recommendations are:

Optimizing images. For example, using Smush.it or a free image editor like Gimp.
Eliminate unnecessary gadgets.
Use “read more” in your longer posts.
Optimize CSS code. For example, with CSS Optimizer.

Can I remove the template credits?

No, the vast majority of templates are licensed under a Creative Commons, GPL or similar license, thus removing the credits would be using an illegal copy of the same. You can simplify the credits or relocate, but not remove them. Remember that the templates are free, so keep the credits is a way to thank those who designed and / or adapted the template.

What does the icon of a gold medal in some templates?

We call them Free Premium Templates and highlight it with this icon because have an excellent graphic quality, are well designed for Blogger, bring additional features and / or are compatible with the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE7).

I sent a template, why is it not published?

Usually we receive a big number of templates, we try to publish as soon as possible and ensure a minimum quality in the published templates in BTemplates, some of the criteria that we use to approve a templates are:

An acceptable graphic and technical quality.
Compatible with most browsers.
No installation errors.
A license that allows distribution.
Please read our full publication guidelin

Best 50 ways Blogger follow when begins or start:Beginners guide.

 Hey the bloggers every workers need to earn more money by any ways.But the blogging path is not difficult or not also easy.

  • Make Plans before launching your blog.
  • Choose your blogging niche wisely, choose a niche in which you are expert.
  • Register a simple, unique and easy to remember domain name for your blog
  • Signup with some affordable and cheap WordPress hosting like Hostgator or Bluehost.
  • Use WordPress, It’s the best blogging platform with lots of features than Blogspot
  • Choose a perfect, SEO friendly and fast loading theme for your blog. I recommend Elegant Themes and ThemeJunkie
  • Learn SEO, it is too important if you want to take your blog to the next level
  • Don’t copy from anyone else blog. Instead Post unique content on your blog.
  • Make a STRONG network around your blog niche, it’ll help you to increase online presence as well as will make you famous soon
  • Update Blog Regularly. Don’t just publish another blog post instead publish something that your readers would love.
  • Start blog commenting and write guest post for other blogs to increase website traffic, Backlinks and exposure
  • Don’t dream big, instead set up goals.
  • Don’t always get topics from other blogs.
  • Build an Mail list. It is really important. Use Madmimi email marketing service, it’s free up to 2.5K subscribers and it’s too cheap as compared to mailchimp or aweber
  • Keep your posts simple. Write for readers not search engines. Because readers are the one who can make your blog post go viral.
  • Be kind towards your readers. Solve their problems, provide them freebies.
  • Blogging is not an overnight success. It require lot of time, efforts and hard work.
  • Don’t overload your blog with widgets. Use clutter free theme
  • Make your blog SEO friendly. Use premium themes and plugins like SEOPressor for WP
  • Link to other blogs in your niche more often, in return they would do the same!
  • Ask opinions about your blog from it’s readers (like I did)
  • Reply to every comment on your blog. It’s important!
  • Reply to almost every email that you get in your inbox from your blog readers, try to help them as much as you can.
  • Don’t use too many ads on your blog, remember your readers want to learn something new, they don’t just want to see ads on your blog.
  • Don’t copy others images to add them on your blog instead create your own images or use any free sites to get images for your blog posts
  • Quality of your content matters, not quantity. Write awesome content and detail article.
  • Subscribe to other blogs in your niche. Don’t just focus on your blog instead do focus on other blogs as well. If you follow this, your blog will be successful in short time.
  • Add useful pages in your blog like About, Contact, Archives and Privacy related.
  • Make Subscribing, Commenting and Contacting on your blog easier. Award your commentator as well.
  • Don’t quit blogging if you don’t not earning enough. Instead use blogging to learn new things and to build your name around. Blog to help people, not ‘just’ to earn.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why your blog posts were not shared and some body commented you were not getting comments.

Many new bloggers and some older bloggers were wonder why blog posts were not shared and commented by their audiences.
There were some reasons which force users to shares and comments on your articles. The below tips are some of those reasons..
Why Blog Posts Were Not Shared And Commented?
#1 articles is not unique and quality contents
Most of the people love to read educational articles which are fresh update information. They could learn about new knowledge which gives them the more experience and expertise learning.
You know?
They may want to share those value information or educational articles to their friends, colleges, and families since it valuable expertise development. That is a simple reason why blog posts were not shared and commented or nothing at all.
The readers will enjoy and share you articles, if you have written a quality post which included above benefits of learning.
#2 you have no private relationship
How many friends in your social media connection? And did you have a strong relationship with them?
Well, private relationship is majority reason of why blog posts were not shared and comment. I have 2k+ follower, 2k+ fans, and 1k+ friends connect, especially I have built strong relationship with those peoples.
Whenever, I shared some information into social media profile they always help to spread my information by shared and commented on the posts and make it popular social release. Therefore, to build a stronger relationship will configure out the problem and give you the answer why blog post were not shared and commented by other people.
I suggested you to spend at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to the community with others friend connect through to them and talk about some social relation.
Tips for Building Real Connections to Help Your Blog Succeed
#3 Shares unattractive posts
Some blogger just share only links which make other people complicated and wondering about what inside the link. Moreover, links could attract other social media users.
Now a day most of the people are very busy with their current job, thus they will never waste their time to click on some links and no valuable information.
The time constrain is another important reason of why blog posts were not shared and commented. Actually, most love to keep working and don’t want to interrupt their work without any benefit such your link.
To make those people skip their value time to click on your link you have to put some call actions such as added attractive image and brief information about value content inside the article.
#4 You Don’t have participant social media network group
Social media strategy is like WTO trading. None membership traders will gain less benefit from doing international trading.
You know there a group call CommentsDX which all members could exchange some comments with other members and gain the value of sharing to post of each other. When you ask a question why blog posts were not shared and commented, you should ask yourself that did you joint any networks or groups which benefit for increase more blog comments and sharing.
Proven Ways To Get More Traffic From Facebook
#5 you never share minds, why blog posts were shared and commented by me
When first time I start integrated social media as marketing strategy, I am afraid to share other bloggers and competitors posts.
I am really wondering about my audiences will move to other bloggers or to my competitors websites. But absolutely no, sharing other bloggers or competitors post will make audiences love you and enjoy more big resources of information entire your social profiles.
Sometime your post will be shared and commented by others since you always like or commented them.
Right now it is your turn
Thanks for reading my tip: why blog posts were not shared and commented. I think that it may not a unique idea to increase more share and comments, but I think that these above tips are still working. I believe that it will benefit for newbie bloggers to implement social media strategy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why bloggers fails to build their own blog readership.

Blogging needs efforts to grow and build its value for both readers as well search engines.
Just receiving traffic is not the goal of any blogger. The thing which we need is a powerful readership around our blog.
We need readers to read our content not just visitors who come and go back to another place for the information they are looking for.
One more thing we all know that readership is based on traffic. If you are receiving decent traffic then there are major chances to build readership. But readership is not totally dependent on traffic.
It depends on many factors which I’ll discuss today in this post and the reasons why bloggers fail to build strong and powerful blog readership.5 Reasons Why You Fail To Build Your Blog Readership
5 Reasons Why You Fail To Build Your Blog Readership
1. Writing Content for Search Engines
Most of newbie bloggers, when they start their blog, start posting anything they like to post without any proper knowledge of how to right best content.
Your content should not target the search engines. Try to right something under your niche that your readers like to read. If they like your content then they bring new traffic to your blog and also convert from visitors to readers.
12 Tips For Writing Engaging Content For Readers
2. Not Active on Social Media Sites
Social Media sites have proved themselves that they have the audience which you want for your business.
There are millions of regular visitors on major social media sites like facebook, twitter and now on Google Plus too. If you are not active on these great sources of traffic sites then you are really missing targeted audience as well valuable readers.
3. Poor Relationships with Existing Readers
I have examined many blogs where nobody is there to solve reader’s queries and doubts.
Blog owners just post content and sit relax.
They never take interest to communicate with their readers by replying to their comments. If you are also doing same then start communicating today with your readers because readers at early stage of blog are very important.
You should not ignore them if you are serious for your blogging goals.
4. Not Participating in Blogger’s Communities
Blogger’s communities and forums are one of the best sources of receiving targeted audiences.
There are numberless readers who are communicating from each other to share their views and ideas on particular topic. If you are not participating in those communities then really you are not fairing with your blog.
Generating quality content for your blog is not enough if you are not able to reach it to the correct audience. There are lot of big blogs with a strong readership and you have to target those readers. Start participating today in below best blog communities and forums to gain more exposure for your blog.
IndiBlogger.in (An Indian Blogger’s Directory)
5. Poor Consistency
One of the main reasons to fail to maintain blog readership is the consistency by which you are updating your blog.
You may be heard that we should post regularly to increase blog traffic but if you are not consistent with your blogging timings then you can never taste the real readership.
Your readers should be aware with your posting timings so that they can land on your blog at that time to read what you have written new in your blog. It will not only increase your blog readers but also you will gain trust of readers and search engines also by showing that you are really serious about your blog.
7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth
Final Words!
These were the 5 major reasons you may be failed to build a true readership for your blog.
If you feel that you are not working on any of the above strategies then start working today on it.
Check out the post here to learn how to build powerful online presence /readership and make blog successful in short time.
Believe me you will be happy with the results you will get after being active on these 5 hot reasons. Happy Blogging!

How and why to protect your adsense account from invalid click and click bombarding.

Do you know your Adsense Account is in danger, yeah this is not an April fool prank or anything like a joke, this is as true as you are breathing from some past days many bloggers experiencing heavy invalid activity in their Adsense account.

You may have also experienced that number of clicks are much more than as comparison of the Estimated Earnings, especially from some countries like United states clicks are coming fluently but no money, CPC from such countries lies somewhere between $0.01 – $0.04 which is too less and this Cost per Click clearly saying that these clicks you are getting on your Ads are not Genuine for sure.

Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?

Many Bloggers and Webmasters have lost their Adsense Ads in some past days because of this invalid activity or some other reasons.
How to know the Country from where invalid clicks are coming from ?

Many of you may already know about this but some don’t, so let me explain how to know from which country your Adsense Ads are getting unusually clicked, to find this out just follow these steps…

1.    Log in to your Adsense Account.

2.    Click on Overview this month.

3.    Select the Today date from the upper right corner.

4.    Now click on Countries from Left sidebar.

5.    Now carefully checkout the no. of clicks in front of each Country name.

If you detect any country from where clicks have been done but CPC from there are very low then it simply means that your Adsense Ads are in danger.
How to Protect Your Adsense Account?

See if you are getting unusual clicks on your Ads, then first of all you try to detect the IP(s) of clicker and if you successfully detect those IP’s then just block them to showing Ads so that they won’t see your Ads and this way they cannot click on your Ads.

If you’re unable to fetch the IP address from where clicks are being performed then you most recommended way to keep your Adsense account safe is that, you must stop showing ads on your site for at least sometime, because if you stop publishing ads on your sites for some time/days it may cause loss of some Dollars to you but if you cannot prevent it then you may loss your Adsense for forever, which sounds so bitter to any blogger.

Read: 5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense

It has been also seen sometimes that CPC are good and clicks are coming in bulks (more than expectations), but those were also invalid clicks.

To understand this better, suppose one person click on your Ad, Google gave you $2.0 for that one click which means click : 1 and CPC : $2.0 then 9 clicks are also done by an other person which are invalid clicks and Google haven’t gave you anything for those clicks, now your stats will show click : 10 and CPC : $0.20 which also looks good and generally we think it’s Ok if CPC is good but as you in example it’s not always okay.

So if you ever feel unusual increase in no. of clicks on your Ads you must report to Google regarding this to keep your side strong.
Click Bombing/ Invalid Clicks FAQ’s

    I lost my Adsense Account due to invalid activity on my account, what to do ?

When Google takes adsense away then they always mentions the reason behind it, so you need to ensure that it will not happen again in future and after that you can fill Appeal form provided by the Google to claim your Adsense account back, but don’t go for appeal form in hurry first of all you must take care of point they mentioned in their mail.

    I filled Appeal form, will I get Adsense(fill form now) back ?

Well nobody can say Yes for this question, it’s all depend on Google, if they realize that you have done good business with them in previous time then there are some hope you will get your Adsense back, but not sure for anyone.

    I filled Appeal form but no reply, what to do ?

You cannot do anything for this, all we can do is that we can fill Appeal form then Google will reply you back after taking their time, sometimes they takes 2-3 days for reply back.

    When I applied for Adsense back by `Appeal form` they rejected again, now what.

This is sad but ! even after they refused to give your adsense back to you, if you work on your blog continously for some months and you write valuable and original content then there are chances to have Adsense again on your blog, one of my friend have experienced it.

    Even after many try Google isn’t giving me Adsense back, now what to do ?

In this annoying situation you have some other ways to get income from your blog for that you can check this `Ways to Make Money without Adsense`.

If you don’t wanna go for it then you can think of another idea which is, you make another blog then apply for Adsense for that new blog and when you get Adsense for it you can use that Adsense account Ads on your both blogs the new one and old too.

If you think this article is even a bit useful it is requested to must share the info, Take care of your Adsense Account and also help others to do so.

Friday, July 19, 2013

How to check your blog or websites unique visits or search engine visits.

Hey guys we the blogger or websites maker want that how many peoples check our blogs or from where they come from through google search engine or from any other search engine  i.e why today on this page we are going to know that from where our sites have watched so follow my advice and take examples when you learn it.
You have blogger.com account and usually you make your to many blogs so you know the  pasting process of Html/JavaScript inside your blog.
Go to:Statcounter.com
make your account by sign up process

When you create your account in statcounter.com then there is option of
add project on the upper left side of your screen.
as like this:

Fill the form as it comes on your screen and get ready for check your unique visits and search engine war.
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